Chapter 27

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⚠️Tw: Blood, corpse, and abuse⚠️
The room was dark. You couldn't see anything.
You felt a shiver run down your spine as you turned around. Your mother's corpse laid there. She was looking at you lifelessly.
You were suddenly pinned to the ground.
You tried to scream, but you couldn't.
"I'll kill you!" He yelled.
You felt a sharp pain in your left arm.
You jolted awake. Your heart was racing and sweat dripped off your forehead.
"Hey, hey it's okay, you're alright." You glanced to see Mark.
"Mark? What are you doing here? What happened? Why am I here? What's going on? Where's Lilith? Is she okay?" You were startled and confused.
"I'm here because of Clyde, your here because you were running from your sperm donor. You passed out from exhaustion and shock. Lilith is fine she's with Amy right now," Mark said calmly. You took a few deep breaths then nodded. Slowly what happened came back to you. You started bawling.
"I-I'm sorry," you apologized.
"For what?" Mark asked concern.
"For making you come all the way to South Park," you cried," and not telling you what was going on! I wanted to I really did! I just didn't want to get separated from Lilith! But I guess were ahit outta luck now!"
"Shh, shh, it's okay, it's going to be okay... I've actually been figuring stuff out and Amy and I will be taking you and Lilith in," Mark said.
"What?! No! I ca-"
"I'm going to stop you right there. I already made my choice. You and Lilith have already been through so much, I'm not going to put you through anything else. Amy and I were already looking at a house here. And while you are getting the help you need we'll be moving," Mark said.
You bawled even harder. Mark held onto you tightly and rubbed your back.
A few minutes later the doctors came in to check on you.
"Hello Y/n, my name is Doctor Goro," the old man said.
"Hello," you sniffled.
"So after you are able to get you out of the hospital we want to send you to a mental institution in Denver. It's going to help you through your traumas and teach you coping skills to help you," Dr Goro said.
"Is that what you meant when you said get the help I need?" You looked at Mark.
"You need it kiddo," Mark nodded.
"Yeah, alright," you nodded.
"So are you legal guardian?" Dr Goro asked Mark.
"Yes, once everything gets sorted out."
"Alright I need you to sign here and Y/n needs to sign under you."
Mark signed the paper then handed it to you. You signed the best you could.
"Alright thank you. A nurse of myself will be back soon to check on you," Dr Goro said just before he left.
"Is Clyde okay? Will I be able to see him?" You asked.
"Yeah, he's alright, just a bit shaken up, and yeah I'll let him know you're awake," Mar said.
"I think we all are," you sighed
"Yeah, its going to be okay though," Mark said.
"How long was I out?"
"Two days."
"T-two days?"
"Yeah unfortunately. Your body and brain were in absolute shock."
"Yeah," you sighed.
-About an Hour Later-
Clyde stood in the doorway. He looked at you in disbelief as tears fell out of his eyes. He rushed to your side and gently cupped your face.
"I thought you were going to die," he said.
"I know. I'm sorry," you said.
"Please... don't scare me like that again...," Clyde said. He gently hugged you.
"I won't... I promise," you sighed. Clyde pulled away.
"I'll hold you to that," he said.
"I know," you smiled. Clyde gently kissed you.
"I should let the guys know that you're okay," Clyde said. He pulled out his phone and started texting who you assumed to be Tweek, Craig and Token. You looked back over at Mark.
"Where is Lilith going to go while you and Amy go back to LA to pack your house?" You asked.
"She'll be staying with Clyde and his dad," Mark said.
"Alright. As long as she's safe," you nod.
-A Few Days Later-
"Alright kiddo. I love you and please just focus on yourself while you're here. Talk things out... your going to feel better," Mark said as he hugged you tightly.
"I will, I promise. I love you and be safe getting back to LA," you said.
"I will, I'll see you soon okay?" Mark said.
"Yeah, see you soon," you nodded. Mark kissed your forehead and let go of you.
"Love you," he said.
"Love you too," you hummed.
"Are you ready Y/n?" Nurse Joy asked.
"Yeah," you nodded as you followed her past the medal doors. You were nervous and your anxiety was high, but deep down you knew you needed this.
(A/N: I'm not going to go into detail about your stay in the mental hospital because it's out of my comfort zone, I'm sorry)
*Clyde's Pov*
-Slight Back Track-
I hugged Y/n tightly.
"Its going to be okay, I'll see you soon," I said.
"Yeah, I'll see you soon," he said.
"And please just be selfish and think about yourself for once," I said. Y/n laughed lightly.
"I will," he smiled.
"Good." I pulled away. I gently kissed him. "I love you."
"I love you too."
"I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too."
"Y/n, we gotta get going," Mark said.
"Right," he said," bye honey. I'll see you soon."
He kissed me one last time before walking to the car.
"Please get the help you need Y/n," I whispered.
"He'll be okay," Lilith said.
"Yeah," I nod.
-Present Time-
Tweek, Token, and Craig were going to help my dad, Lilith and I pack up Y/n's and Lilith's stuff.
When we first walked into the house... there was a very uneasy feeling. Anyone could tell something was off about this house. None of us said anything though.
"Alright Token do you want to help Lilith and my dad?" I ask.
"Yeah that's fine," Token nodded.
We all headed upstairs. Craig, Tweek and I started in Y/n's while my dad, Token and Lilith went to Lilith's room.
"So where does Y/n even record?" Craig asked.
"In the attic," I say, "so I can pack up there while you guys work on down here."
"Yeah sounds good," Craig nodded. I went up to the the attic and started packing up Y/n's equipment.
About an hour or two later we had both rooms packed. Now time for the transfering.
We did rounds and it was not fun, but hey it got done.
"Well Lilith, this is the last round," I said.
"Yeah,can I just have a moment alone? I would like to say bye to the house," she said.
"Yeah, we'll be in the car," I said. I walked to the car and hopped in the front seat next to my dad.
"Is Lilith coming?" My dad asked.
"She's just saying bye to the house," I said.
"Yeah," my dad nodded.
Then when everything was transferred Lilith wanted to unpack her room so it was ready when Mark and Amy came back, so I took this opportunity to unpack Y/n's room. Craig, Tweek and Token had to get home.
I tried my best to make Y/n's room the way he would like it.
Now all I had to do was wait for him to come home.

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