Chapter 22

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Ah! February fourteenth. The day were you tell that special someone 'I love you!'
You hated it.
You would much rather spend your time on National Chocoholics Day, which was always the day after Valentine's Day.
You still had a few days before Valentine's Day though.
Clyde seems to be doing a lot better then he was a few weeks ago. He definitely has his moments though.
You were at your locker when...
"Hey what are you doing on Valentine's Day?" Craig asked as he approached you.
"Nothing why?" You asked.
"Go on a double date with Tweek and I," Craig said.
"Double date? No thanks," you said.
"When are you going to ask Clyde out then?" Craig asked.
"What?" You asked," I do-"
"Don't lie to me. I see the way you look at him. And also some of your videos may say otherwise," Craig said. Damn. You couldn't pull the public interest card on this one.
"Listen, Clyde probably doesn't even like me back. Besides I hate valentine's day," you shrug.
"He definitely likes you back. And why do you hate Valentine's Day?" Craig asks.
"Because its cheesy and stupid. Much rather celebrate Chocoholics Day," you replied.
"Okay, that's fair... so then well go on a double date then," Craig said.
"No, Clyde just got out of a relationship. I doubt he wants to start a new one so soon," you stated.
"It will help him get over Bebe. Help him move on," Craig argued. You thought about it and sighed.
"Great, I'll text you details later."
With that Craig walked away.
What did you just get yourself into?
You made numerous attempts to ask Clyde on a double date, but it was not working out for you. Clyde kept getting distracted or was busy or you bailed because your anxiety got too high.
"Ugh," you groaned as you cocked your head back. How could it be so hard to ask someone on a date?
You took a deep breath and tried to approach Clyde once more, he was talking to Stan.
"Hey," you hummed.
"Oh hi Y/n!" Clyde smiled.
"I'll leav you two be, see ya later Clyde," Stan smiled. Your anxiety returned and your hear felt like it was about to beat out of your chest. You blanked on what to say.
"Everything okay?" Clyde asks.
"Yeah! I, uh, just gotta do something and it's just making my anxiety go haywire," you admitted.
"Hm? What do you gotta do?" Clyde asked.
"Oh! Um! It's nothing really, don't worry about it," you said.
"Doesn't seem like nothing," Clyde replied.
"I have to ask someone something but I'm nervous about how they'll respond," you replied sadly.
"Mmmm. Practice on me then," Clyde said.
"What?" You asked slightly shocked.
"Pretend I'm that person and just ask me," Clyde said. You sighed, if only he knew, but maybe its better that way.
"Alright, uh...," you took a deep breath," would you be interested in going on a double date with me? It'd be with Tweek and Craig."
Clyde blushed and laughed nervously.
"Y-you did g-great... s-so wh-who are you a-asking th-that?" Clyde stuttered. You tensed up again. Your anxiety returned.
"I... uh... you...," you said softly, a blush dusted across your cheeks.
"W-wait really!?" Clyde exclaimed.
"Yes! I would love to go on a double date!" Clyde he hugged you. You laughed nervously.
"Alright I'll let Craig know."
"So are we doing on Valentine's day?"
"Ew no, National Chocoholics Day. Valentine's Day is too cheesy."
"Haha, yeah alright."
-Febuary 15th-
"Do I look okay?" You asked as you looked in the mirror once more. Lilith sat on your bed starring at you.
"You look fine, your thinking about this way to much," Lilith said.
"Its my first date, I'm allowed to over think it," you replied.
"Okay fair, but you look fine," Lilith said," besides you need to leave soon."
"Yeah I know, I know," you said.
"And you still gotta do your hair," Lilith said.
"Ah fuck," you groaned. You brushed your fingers through your hair then went to the bathroom to do it.
By the time you finished your hair you had to go. You grabbed your phone, wallet and car keys ran downstairs, slipped on your shoes and coat, and said a quick goodbye to Lilith.
You first went to Clyde's house. You got out of the car and walked to the front door. You knocked gently but you didn't expect Mr Donovan to answer.
"Why hello Y/n, come on in, Clyde will be down in a minute," Mr Donovan let you inside.
"Thank you," you nod.
"But before he does...," Mr Donovan says.
"Hm?" You hummed and looked at Mr Donovan.
"I will say this, please... please treat my son well... you don't seem to be someone that would hurt him. I just don't want to see Clyde that hurt again...," Mr Donovan sighed.
"You have my word Mr Donovan," you said," I promise that I'll treat Clyde the best I can."
"Thank you Y/n, now I'll go get Clyde for you," Mr Donovan ran upstairs.
Clyde came down a few seconds later. He looked nice.
"Hey, you look amazing!" You blushed.
"Thanks! You look great as well!" Clyde smiled.
"Thanks Clyde," you smiled. "Well you ready?"
You offered Clyde your hand.
Clyde took your hand. You felt sparks ignite as you intertwined your fingers.
"You two be safe and have fun!" My Donovan yelled.
"We will, bye dad!"
You and Clyde headed out to your car.
"Now time to pick up Tweek and Craig."
When you got to Craig's house you texted Craig saying you were outside. Tweek and Craig came out a few minutes later. They hoped into the back seat.
"Hey," Tweek smiled. Craig just gave a light wave.
"So where are we going first? Your plans were a bit unclear," you looked back at Craig.
"Were they? Well I'm sorry," Craig said sarcastically. You rolled your eyes.
