Chapter 21

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Things were going great with your channel. You were getting amazing feedback and everyone was loving seeing your face! You were even able to convince the other to do a few videos with you.
It was now nearing the end of January.
"Y/n," Clyde said as he approached you at your locker. Tweek and Craig with him as well. It was the end of the school day.
"What's up?" You ask.
"Uh, could you come with me to Bebe's locker? She hasn't really talked to me since New Year's and I'm nervous to go and talk to her... without you," he mumble the last part but you still heard.
"Yeah just let me finish gathering my stuff," you nod. You shifted through things. You took what you needed then walked with Clyde, Tweek and Craig to Bebe's locker.
When you got there you turned the corner first. You stopped dead in your tracks.
Bebe was kissing another boy. You turned around and stopped Clyde.
"Y/n?" Clyde gave you a confused look.
"Clyde, you do not want to see this," you whispered.
"See what?" Clyde tried to look over your shoulder.
"That fucking bitch," Craig muttered.
"What? What's going on?" Clyde asked desperately.
"Tweek, bring Clyde to the car," Craig said now urging Clyde to go away as well.
"No!" Clyde pushed you off to the side. You fell to the floor, but that didn't hurt more then seeing the look of disbelief on Clyde's face. "Bebe?!"
Bebe gasped and looked at Clyde.
"Clyde!" She exclaimed. She pulled away from the boy she had been kissing.
"I can't believe it, how long has this been going on!?" Clyde asked. You got up and brushed yourself off.
"A few months buddy," the boy said. This fucking bitch. Clyde looked at Bebe for confirmation. Bebe just nodded slowly.
"I was going to break up with you, but you were just so in love with me, I didn't know how to!" Bebe tried to defend herself.
"Clyde, Tweek, go to the car... Craig and I will be out in a few minutes," you said as you gently ushered Clyde towards Tweek. You handed Tweek your car keys.
"Yeah alright," Clyde whispered. He sounded so defeated. Tweek and Clyde walked towards the school entrance.
"Clyde! Wait!" Bebe exclaimed.
"Let her have it," Craig whispered. He smirked slightly.
"Fuck off! You fucking bitch," you said as you turned to Bebe.
"Hey that's no way to talk to a lady!" The guy snapped.
"A lady? And are you her 'gentleman'? Encouraging her to cheat on someone who treated her like fucking queen?!" You snapped.
"She needed someone who wasn't a pussy," the guy rolled his eyes. You wanted to punch him right in the face.
"Yeah, Clyde's sensitive and over emotional at times, but you know what? It's better then being a piece of shit," you glared at him.
"Hey!" Bebe now whined.
"Oh shut the fuck up!" You snapped as you looked at her. Bebe flinched.
"Listen, I don't care that your famous, I will still kick your ass," the boy said.
"You wont lay a fucking hand on him," Craig now butted in.
"Wow, you resort to violence. That's pitiful," you mumble," anyways, I hope you get pregnant and ruin your life! And I hope your not the father and you find out she's fucking another guy! Have a cherry old day!"
You smiled falsely at the two. Then looked at Craig.
"Let's go," you say. Craig glared back at the two.
"Yeah," he nods and the two of you walk away. You pulled out your phone and called Mark. You would have to cancel your Minecraft session.
"Hey! What's up?" Mark asked as he answered.
"Hey, I'm going to have to cancel tonight, sorry something came up," you said. Both your hands and voice were shaking as you talked.
"That's fine, is everything okay?" Mark asked, concern filling his voice.
"Everything is... ah, not.... I'm just very livid," you admitted.
"What happened?" Mark asked.
"Just relationship drama, bot with me but with a friend," you said.
"Oh! I see, well I hope it gets better for you and your friend."
"Yeah... thanks. Anyways I need to get going, I'll talk to you later."
"Yep, alright, talk to you later, if you need anything don't be afraid to call, or text," Mark said.
"Alright, bye."
"Buh bye."
You hung up the phone and set it back in your pocket.
"Dude are you going to be okay?" Craig asked.
You took a deep breath as you exited the school. You and Craig weaved through the parking lot to your car. The passenger door was open. Clyde sat in the passenger seat facing out of the car, crying while Tweek gently rubbed his back.
"Come here," you said and hugged Clyde tightly. He wrapped his arms around your waist and cried into your chest. "Shh, shh, its okay... it's going to be okay..."
It took a few minutes for Clyde to calm down. You pulled away and looked him in the eyes as you gently cupped the side of his face. Tears were still gently falling.
"Months... it was going on for months... am I really that shitty of a boyfriend?" Clyde asked.
"No, you're not. Today Bebe lost something amazing. She lost the most loyal, sweetest, kindest, bravest person ever known. You deserve so much more if that bitch wasn't able to see how amazing you were," you said.
"You mean it?" Clyde sniffled.
"With all my heart," you say. You gently kissed his forehead and hugged him again.
"Thank you, Y/n," he whispered.
