Chapter 12

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Thanksgiving break was a lot more relaxed then you had expected and just as you predicted, your parents didn't come home.
"So were spending Thanksgiving with Clyde hm?" Lilith said as you two were eating dinner.
"Yeah, what about it?" You asked.
"Nothing... but I must ask, do you like him?" Lilith asked with a smirk.
"No, what would give you that impression?" You asked. Lilith pulled out her phone and played the clip of you and Mark talking about your crush.
"I can't think of anyone else who it could be," she said.
"It was said for public interest," you lied. You were genuinely confused, you did not want to be falling in love. That shits only ever left you abandoned and empty.
"Uh huh," Lilith said skeptically.
"Listen, I don't think I could bring myself to fall in love with someone. Knowing me I would hurt them because I get scared and push them away," you sighed as you stabbed the roasted potatoes.
"But the best people wouldn't let you," Lilith said.
"Even if I liked Clyde... he has a girlfriend," you sighed.
"Bebe? She's a whore," Lilith said.
"Lilith," you said in a scolding tone.
"Right sorry, but it's TRUE!" Lilith defended herself.
"Its fine, just don't go calling people whores. Even if it may be true," you said.
"Yes sir!" Lilith saluted you.
On Thanksgiving day you still made pumpkin pie to bring to Clyde's house.
You knocked on the front door with Lilith standing next to you.
"Hey!" Clyde answered the door. He let the two of you in.
"Hi, I made pie," you said and handed him the pie. You and Lilith both hung your jackets up and took off your shoes.
"Oh nice!"
"Hey Cly-! Ooo a boy!"
A boy about yours and Clyde's age walked into the foyer. A girl a little younger stood next to him.
"Why didn't you tell us you had a boyfriend!" The girl exclaimed. Your face turned deep red and you looked away.
"W-we aren't together," Clyde laughed nervously.
"Are you still with Bebe?" The girls asked.
"Of course," Clyde said.
"Ugh, anyways I'm Anna," the girl let out her hand. Lilith took it immediately.
"Lilith, I love your aesthetic," Lilith said. Anna laughed,
"I'm Henry," the boy said.
"Hello, I'm Y/n," you said.
You hadn't realized it but Clyde had just returned.
"Come on, I'll introduce you to the rest of my family," Clyde brought you and Lilith into the living room. Football was playing on the tv there were two men and a women on the couch.
"Oh, Clyde who's your friend?" One of the men asked.
"This is Y/n and his sister Lilith. Y/n and Lilith this is my aunt Lori, and my uncles Rick and Michael," Clyde said.
"Hello nice to meet you," you nodded.
"Hi!" Lilith smiled.
"Do you want anything to drink?" Clyde asked.
"Just water please," you said.
"What do ya got?" Lilith asked.
"Just come with me," Clyde said he brought the two of you to the kitchen.
"Hi Mr Donovan," you greeted Clyde's dad. He was just pulling a green bean casserole out of the oven.
"Oh hi Y/n!" He greeted. Mr Donovan set the casserole on the counter. He turned to you and Lilith. "This must be your sister."
"Yep, I'm Lilith, nice to meet you!" Lilith smiled.
"Well you're definitely different," Mr Donovan commented.
"Yeah Y/n's kind of loner," Lilith shrugged.
"Water," Clyde said as he handed you a glass.
"Thanks," you hummed.
"Now Lilith what do you want to drink?" Clyde showed Lilith the fridge.
"Ooo is it okay if I have Root Beer?" Lilith asked.
"Yeah of course!" Clyde grabbed the can and handed it to Lilith.
"Well dinner is done, you want to get everyone?" Mr Donovan asked.
"Yeah!" Clyde smiled as he walked out of the kitchen.
"Here are your plates," Mr Donovan handed both you and Lilith a plate.
"Thanks," you said in unison.
You didn't get very much food. Lilith on the other hand got quite a bit. You all sat down at a rectangular table.
"So Y/n, Lilith, what has you having dinner with us this year?" Clyde's Aunt Lori asked.
"I'm parents are business people... they work a lot so... we rarely get to see them," you said. It was mostly true. Your parents could technically take time off anytime they wanted. They just didn't want to see you, Lilith they would be fine with seeing.
"Oh wow I'm sorry," she apologized.
"No it's okay," you mumbled.
"Why do you talk in such a low monotone voice?" Anna asked. Lilith looked at you.
"I don't really like talking to people so the monotone voice is supposed to be dull and uninviting," you explained. You looked at Clyde. "Unfortunately someone still started talking to me."
"Haha, but I've made your life better," Clyde chuckled.
"Yeah, I suppose," you smiled.
"Are you sure you two aren't dating?" Henry asked.
"Positive," you blushed.
"Y-yeah I'm with Bebe still! I told you this!" Clyde said. Lilith leaned over to Anna and whispered something. Anna giggled and nodded.
The rest of dinner went by smoothly and around nine o'clock you and Lilith headed home.
"Bye thank you for having us," you said as Clyde hugged you.
"Be safe getting home, text me when you get there," Clyde said.
"I will," you said as you pulled away. You and Lilith headed out to the car. When you got home you went to your room and texted Clyde telling him you made it okay.
You kicked off your boots and took your jacket off.
Something fell from your coat pocket. It looked like a necklace. It was the one Lilith was wearing. She must of stuffed it into your pocket instead. You sighed and headed to her room.
"Hi mom!... Yeah, Happy Thanksgiving!... What did I have? Well a bunch of stuff... mashed potatoes, turkey, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, and there was even dessert! How was your day? Oh, I'm sorry... I'm sure it'll get better... yeah love you too bye. Hi dad, yeah I had a good day, happy Thanksgiving!.... that's good isn't it? You'll be able to come home!.... oh, right sorry.... Alright I love you too, bye."
You sighed and knocked on Lilith's bedroom door.
"Come in!" Lilith said. You opened the bedroom door.
"You shoved your necklace in the wrong pocket," you said and handed it to her.
"Oh uh thanks... did you...?" She asks.
"Yeah... it's fine," you tried not to sound dejected.
"Are you sure?" She asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you shrug.
"Alright well I'm heading to bed. Goodnight Y/n," Lilith said.
"Yeah goodnight," you nod.
"Love you!"
"Love you too!"
You went to your room and sat at your desk. You pulled out your phone and wished America a 'Happy Turkey Day'
*Bebe's Pov*
"Do you really think we should be doing this?" Luke asks.
"Ugh how many times do I have to tell you we'll be fine, Clyde hasn't found out yet has he?" I retaliated. I kissed him again passionately.
"Yeah, when are you going to break up with him it's been almost six months," Luke sighed.
"Eventually, he would be crushed and he wouldn't know what to do. I don't know what he would do," I reply.
"What? Would he off himself or something like that?" Luke asked.
"Probably, he's a little pussy," I sighed.
"Haha yeah," Luke chuckled.
"I'll do it soon though baby," I smiled and kissed his lips once more.
"I love you baby girl," Luke says.
"I love you too daddy," I smirked, knowing he loves that pet name.

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