Chapter 11

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Ah the month of November. In a few weeks it would be Thanksgiving then after it would be Christmas. (Sorry if you celebrate something else).
On this particular Saturday evening you had plans to record Minecraft with Mark. Then on Sunday you were going to hang out with Clyde at his house.
You made yourself tea then headed up to the attic. You put on your half mask and got your recording equipment ready.
Just in time. A message popped up on your screen 'Incoming Call'
"Hello!" You answered.
"Hey, you ready?" Mark asks.
"Yeah, just need the server information," you say as you pulled up multi-player Minecraft.
"Right its," Mark started then gave you the info. You loaded into the world.
"Hello," you hummed.
"Okay, ready to start recording?" Mark asks.
"Yep," you nodded.
You both clicked record.
"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and today I am here with," Mark started.
"Hello ladies and gents I am S/n, a delight to be here," you continued.
"And we are playing Minecraft," Mark said as his character spun around. You had spawned by a forest.
"I'm gonna go get wood," you ran to the forest.
"Yeah I'll join you," Mark nodded.
-Highlights from playing Minecraft-
"Do you have sticks on you?" You asked Mark.
"Yeah here," Mark said and gave you a few sticks.
"Thank you daaaaaaaaank ass Lixian," you said. You almost called Mark dad again.
"Dank ass Lixian?" Mark chuckled.
"Yes, thank you Dank ass Lixian," you confirmed.
"Okay," Mark laughed.
Wolf was blown up by creeper
Wolf was blown up by creeper
Wolf was blown up by creeper
"Nooooo!" You cried.
"What? What happened?" Mark asks.
"They died... a creeper just killed my dogs," you cried once more.
"Oh, I'm sorry," Mark said.
"They're dead Mark... I'll never be able to get them back," you said.
"Oh I'm sorry bud. We can get you new dogs," Mark said.
"Okay," you sniffled.
"I'm gonna name this one Clyde," you said as you looked at the snow golem. Your face turned deep red... you didn't mean to think about Clyde so much it just kind of happened.
"Clyde?" Mark echoed.
"Yeah... I like the name Clyde," you nodded.
"Its a good name," Mark hummed.
It was silent as you were in deep thought about Clyde. (You had been ever since you name the golem.) He was definitely different and you liked that... a lot. His personality was amazing... Clyde was kind, caring, energetic, friendly, compassionate and a little bit of a suck up, but that was okay....
"Hey Mark?" You asked.
"What's up?"
"When? When do you know you really like someone? Like when you feel like you want to date them?"
"Oh! Um, alright describe them to me."
"Uh, well they're really sweet, they try their best to make sure everyone is happy, I know they make me happy, they don't realize it but they've made my life better," you said. Your heart fluttered, you actually admitted it out loud!
"Sounds like love," Mark declared. You inhaled sharply.
"Ah. Okay, that's scary," you laughed nervously.
After recording with Mark the two of you talked a bit more then said your good byes. You headed back down to your room. It was weirdly nice outside. The snow was gently falling and the sky was only slightly grey.
You went downstairs to see Lilith playing Undertal on the switch.
"Ugh I can't get past Mettaton! Y/n can you help me?" She looked at you.
"Yeah," you nod and sat down next to her. She handed you the controllers and you started playing for Lilith.
The rest of your guy's night was spent doing sibling shit and having fun.
"Goodnight Lilith," you said and walked to the door.
"Goodnight Y/n...," Lilith mumbled. You left her bedroom and went to your own.
You sat next to Clyde on his bed, the two had just got done playing Cuphead after dying so many times.
"So what are you doing during Thanksgiving break?" Clyde asks.
"Same thing I do every year. Stay home ignore the world. Make Thanksgiving dinner for Lilith and I," You shrugged.
"What about your parents?" Clyde asked.
"They never come home for the holidays," you sighed.
"What? Why? The holidays are supposed to be about family!"
"Its.. uh... Nevermind. They're just always busy," you shrug. You were going to say it was your fault, and in a sense it was. Your parents hated you. You wouldn't expect them to come home. Maybe to see Lilith, but you? No...
"Then spend Thanksgiving with us!" Clyde suggested.
"What? No, I couldn't burden your family like that," you sighed. Clyde punched your arm. "Ow! What was that for?"
"Do not call yourself a burden! You are a beautiful human being and I love you!" Clyde said.
"You love me?" You asked, genuinely shocked. Clyde's cheeks dusted pink.
"Platonically yeah," Clyde nodded.
"Right! Sorry I misinterpreted what you said!" Your face turned deep.
"How- oh! No! I didn't mean it like that!" Clyde said flustered. He laughed nervously.
".... so spending Thanksgiving with your family! Should we go ask your dad?" You asked Clyde.
"Yeah! Definitely!" Clyde grabbed your wrist and pulled you off the bed with him. The two of you headed downstairs.
"Hello boys."
Clyde's dad looked away from the tv and at the two of you.
"Hey dad can Y/n and his sister spend Thanksgiving with us?" Clyde asked. Clyde's dad looked confused.
"What about his family?" He asks.
"They don't usually come home for Thanksgiving," you shrug," its usually only Lilith and I."
"Who makes the food?" Clyde's dad asks.
"I do," you sighed.
"Wow, uh... yeah I don't see a problem in them spending Thanksgiving with us," Clyde's dad shrugged.
"Thank you," you smiled.
You and Clyde ran back upstairs.
"See now you and Lilith don't need to be alone! And you don't have to stress about making everything yourself," Clyde said. He plopped down onto the bed. You sat down next to him. There was a slight silence. Music played in the background. Your brain went back to earlier. 'I love you.' Your heart beat faster. He only meant it platonically...
Why... why did that hurt?
You didn't want him to mean it platonically...
You wanted him to mean it genuinely.
"Hey Clyde," you said and looked at him. Even if he didn't mean it, you knew you did.
"Hm?" Clyde hummed.
"I love you too," you said.
Clyde's face turned deep red and he smiled at you.

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