"Your welcome," you sighed and pulled away," now how about we go get some break up ice cream, and pizza logs? Then we'llgo back to my house and watch movies of play Mariokart or somethinglike that."
"Wait aren't you recording with Mark tonight?" Clyde asked.
"Already cancelled, you're more important," you said.
"That's a nice thought," Clyde laughed nervously.
"You are though Clyde, Minecraft with Mark can wait, you need me right now," you said.
"Okay," Clyde sniffled.
You looked at Tweek and Craig.
"You two joining us?" You asked. The two looked at each other. You walked over to the driver seat.
"Do you want to?" Craig asked Tweek.
"Sure," Tweek nodded. You checked your phone to see how much time you had left before you had to pick up Lilith.
You had about forty five minutes.
"Alright we'll hit the store, pick up Lilith then head to my house."
Everyone had gotten there own pint of ice cream and you got pizza logs and fries as well.
When you got home you put the food into the oven. Everyone gathered on the couch well Lilith ran upstairsto her room.
You took the empty spot inbetween Clyde and Tweek.
"Okay what's everyone in the mood for?" You asked.
"We should play some Mariokart," Craig suggested.
"Yeah! That sounds fun," Clyde nodded. You got the switch set up and put in Mariokart.
Craig and Tweek left around eight while Clyde was staying the night.
"How are you feeling?" You asked as you and Clyde headed back up to your room.
"I still feel like shit... but not as much like shit... I just can't believe it... I didn't think I was that bad of a boyfriend," Clyde said.
"You weren't, Bebe just didn't see that you were amazing. I know you hold her opinion highly, but Bebe was not good for you," you said.
"Yeah... I guess," Clyde shrugged.
"It'll get better," you sighed and hugged him.
"I hope so," he mumbles.
"How about we watch something to get your mind off things," you said.
"Yeah, let's do that."
You put on a movie for you and Clyde to watch, but honestly it just ended up being background noise as you two started talking.
Around midnight you noticed Clyde was starting to get tired.
"You ready for bed?" You asked Clyde.
"Yeah," he mumbled," I'll see you in the morning."
Clyde stood up and started to leave the room to go to the guest room.
"Wait!" You quickly grabbed his wrist.
"Huh?" Clyde hummed as he looked at you.
"Stay with me tonight," you blushed. Clyde's face turned deep red as well.
"I-uh- sure! Okay!" Clyde nodded. You pulled back the covers and let Clyde sit back down.
"Do you want to borrow a pair of sweatpants?" You asked.
"Please," Clyde nodded. You slid off your bed and walked over to your dresser. You pulled out a pair of sweatpants for you and Clyde.
You both changed then got back into bed.
You felt nervous though.... well it's not like you didn't sleep in the same bed at his house. Maybe it was because he did have the option to sleep somewhere else here. You pushed the feeling away.
"Do you think I'll find love ever again?"
"Pfft, of course! What makes you think you wouldn't?"
"Well... Bebe didn't seem to think I was worth loving."
"Fuck Bebe. She didn't realize what an amazing person she had."
"I'm sorry, I'm trying to help."
"Its okay."
"It'll get better."
You hugged Clyde tightly. Clyde melted into your arms.
"Mmhm.... goodnight Y/n..."
"Goodnight Clyde."
In the morning you took Lilith and Clyde out for breakfast since it was a Saturday.
"I have to go to the bathroom!" Lilith announced as she slid out of the booth. You smiled as she walked away.
"How are you feeling this morning?" You asked Clyde as you took a sip of your hot coco.
"Better, I think? I don't know... my mind is just so jumbled. I'm trying to wrap my brain around everything... maybe I shouldn't thoug. We were in a relationship for two years... almost three. I wish she would have just told me that she was unhappy," Clyde said.
"Yeah, I can only imagine how hard it is. I'm sorry that this had to happen to you. You really are such an amazing person," you said.
"Haha, thanks," Clyde blushed.
"And I'm sure you'll find someone else, I'll help you, if you would like," you said. Even if it wasn't you, you still wanted to Clyde happy in a relationship.
"Awe, really?" Clyde asked.
"Of course," you nod.
"Do you think anyone's interested in me right now?" Clyde asked.
"Maybe," you shrug.
"Hmmm," Clyde hummed.
Lilith returned and sat back down next to you.
"What did I miss?" Lilith asks.
"Not much, Y/n and I were just talking about finding someone else for me... I don't think anyone's interested though," Clyde sighed.
"I could think of someone," Lilith smirked. You looked at her with warning eyes. Lilith quickly caught your glance and tensed up.
"Really? Who?" Clyde asked," you don't know anyone in our grade."
"Yes I do! I know you and Tweek, Craig, Token, Nichole, Butters, Kyle and Kenny!" Lilith stated.
"But all those people are dating someone," Clyde said.
"Okay yeah true. Maybe I can't think of anyone then," Lilith sighed," sorry."
"It's okay," Clyde nodded.
"We'll find you someone," you said.
"Yeah! Thanks!" Clyde smiled.
You finished up breakfast then spent he day with Lilith and Clyde.

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