Chapter 6

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It was nine thirty in the morning. You were getting ready for your panel with the other.
Around ten thirty you headed to the main building getting stopped a few time to take pictures with fans.
By the time you got to the stage it was ten forty five. You saw Mark, Arin and Dan getting ready.
"Hey," you said and walked up to the three.
"Oh hi!" Arin jumped.
"Here's your microphone," Mark handed you yours.
"Thanks," you nod. You got yourself set up.
"Five minutes," Dan said and checked his phone.
"Alright let's go kick some ass," Arin said confidently.
"We got this," you nod.
Dan and Arin went out first greeting the crowd with smiles.
"Hey Dan, didn't we say there were going to be two special guests at this panel?" Arin said.
"We did Arin, and here they are now!" Dan signaled to you and Mark. You both turned on your microphones and headed out. You smiled and waved to the crowd. They were all happily cheering.
"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier!" Mark greeted the crowd.
"And I am S/n," you smiled at the crowd and waved. The crowd died down and Arin introduced the first activity.
You were able to keep your crown as King of Try Not to Laugh! And you were proud of yourself.
"How did you not laugh through any of that?" Arin asks in disbelief.
"I'm Gen Z," you shrug," you want us to laugh present us with a book of dark humor."
"Fair enough," Arin shrugged.
You moved onto Jackbox games then finally the Q and A started.
"Hi my name is Leah. This question is for S/n," the girl said.
"Go for it," you nod.
"Not that anyone is rushing you but... when do you think you'll be ready to show your face to the world?" She asks. You instantly tensed up and felt uncomfortable. Just thinking about making Y/n and S/n the same person was enough to make you start to panic. You pushed the feeling down and took a deep breath.
"I... I honestly don't know...," you replied softly. Your body was shaking though with your anxiety going through the roof.
"Okay! Next question!" Arin quickly said and the microphone was taken from the girl. You looked down at the ground avoiding the crowd. You wanted to leave desperately. You felt a hand go on your shoulder.
"Are you okay?" Mark mouthed. You but your inner lip and nodded. Mark still looked concerned but still nodded and turned his attention back to the crowd.
"Hi my name Ian, I have a question for Dan, Arin and Mark. Out of everyone who is most like a father to S/n?" The boy asked. Dan, Arin and Mark all looked at each other.
You looked back out into the crowd. You were interested on how this was going to play out.
"Its hard, because we all see S/n as our child," Arin admitted.
"Yeah it's like this urge to protect him even though none of us created him," Dan nodded.
"He's basically the son none of us ever had," Mark nodded. Your heart felt warm and fuzzy. Man if only your actual parents felt that way about you.
"That was sweet," you smiled and looked at the three.
From there you wrapped up the panel and headed back stage.
"Hey wait S/n, are you okay? After that one girl asked you know what... your energy shifted dramatically," Arin said.
"Yeah, it's just nerve wracking to think about," you sighed," I'll be fine though."
"Right, just don't push yourself to much kiddo," Arin ruffled your hair.
The meet and greet went by smoothly and whe you saw Clyde again he seemed excited to see you.
"Hi! I highly doubt you remember me bu-" Clyde started.
"Clyde right?" You ask. Clyde looked at you in amazement.
"Y-y-you remember my name!" He smiles.
"Yeah I have a pretty good memory," you nod. Clyde seemed to be internally fanboying as he hugged you.
"You are amazing," he smiles.
"Thank you," you blushed. Clyde pulled away and smiled.
"Thank you for the hug," he smiled and let the next person go. You laughed lightly he... he made you feel happy.
You finished around three.
"Hey S/n, were getting lunch care to join us?" Arin asks.
"I would love to but I'm exhausted," you sighed.
"Oh well alright we'll see you later then," Arin says.
"Yeah," you nod.
You headed back to your hotel room. Lilith wasn't there. She left a note telling you that she had went out to walk around. You sighed and crawled under your blankets. Your eyes fluttered shut. All you had to do was finish this day as S/n... you can go back to being Y/n tomorrow.
You took a quick power nap then headed back down to the convention. In all honesty you just walked around occasionally getting stopped by fans to give an autograph and picture.
"Hey S/n!"
You turned to see Kyle and Butters.
"Hello," you smiled at the two.
"Can we just start by saying how big of fans we are? Your content is amazing!" Kyle smiled. Butters nodding in agreement.
"Awe thank you very much," you smiled," I wouldn't be anywhere without you two." You watched as they both melted with happiness.
"Can we get a picture?" Butters asks.
"Of course," you nod. Butters pulled out his phone you stood in the middle of the two boys. Butters extended his arm getting all of you in the frame. Butters took the picture all of you smiled.
Kyle quickly turned around and back handed someone or something...
You and Butters both turn to see Cartman. He had a pair of scissors in his hands but Kyle knocked them out of them.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Kyle growled.
