Chapter 15

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*Clyde's Pov*
It was the week before Christmas. I was over at Bebe's house, but I just kept thinking about Y/n.
I wanted to help him... help him come out to the world. How would I even help him with that? S/n has helped me so much through the shitty times in my life. Like holy shit he's my hero! I've been friends with someone famous this whole time! Not that I care about the fame.... but I KNOW one the answer to one of the internet's biggest mysteries.
"Clyde!" Bebe snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Yes? What? I'm sorry!" I said quickly.
"You're zoned out," she whined," what's going on?"
"Its nothing, I'm just a little stressed," I sigh.
"Anything I can help with?" Bebe asked as she gently kissed my neck. A shiver shot down my spine.
"I'm fine baby," I chuckled. Bebe kissed my neck again only this time sucking on the spot. I let out a light groan. Bebe pulled away from my neck with a smirk.
"Are you sure?" She asked.
"Yeah," I blushed. She smiled innocently then laid her head back down on my chest.
In the end I decided to ask Craig for help since he has a very anxious boyfriend.
"So Craig," I said as I sat across from him in homeroom.
"Yeah?" He asked.
"Hypothetically, you want to talk to someone about something, but you know its something very hard for them to talk about, but you know this conversation needs to happen. How do you prevent them from panicking?" I asked.
"Are you breaking up with Bebe? Because it's about damn time," Craig said.
"What? No! I'm not breaking up with Bebe!" I said. Craig huffed then said,
"If you know the conversation is going to be hard for them make sure they're in a comfortable place. Do not tell them you need to talk to them over text, that causes a major panic attack. Calmly adress the situation, tell them you know it will be hard to talk about but its something that needs to happen."
"Hm, alright thanks that'll help a lot," I nodded.
"Who are you trying to talk to anyways?" Craig asks. I guess it wouldn't hurt to say who.
"Y/n," I sighed.
"Is he okay?" Craig asked, he sounded really concerned.
"Yeah he's okay," I nod," there's just something I want to talk to him about. I know he's not going to like it."
"Mmm, I see," Craig said.
*Normal Pov*
You were booked, you had like no free time, not until winter break started. Holidays were always stressful for you. You had to plan with Mark, Arin and Dan since they all lived in LA, which you were taking a trip to. Then you had to see if Lilith could stay somewhere else while you were traveling.
You still had to get a last few Christmas gifts for Lilth and Clyde, and small gifts for your other friends. You also needed gifts for when you went down to LA to see everyone.
"Yeah, I'll be coming up the twenty sixth, seventh and eighth," you said. You continued to discuss further plans with Mark.
"Alright, are you staying at a hotel or... with family?" Mark asks.
"Hotel," you shrugged.
"You could always stay with Amy and I, that is if your comfortable with that," Mark said," we can figure out a way to where we don't see your face!"
"That would be kind of hard Mark... but I'll think about it," you said.
"Alright," Mark hummed," now are you driving or flying?"
"Driving to Denver then flying," you said.
"Do you live in Colorado?" Mark asks.
"I do, anyways I got other shit I need to do, I'll talk to you later," you said.
"Hey wait!" Mark stopped you from hanging up.
"What's up?" You asked.
"Don't you feel like your overworking yourself?" Mark asks.
"Maybe, but once winter break starts I'll be able to relax," you say.
"... Alright, don't push yourself to far kiddo. I'll talk to you later," Mark said.
"Yeah talk to you later," you said and hung up with Mark. Now you had to call Arin and make plans with him.
"Hey what's up?" Arin asks.
"Hello, I figured out the days I'll be down," you say.
"Nice when will we be able to see you?" Arin asks.
"I have plans with Mark on the twenty sixth, but I'm free the other two days," you said.
"Would you wanna do a ten minute power hour with us? And maybe even a Guest Grumps episode?" Arin asks.
"Yeah that sounds good," you said," what day?"
"Twenty seventh?" Arin asks.
