Chapter 4

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You swung your legs back and forth as you waited for Clyde's practice to start.
You look over to see Kyle.
"Oh, um, hi," you say.
"Your Clyde's new friend right? Mind if I sit next to you?" Kyle asks.
"Go right ahead," you say. Kyle sat down next to you.
"I'm Kyle by the way," he says.
"Yeah... I know, we share most of our classes together. I'm Y/n," you reply. Kyle seemed to tense up a bit by your cold personality.
"I like your guys presentation on Ireland," Kyle smiles.
"Thanks," you glance at him. "If you don't mind me asking why are you here? Or who are you here for?"
"Stan," Kyle smiled," and I can safely assume your here with Clyde."
"Yeah, we made plans to get Ice Cream after. He's very persistent," you say.
"Yeah Clyde's always been like that...," Kyle nodded.
"Has he?" You ask and look at the brown haired boy.
"Yeah, he lost his mom when we were younger. Blamed it on himself for the longest time," Kyle sighed," feel really bad. My mom's a bitch, but I would never want her dead."
"How did his mom die?" You ask.
"He left the toilet seat up and she fell in," Kyle sighed," he was so young. How was he supposed to know it would happen?"
"Damn, poor Clyde," you mumble and looked out to the field. You saw him talking to Stan, smiling and laughing.
You thought about what Kyle had told you all through Clyde's practice. When it was over Stan and Clyde approached you and Kyle.
"Hey, you ready?" Clyde asked you.
"Yeah, let's go," you mutter.
"What are you two doing?" Stan asks.
"Were going to get ice cream! You two care to join?" Clyde asks. Stan and Kyle glanced at each other then nodded.
"Sure sounds nice," Stan says.
When you got to the ice cream parlor you paid for you and Clyde even if he insisted that you didn't. You sat down with Stan and Kyle at one of the tall tables.
"Where's Lilith?" Clyde asks.
"She's staying the night at a friends house," you say.
"Oh so are you going to be home alone tonight?" Clyde questions.
"Yes, why?" You reply.
"You should totally come over to my house and stay the night!" Clyde exclaimed.
"I don't know," you shrug," I'm typically busy on the weekends."
"Your always busy, what are you even doing anyways?" Clyde rolled his eyes.
"I hav a job," you reply.
"A job? Is it at home work?" Clyde asks.
"Yeah, graphic design," you reply.
"Isn't that a self paced job?" Kyle asks. You glare at him, the less social interaction the better.
"It can be, but I have a lot of requests right now, and I need to catch up," you lied. 'Y/n, your a teenage boy your fans will understand if you take a break or slow down on producing videos. I think it could improve your recording. You would be more happy,' Lilith's words played in your head.
"Not even a day off? You look like you overwork yourself," Clyde says. You thought about it for a split second as Lilith's words played in your head again.
"Alright, just one day though," you caved in.
"Yes this is going to be awesome!" Clyde side hugged you. You tensed up and blushed lightly. Clyde pulled away with a smile as he pulled out his phone.
"We'll have to stop by my house before we go over to yours," you say.
"Right," Clyde hummed. You all continue to talk until you decided it was time to go.
When you got to Clyde's house his dad greeted the two of you.
"Hello Mr Donovan my name is Y/n. I'm Clyde's new...friend," you say.
"Oh hello Y/n, please just call me Roger," his dad smiled at you.
"Oh! Um alright," you nodded.
"Anyways were going upstairs," Clyde grabbed your wrist dragging you along. He opened the door to reveal the room. Just by looking into it you could tell it was his. Something about his room just screamed 'Clyde!'
"I like it," you say.
"You do?" Clyde asked joyfully.
"Yeah, the room just screams Clyde," you reply.
"Awe does it?" Clyde asks then quickly adds," that's a good thing right?"
"Yeah it's a good thing just goes to show what your like," you say and set your bag down. Clyde jumps onto his bed and he pats the spot next to him. You sit down next to him as he turned on the tv.
"What would you like to watch? I saw that S/n posted a new Among Us video, so you want to watch that?" Clyde asked. If you said no would it make you look suspicious?
"Uh, yeah," you hum. Clyde went to YouTube and started playing S/n's video. You leaned back internally cringing at your alter ego. You heard as Clyde giggle at certain parts.
"Are you okay?" Clyde looked over at you.
"I'm fine," you shrug.
"You don't seem to impressed by the video," Clyde frowns.
"Oh, I, uh already watched it. You seemed like you wanted to watch it so I agreed," you say.
"Oh... then here you choose the next video," Clyde handed you the remote.
"We can finish this one first," you reply.
"Mmhm," Clyde hummed.
You spent the next few hours watching YouTube. It was about midnight when you had finally checked the time again. You were starting to get tired. You could tell Clyde was as well. You sat up on the bed and looked over at Clyde. He sat up as well.
"Is there something wrong?" He asks.
"Where do you want me to sleep?" You ask.
"Uh... if you want... you can just sleep next to me...," he blushed. You sighed and nodded.