"God damn it Kyle! I was so close!" Cartman yelled. A crowd was starting to form.
"Close to what forcing S/n into showing his face when he isn't ready?" Kyle snapped. There were now whispers amongst the crowd.
"Come on I can't be the only curious one!" Cartman yelled.
"Were all curious, but you can't be a shitty person about it!" Kyle snapped," you can't force shit like that."
"Kyle," you said softly. Kyle looked at you with embarrassment. You walked over to the pair of scissors and picked them up. Everyone watched you in anticipation. You walked to Cartman and handed him the scissors.
"I know your antsy and curious, but please you gotta respect my decision of hiding my face. I'm not ready to come out to the world, but one day I will be, and I hope that on that day, you, along with many other people, will be satisfied," you said. Cartman looked at you in disbelief.
"You're not mad?" He asks.
"No, it's only in human nature to be curious about the unknown," you say.
"I-wow, wow. You... you really are something else S/n," Cartman said.
The crowd that had now formed started clapping for you.
After you got a few more fans to approach you and say hello.
The rest of the day got easier and finally you were able to retire to your hotel room for the night. You texted Clyde and asked him what time he wanted to meet up tomorrow.
Clyde: Does noon work?
You: Yeah, noon will be just fine.
Clyde: See you tomorrow!
You: Yeah! See ya!
In the morning you dragged Lilith with you to go hang out with Clyde and Bebe.
"Why do I have to come along?" She whined.
"Because I want to spend time with my sister as well," you reply.
"Awe so sweet," she smiled.
You met Clyde and Bebe in front of the Pax East building. He instantly hugged you happily.
"Its been a few days," he hums.
"It has," you nod and hugged him back. ' I want to be the one that helps him through the tough times.' Clyde's words played in your head. You pulled away and covered your face. Why does he care about you so much?
"Are you okay?" Clyde asked concerned.
"Yeah," you said and uncovered your face.
"Come on Babe," there's a few things I want to check out!" Bebe abruptly said and grabbed Clyde by the wrist dragging him into the building.
"Ooo you made her jealous," Lilith teases.
"As if," you rolled your eyes," I'm not interested in Clyde... in that way."
"Mmhm," Lilith hums.
"Come on let's go inside," Lilith now dragged you into the building.
The day was nice, really nice. You got to spend time with Clyde and on occasion Token, Tweek, and Craig as well. It felt nice to be involved... you found yourself smiling more and even laughing a little. Having friends was... nice.
Here's just a few snip-its of the day:
"Hey Y/n, smile!" Clyde exclaimed. You looked over at him. He had his phone pointed at you. You sighed and let your lips curve up slightly, giving a small smile. Clyde took the picture, looking content with himself. Lilith then jumped onto your back and she smiled at Clyde as well. Clyde took another picture. "Perfect you two."
Lilith got off her energy radiating off of her.
"There was something I wanted to check out," you say to Clyde.
"Oh do you want me to come with you?" Clyde asks.
"Nah it's fine just watch Lilith for me?" You ask.
"Of course!" Clyde smiled.
"Wait where are you going?" Lilith asks. You blushed and shook your head.
"Don't worry about it," you say.
"Oh okay...," she smirks. You walked off... it was now time to completely geek out. You heard that there was going to be a booth on Red Racer. You knew the show was for children but it was a part of your childhood you actually liked. You had various figures in your attic and you still needed one more to complete the set.
You jumped back and went to quickly apologize to the person you ran into until you saw...
"Craig? (Y/n)?" You said in unison.
"What are you doing here?" You asked.
"I could ask you the same thing," Craig eyed you down. You went quite and looked away your face turning a deep red.
"So you still like Red Racer too huh?" You asked.
"Yeah," Craig admitted.
"Well I won't tell if you don't," you say.
"Agreed," Craig nodded. You and Craig got to talking about Red Racer and what appealed to you about it when you were kids. You even ended up finding what you were looking for!
"Try this," Clyde said shoving the sweet treat in your face.
"What is it?" You asked taking it from him.
"A honey bun with chocolate in the inside. You sighed and took a bite. Your face filled with delight as the flavors hit your tongue.
"That's good," you hum after you swallow.
"Mmhm!" Clyde smiled.
When you finally got to your hotel room you were exhausted. You still had a panel tomorrow, your own panel! No one else! You were nervous about it... but you would do just fine right? Yeah...
Before your panel Mark had texted you giving you words of encouragement.
Mark: You got this!!! I believe in you! Just take a few deep breaths and you'll be okay!
You: Thanks Mark! I really do appreciate the words of advice.
Mark: No problem! Now go kick some ass!
You took a few deep breaths, you can do this.
You walked onto the stage hearing millions of cheers and claps. You waved to the crowd and smiled. You sat at the stole they had set up for you.
"Hello ladies and gents I'm your host for today S/n!" You smiled. The crowd went wild again.

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