"Yeah that works," you nod.
"How are you getting here?" Arin asks.
"Driving to Denver then flying," you said.
"Nice, will you be staying with anyone?" Arin asks.
"Just at a hotel. Mark offered for me to stay with him, but that may be a bit difficult," you said," I'm still thinking about it."
"I see, I would definitely consider it," Arin says.
"I will," you nod," alright, I gotta go, I'll talk to you more later."
"Yeah, have a good day," Arin said. You hung up the call.
After all of your calls you went back to editing videos.
You didn't finish until closer to midnight. You were exhausted. You dragged yourself down to your room and collapsed onto your bed.
Just a few more days of business then you would be able to take time to yourself.
It was the day right before winter break, and literally no one was doing anything. It was a pajama day as well, so you wore sweatpants, an oversized hoodie and slippers.
"You look comfy," Clyde said as he approached you at your locker.
"Definitely," you nodded," and so do you."
Clyde had a Dinosaur onesie on with Dinosaurs slippers.
"Yeah, I really like my pajamas!" Clyde smiled.
"So you wanna help me deliver gifts?" You ask. "You know home rooms better then I do."
"Of course," Clyde smiled. You pulled out multiple small gift bags from your bookbag.
"Okay who's closest?" You asked.
"Well who do you got?" Clyde asks.
"Craig, Tweek, Token, Nicole, Butters, Kenny, and Kyle," you said. Clyde looked disappointed you didn't say his name, but quickly brushed it off.
"Well Butters and Kyle are closests," Clyde said. Clyde lead you to Butters and Kyle's home room.
When you entered the homeroom Kyle, Butters, and Stan were in the corner talking.
"I have a delivery," you said as you approached the three. You sorted through the bags then handed Kyle's and Butters theirs.
"Oh wow thanks, you didn't have to do this," Kyle smiled. He removed the tissue paper to reveal a small plushie of a penguin, Butters got a dog.
"Thanks Y/n," Butters smiled.
"No problem, I'll see you guys before the end of the day, but happy holidays," you smiled.
"Yeah happy holidays," they said in unison. You and Clyde walked out of the classroom.
"Whose next?" You ask.
"Nicole and Kenny," Clyde replied.
"Lead the way," you said.
You entered Kenny and Nicole's homeroom and gave them their gifts, which they were obviously grateful for. Then it was Token and Tweek, and finally Craig.
"Thanks dude, guess your not as much of an ass as I thought," Craig joked.
"Just open it." You rolled your eyes playfully. Craig pulled out the tissue paper to reveal a small rainbow cat plushie (Tweek had also gotten something rainbow)
"Thanks, I actually like it," Craig said.
"Yeah? I'm glad, well I should get to homeroom, see you two in history," you said.
You sat in the back corner with Clyde during history.
"So what are you doing during break?" Clyde asks.
"Well I'm free the twenty third and fourth, then its Christmas, then the twenty sixth, seventh and eighth I'm going to LA. Then when I come back I'm free the rest of break," you said.
"Will your parents be coming home?" Clyde asks.
"Probably not," you shrug. "Oh! And we'll have to get together for me to give you your present."
"Oh I'm sorry about your parents.... and... you got me a gift?" Clyde asks.
"Why wouldn't I?" You asked.
"Eh," Clyde shrugged.
"Eh?" You laughed.
"Uh anyways, will Christmas Eve work? I'm not doing anything that day," Clyde said.
"Yeah, you could even make cookies with Lilith and I," you suggested.
"Ooo really?" Clyde asks.
"I don't see why not," you reply. Clyde smiled as he quickly hugged you.
"Its going to be great," he hummed.
"Yeah," you blushed and hugged Clyde back.
A few minutes later, Tweek, Craig, Kenn, Butters and Token joined the two of you.
-Christmas Eve-
What did you get Clyde? You got him a hoodie of his favorite band, a pair of fuzzy socks, some of his favorite candy and a rubber bracelet from the S/n merch store.