"I just need to go to the bathroom first," you reply. You grabbed your clothes and headed to the bathroom. You did your business then got changed into pajamas. You heard back to Clyde's room and climbed under the covers. Clyde was scrolling through his phone.
"Hello," he beamed.
"Um....hi," you mumble. You were exhausted. Which was rare because usually you would be wide awake at the time. You grabbed your phone and started scrolling through it.
"Hey Y/n?" Clyde set his phone down so you did the same.
"Yes?" You ask.
"Let's talk," he says.
"Anything and everything. I'll go first. I have a Girlfriend named Bebe, I love her to death and she is one of the most gorgeous women I've ever met," Clyde said.
"How am I supposed to go off that? I've never dated anyone, let alone know what way I swing. The most I've come to love is my celebrity crushes, but I don't think those count because let's be honest wether your gay, straight, bi, or anything else I think anyone would let Crankgameplays into their pants," you stated boldly.
"Really Crankgameplays? I would lean more towards Jacksepticeye, those beautiful blue eyes," Clyde swooned," or maybe even S/n... for his personality obviously... since we have no clue what his face looks like."
You were thankful that the room was dark because your face went a deep red.
"J-Jack and I have to similar of haircuts, but I will agree with you on the eyes," you say.
"Yeah true. What about Dan and Arin?" Clyde asks.
"Not really attracted to them, but I would love to just cuddle Dan one day, hugging him would be sufficient enough," you say.
"I agree with that," Clyde nods," so what do you like to watch?"
"Right now I'm currently watching Big Mouth when I can. I typically watch anime more then anything though. I just finished Tokyo Ghoul recently, I can't praise it enough. I also really like Studio Ghibli movies," you reply.
"Big Mouth is funny and I like it. I don't really watch anime, but if your into it I might just have to give it a try," Clyde smiled.
"We could maybe binge watch something together someday," you nod.
"I would like that!" Clyde smiled.
" too," you smiled softly.
"So how about video games? What do you like to play?"
"If the game looks good then I will most likely play it. I don't have a specific genre that I like. Although I do really like games that have to do with the butterfly effect," you say.
"Yeah those are fun, I quiet enjoy puzzle packed games, it's always just so satisfying when you figure it out. Or ones where you have a companion or something like that," Clyde nodded.
"What's the most important thing to you?"
You knew the question was personal and you weren't expecting a serious answer.
"My Dad, my friends and my mom when she was still alive," Clyde replied.
You frowned.
"Yeah Kyle told me briefly about you losing your mom, and I'm sorry that," you sighed.
"Nah it's okay, it took me a while and a lot of therapy, but I'm able to cope with it better then I used to," Clyde said," what about you?"
"Lilith, definitely, and I guess I would have to say everyone else that I've met through my career. They're all amazing and so supportive I love them all," you say.
"What about your parents?" Clyde asked. You instantly panicked, that was the last thing you could tell him about them.
"I'm getting tired...," you yawned and turned away from Clyde. You set your phone on the nightstand.
"I'm sorry," Clyde sighed and turned away from you. You didn't reply. Your anxieties and worries had now returned and you were wide awake.
You laid there for a good two hours before your body decided to slip into unconsciousness.
*Clyde's Pov*
Here's a list of things I've learned abo it Y/n:
-He likes S/n, Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, Game Grump and others
- He can draw, and in his art is amazing!
-He's never been intimate with anyone
-He has a crush on Crankgameplays(could that count him as Bisexual or Pansexual of Homosexual?)
-He likes Anime
- Butterfly effect games/choose your own adventure game.
- He can be sympathetic and non-cold
-One of the most important people in his life is Lilith, and his coworkers.
- He maybe has parental issues?
Since he shut down the conversation immediately when I asked about them I'm going to assume I am correct. Maybe they have something to do with why he's so cold and shut out from the world. I don't know the answer right now, but hopefully one day I will. I hummed lightly as I let myself drift off to sleep.
When I woke up in the morning Y/n was hugging me tightly with his face burried into my chest. I blushed with a smile. He seemed so peaceful right now. His h/c hair covered most of his face but it was still adorable to hear his little snores.
Not wanting to disturb Y/n I laid still as possible until he woke up.
Y/n jumped awake causing me to jump as well. He gripped my shirt tightly and I swear I could see tears in his e/c eyes. I carefully wrapped my arms around him.
"Are you okay?" I whisper. Y/n glanced to at me.
"Yeah," he said, and for a split second I swear he sounded like S/n. That's not possible though...there personalities are so different.
"Okay," I mumble. Y/n clung to me for a good five minutes before finally letting go.
He sat up and let his legs slide off the bed.
"I'm sorry," he mumbled.
"You don't have to apologize," I say.
"How long were you laying awake?" He asks.
"Not that long," I shrug," but I do really gotta go to the bathroom."
I got up and made my way to the bathroom.
Afte I returned Y/n wen to the bathroom as well. We had breakfast then relaxed and started watching the Danganronpa series and I was hooked. Like holy shit this was intense.
I would personally like to consider the day perfect.

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