Chapter 18

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"So that's why I started panicking so badly... I don't want to mess up again. I'm sorry," you sighed.
"What!? No your absolutely okay! You couldn't help it. You got scared," Mark said. He pat your back gently.
"Yeah that was not your fault," Arin said then looked at Dan.
"Don't look at me I didn't mean to hit him in the face!" Dan exclaimed," I'm sorry Y/n."
You tensed slightly at hearing Dan say your name.
"Its okay, I'm fine," you say. Mark was starring at you intensely.
"At Pax... you and that Clyde boy approached us right? We were at breakfast," Mark said.
"You remember that?" You ask.
"Yeah, I remember. You were really anxious," Mark nodded.
"Yeah, I didn't want any of you guys to draw two and two together," you sighed," but I'm so tired of hiding. I want to show the world who I am... I know deep down I do. I'm just so scared too. I don't want to disappoint anyone."
"Listen if there is one thing we all know about YouTube is that no matter how you present yourself your true fans will love you for who you are," Mark said.
"You should do what you think is best for you. You can't rush yourself though," Arin said.
"And when you come out to the world you'll have our support, every god damn step of the way," Dan finished.
You smiled softly.
"Thank you everyone."
"Alright now let's get you some (F/s)," Arin playfully nudged you.
"Yeah," you nod.
-Time Skip-
You ended up not recording a guest Grumps. Instead the evening was spent with Dan, Arin and Mark playing video games just casually.
"Do you feel better?" Mark asks as he started driving.
"Better?" You ask.
"Now that we've seen your face?" Mark asks.
"Oh! Uh... kind of? I don't know... I'm still just in the midst of processing," you sighed.
"Yeah I get it kiddo, you can't rush anything though. Remember that," Mark said.
"Yeah... I think when I get back home the first thing I'll do is talk to Clyde...," you sighed.
"That sounds like a good idea," Mark agreed. "Sooooo..."
"So what?" You asked.
"Is Clyde the person you like?" Mark asked. Your face turned deep red.
"What? Nonono! Oh my god, no! It's not Clyde," you said.
"It's Clyde," Mark confirmed.
"It is," you sighed.
"So why don't you ask him out?" Mark asks.
"He has a girlfriend," you sighed.
"Oh, I'm sorry," Mark says.
"Eh it's okay," you shrug.
"So what were you thinking for dinner tonight?" Mark changed the subject.
"I don't know what do you want to make?" You asked.
"I don't know it's up to you," Mark said.
"Ugh Maaaaark," you groaned. "Don't leave big decisions up to meeee."
"But you're our guest," Mark said.
"No, I'm your gremlin son," you said," I just happen to live fithteen hours away."
"My gremlin son? Is that what you think of yourself?" Mark laughed.
"Yeah, mainly the gremlin part," you shrug.
"What about the son part?" Mark asks.
"That was just added?" You hum.
"Just added? I'm offended," Mark says.
"Then be offended," you teased. Mark laughed.
When you got back to Mark's house you introduced yourself to Amy. She seemed happy that you were comfortable with her and Mark.
In the end Mark ended up ordering pizza. Amy had just a salad and went to bed early since she had stuff to do in the morning.
You and Mark sat on the couch and watched a movie. A half eaten pizza on the coffee table.
You were starting to get really tired but the movie wasn't over. You closed your eyes and rocked back and forth slightly.
"Come here kiddo," Mark said. He gently guided your head to his lap. He took the blanket that was on the back of the couch and laid it on top of you. "Get some rest."
Mark gently stroked your hair.
You couldn't fight it. You let yourself drift into a deep sleep.
When you woke up Chica was leaning on top of you. Your head was on a pillow. The scent of breakfast filled the air.
"Mmm," you groan as you sat up slowly. Chica yawned and stretched out. She licked your face then hopped off the couch. Chica made her way to the kitchen. You got off the couch and entered the kitchen as well.
"Good morning," Mark sang as he flipped sausage patties. You, sadly, would be leaving later today.
"Good morning," you nod as you sat at the island.
"How does eggs, sausage and toast sound?" Mark asks.
"Good," you hum.
"What time is your flight?" Mark asks.
"Noon," you sighed.
"Well its nine right now, so we got about two hours," Mark said as he plated the food. He set one in front of you, and sat down next to you with his plate.
You started eating and talking.
You, deep down, wish you could stay, but you wouldn't dare tell Mark about your parents. You wouldn't tell anyone... you could not risk you and Lilith getting separated. Besides South Park has Clyde and everyone else.
"Something on your mind?" Mark asks.
"Hm? No I'm fine," you say.
"Yeah... alright," Mark nodded.
"Well I'm gonna go get dressed and gather my stuff," you said and ran off before Mark could reply.
-A Few Hours Later-
"Be safe getting home okay?" Mark asks. Mark hugged you tightly. You hugged him back.
"Yeah, I'll let you know when I get home," you nod. You pulled away.
"I'll see you soon okay?" Mark asks.
"Yeah sounds good," you nod. You started to walk away.
"Oh and Y/n!" Mark said.
"Yeah?" You ask and turned to him.
"I love you kiddo," he said. You heart fluttered.
"I love you too, dad," you beamed. You watched as Mark melted a little. He smiled and waved goodbye.
You arrived in Denver around eight. You still had a four and a half hour drive. You sighed as you set your stuff in the back seat. You con acted your phone to the speaker and called Lilith.
"Hey Y/n!" Lilith answered the phone.
"Hey I just got to Denver. I. Gonna grab something to eat then I'll be on my way home. I'll be there between midnight and one," you said.
"Alright! I'll let Mrs Broflovski know!" Lilith said.
"Sounds good, I gotta get going know, love you," you said.
"Be safe driving, love you too," Lilith said. You hung up and made your way to Taco Bell.
You got into South Park around twelve thirty. You pulled into the Broflovski's driveway. You were tired at this point. You parked the car then hoped out. You knocked on the front door gently.
"Hello Y/n! Come on in!" Mrs Broflovski said as she stepped aside.
"Hi thank you," you said as you stepped in. "Lilith didn't give you any problems did she?"
"No! Not at all. She's an absolute sweetheart," Mrs Broflovski. Kyle came downstairs. He noticed you and smiled.
"Hey, nice to see you back in town," he said.
"Nice to be back home," you nod.
"Lilith and Ike are in Ike's room," Kyle said. He signalled you to follow him upstairs. You followed Kyle up the stairs. Kyle gently knocked on Ike's door.
"Come in."
Kyle opened the door.
"Y/n!" Lilith exclaimed as she ran to you and hugged you tightly.
"Hi Lilith," you gently ruffled her hair and hugged her back.
"So how was LA? Did you do lots of fun stuff?" She asks.
"LA was a lot of fun," you nod.
"Next time I want to come too," she said. You laughed lightly.
"We'll see," you said.
"Mmm," Lilith hummed. She pulled away from you then grabbed her charger, phone an bookbag.
"You ready to go?"
"Yeah, bye Ike!"
Ike and Lilith hugged and you two exited the room. Kyle following you two.
You went back downstairs.
"Thank you again Mrs Broflovski for having Lilith," you said.
"Yes! It was lovely! Any time you need someone to watch her we'll always gladly take her!" Mrs Broflovski smiled.
"Thank you, well have a goodnight," you said.
"Yes you two as well," Mrs Broflovski said.
When you got home you went right to your room threw your bag down then went to bed.

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