Chapter 25

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You didn't sleep at all the night your parents returned. Or any nights after that. Knowing they were there was what kept you awake. It was starting to get bad. There was raising concern among your friends, Mark, Arin, Dan and even some of your fans.
The world was noticing something was wrong.
You were running on energy drinks at this point. Your body shook and the bags under your eyes showed.
"Dude, when was the last time you slept?" Craig asked. You were all at the lunch right now.
"Two...three... before they showed... up," you muttered. You flet like you could crash at any second.
"Come on honey were going to the bathroom," Clyde grabbed your wrist and gently brought you to the bathroom.
"I-I'm fine...," you mumbled as Clyde closed the stall door.
"You are not you need to tell someone what's going on," Clyde said.
"No, no I can't, I can't. They'll separate Lilith and I... I can't," you quickly defended.
"You don't know that! Y/n, your parents are prices of shit. We both know that. Please I don't want this to continue," Clyde begged. He hugged you tightly as tears fell out of his eyes. "I care about you and love you so much, please Y/n..."
"Clyde...," you sighed.
"I'll think about it...," you said.
"Really? You know what I'll take it," Clyde cried as he pulled away. He cupped the side of your face. You looked into his eyes.
"I... am so tired...," you laughed and set your forehead on his.
"I know hun. How about you come over to my house tonight?" Clyde asked.
"I... yeah okay...," you nodded. You knew your parents wouldn't hurt Lilith.
When you got to Clyde's house you went right to his room. He tucked you in under the covers of his bed.
"Get some rest honey," Clyde said.
"Mmhm," you hummed as you hugged his waist. Slowly you passed out.
*Clyde's Pov*
Once I was sure Y/n was asleep I grabbed his phone and pulled up his texts with Mark. Y/n is going to get mad at me for this but he needs the help. So I texted Mark.
Me: Hey Mark this is Clyde, Y/n's boyfriend. We met once, but I was texting you because I need to talk to you about Y/n. My number is (---) ---/----.
Mark: Is everything okay?
Me: No.
Mark: Alright I'll text you through your number.
Me: Sounds good.
I deleted the messages off of Y/n's phone. I got a text from Mark just as I finished.
Mark: Hey its Mark, so what's going on?
"Mmm." Y/n flinched in his sleep and hugged my waist more tightly. I gently stroked his hair to let him know he was okay.
Me: Y/n's biological parents came home. And his parents are not the best and treat him like shit. He hasn't slept in days, well until right now... but he needs to get out of that house. I didn't know who else to turn to. I'm so sorry!
Mark: I knew something was up... I'll look into things and see what I can do.
Me: Thank you
I set my phone down and hugged Y/n.
"Please don't get too mad at me."
Tears fell from the corner of my eyes.
Mark texted me back a few minutes later.
Mark: does Y/n have any other immediate family?
Me: no, not that he's told me. He has a sister, younger.
Mark: okay
A few minutes passed and Mark texted back again.
Mark: keep Y/n with you as much as possible. I need to know where you guys are.
Me: where at my house.
Mark: I meant city and state, sorry should of specified.
Me: we're in South Park Colorado
Mark: I'll be there as soon as possible.
Me: Alright sounds good.
Y/n is going to kill me when he finds out. It's for him though. I gotta believe things are going to work out though.
*Normal Pov*
"You never care! You never have! You never will!" You yelled," I am so tired of being yo-! Ah!"
Your parents stood silently in front of you.
A sharp pain rose in your shoulder. You quickly gripped your shoulder as blood started to drip down your arm.
You blinked.
Now you were back to that day.
"You are such a disappointment."
"I wish I never gave birth to you."
"Stop! Stop! Please! I-I'm sorry!"
You stepped back. You started falling. Your back roughly hit something that felt like concrete. You were now back to your normal age. You looked around only to see darkness.
"Y/n... its... a .... dream...!"
You gasped as you jumped awake. You started panting and hugged Clyde even more tightly.
"Shh, shhh it's okay. It's just a dream."
After you calmed down you pulled yourself up and sat on Clyde's lap.
"Another nightmare?" Clyde frowned. Clyde held your face.
"Yeah... it's okay though "
"No it isn't."
"I know..."
"It'll get better."
"What time is it?" You mumbled.
"Eight fifty four," Clyde replied.
"I should get home," you sighed.
"You could just stay the night," Clyde suggested.
"I don't have anything to wear tomorrow," you replied," besides I need a shower."
"Wear my clothes and you can take a shower here!"
"Alright... wait but what abou-"
"Lilith will be okay."
"You don't know that, what if th-!"
"They won't. You know that Y/n."
"Okay, okay, yeah, yeah. You're right. I'm sorry I'm-!"
"Shh, I know honey. I know, do not stress yourself about it. It's going to be okay. You're going to be okay," Clyde said.
"Yeah when my parents leave," you sighed," which... might not actually happen for a while..."
"Maybe sooner then you think," Clyde said.
"Yeah maybe," you sighed. You hugged Clyde tightly. "I love you so much Clyde."
"I love you too Y/n," Clyde held onto you.

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