You were stirring hot coco as Lilith sat at the table.
"So will I be able to open a present?" Lilith asks. She had asked so innocently.
"One," you reply.
"Yes! I'll have to thank Clyde when he gets here!" Lilith exclaimed. You smiled lightly.
"Heh, yeah, do you want to start getting stuff around? We're doing cookies then gifts," you said.
"Yeah!" Lilith nodded as she got up. She started getting ingredients for cookies around.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
You turned the burner on low then headed to the front door you opened it with a smile.
"Hey," you beamed.
"Hello," Clyde greeted back as you let him inside. He carried two gift bags.
"Here let me take those if you want to head to the kitchen," you said and grabbed the bags.
"Yeah," Clyde smiled. You brought Clyde's presents to the tree tucking them off to the side slightly. You went back to the kitchen. Clyde and Lilith were talking to each other happily.
You smiled and walked over to the stove you turned off the burner for the hot chocolate. You poured three mugs putting marshmallows on each.
"Hot coco's done," you said.
Clyde and Lilith both grabbed a mug. While they drank their hot coco you got the rest of what you needed for cookies.
After making all the cookies it was finally time for presents. You all sat on the couch with freshly baked cookies on the coffee table.
"Okay so Clyde will get his gifts first since he's our guest," you said as you walked over to the tree.
"Right I think I put his closer to the window," Lilith said as she munched with on a cookie. You grabbed both gifts and handed them to Clyde.
"The wrapped one is Lilith and the bag is mine," you said.
"Alright, I'll start with Lilith's gift."
Clyde peeled open the wrapping paper to reveal two funko pops taped together. (One was of Spider Man and the other Venom).
"I love it, thank you Lilith," Clyde smiled. Lilith hugged Clyde with a big grin.
"Okay now open Y/n's gift!" She smiled as she pulled away. Clyde grabbed the gift bag and removed the tissue paper.
He gasped as he pulled out the hoodie and fuzzy socks. He looked at you.
"There's more," you said. Clyde looked back in the bag his eyes lit up with happiness as he pulled out the candy, and bracelet.
"Self promotion much," Clyde joked as he looked at the bracelet.
"Yeah," you laughed with a slight blush of embarrassment. You were still getting used to him knowing.
"I love it," Clyde smiled," thank you."
You hugged him tightly with a soft smile.
"Can I go next?" Lilith asked.
"Yeah, I don't see why not," you agreed.
You and Clyde both got up to grab Lilith's gifts. You returned to the couch and gave them to her.
"I'll start with Y/n."
Lilith peeled off the wrapping paper to reveal a box that had a necklace in it. The necklace was a small rose with her birth stone in the center.
"Awe it's so pretty! I love it! Thank you Y/n!"
She hugged you tightly with a big grin.
"You're welcome."
"Okay time for Clyde!"
Lilith grabbed the gift bag and with hungry eyes pulled out the tissue paper.
She pulled out a mug with quite a bit of candy inside of it. Her eyes lit up with happiness.
"Thank you!" She smile and hugged Clyde once more.
"Okay Y/n it's your turn!" Lilith exclaimed as she pulled away from Clyde. "I'll grab your present as well."
Lilith walked over to the tree grabbing hers and Clyde's present. She returned to the couch handing them to you.
"I'll start with Clyde's," you said and pulled out the tissue paper. There was a t-shirt rested at the bottom of the bag. On top of the shirt was LED lights, a lava lamp and a funko pop of Juuzou from Tokyo Ghoul. You felt really overwhelmed with happiness. "Thank you."
You hugged Clyde with a bright smile.
"No problem... I thought maybe spicing up your set up a little would be nice," Clyde admitted.
"It will be thank you," you hummed and pulled away. You grabbed Lilith's gift and opened it. The present revealed another Funko Pop of Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul.
"Thank you Lilith," you hummed and hugged her.

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