"Yes I have no fucking clue what BA stands for," you said.
"Bowling alley dumbass," Craig replied.
"Okay that makes sense," you shrugged. You pulled out of Craig's driveway. You drove to the bowling alley and you all got out of the car. You got your shoes and took a middle lane.
The order went Tweek, Craig, Clyde then you. You sat in one of the chairs while each of you waited your turn.
"So what's after this?" Clyde asked Craig.
"Dinner," Craig replied.
"Ooo nice," Clyde smiled.
Tweek came back and Craig went up. Then when Craig came back Clyde went up and when Clyde came back you went up.
You saw Clyde's turn was done so you got up preparing to take your turn. You walked towards the bowling balls.
"Huh? Ah! Don't worry... I got ya."
Clyde clung to you and laughed lightly.
"Don't eat shit while were at the bowling alley," you laughed.
"Right! Sorry," Clyde blushed as he straightened himself. He let go of you and quickly returned to the seats. You grabbed your bowling ball and took your turn.
Ater bowling you all headed to Skeeters. You sat next to Craig while Clyde and Tweek sat across from you two.
You ordered your drinks.
"Y/n," Clyde said.
"Hm?" You hummed and looked up at him.
"Let me order for you," he said.
"What about you?" You asked.
"You order for me," Clyde nods.
"What if you don't like it?" You asked.
"I'll eat it anways," Clyde smiled.
"Alright," you sighed. You looked back through the menu looking for something Clyde would like.
You found the cheese burger platter and decided on that.
The waiter came back.
"Are you ready to order?" He asks.
"I think so," Craig looks at you and Clyde, you nodded so did Clyde. Craig looked back at the waiter. "Can I get the garlic and parmesan chicken?"
"Yep and for you sir," the waiter looked at Tweek.
"Can I get the Italian sausage sandwich with onion rings?" Tweek replied.
"Mmhm, and for you?" The waiter looked at you.
"The cheese burger platter please."
"Yeah, and for you?"
You looked at Clyde.
"Yeah can I get (F/D/F) (favorite dinner food)."
"Of course! Your order should be out in a few minutes," the waiter said as he took your menus. He walked off.
"How did I do?" Clyde asks.
"You hit the nail on the coffin," you said.
"You did as well," Clyde smiled.
"I'm glad," you nod. An idea popped into your head. You pulled out your phone and started to search for beautiful places near by. You found a spot for you and Clyde to go to later.
After you got your food you ate then you and Craig split the bill for the food.
Your last stop with Tweek and Craig was an ice cream parlor.
"What flavor do you want?" You ask.
"Mint chocolate chip," Clyde smiled.
"Alright, can I get a cup of mint chocolate chip ice cream and a cup of (f/ic/f)?" You asked.
"Yep, will that be all?" The employee asked.
"Yes," you nod. You got your ice cream and sat at a tall table.
"I don't know about you guys but we had a good time," Craig said.
"Yeah today's been really fun," Clyde nodded.
"Yeah, we'll have to do this again," you nod. Clyde looked at you and smiled.
You dropped of Tweek and Craig at Craig's house, but you didn't pull out right away.
"Everything okay?" Clyde asks.
"Yeah, I just gotta pull up directions," you say.
"Yeah, there's something I want to show you."
"Oh! Alright!"
You then drove for the next thirty minutes to a small, open wood picnic grounds.
You turned the car off and looked at Clyde.
"Come on, there's more to see," you say.
You and Clyde both got out of the car. You walked over to him and offered him your hand. Clyde gladly took your hand as he took in the scenery.
"Its so pretty, how did you find this place?"
You walked more into the clearing. The sun was now just setting.
You both sat down on the grass and looked up at the orange, pink and dark blue sky.
You don't know how long you sat there, but you started to see stars.
"You want to know what's weird?" Clyde asked as he looked at you.
"Hm?" You hummed.
"A few months ago I would of never guessed that one Bebe was cheating on me or two I would find some one better," Clyde said. You blushed furiously.
"And I would of never guessed that I would meet someone so amazing, that he even helped come out to the world," you smiled.
"You know it," Clyde giggled. There was silence again. You felt this urge... you wanted to kiss him... hold him.
"Hey uh Clyde...," you said. You gently cupped his face with your free hand.
"Y-yeah?" He stuttered.
"Can... can I...," you whispered.
"Yes," Clyde said. You smiled and pulled him in. Your lips connected softly. Clyde kissed back with passion. He ran his fingers through your hair and deepened the kiss.
You both pulled away panting with a smile. You set your forehead on Clyde's.
"Remember that kiss on New Years eve?" You asked.
"How could I forget?" Clyde replied.
"There was feelings behind it," you giggled.
"Yeah... there was for me too... I got really confused after you kissed me... I think that's when I really realized that I had a crush on you. Didn't admit it though for obvious reasons," Clyde said.
"Haha. So does this mean we're... dating?" You asked.
"I guess it does," Clyde hummed. You smiled as you gently kissed Clyde again. He kissed back with a smile.
You stayed there for just a bit longer then decided that you should probably get heading home.
"I had a good night," Clyde smiled.
"I'm glad, can't wait to do it again," you said.
"Yeah definitely. I'll see you tomorrow at school right?" Clyde said.
"Of course," you smiled.
"Right. Goodnight, text me when you get home," Clyde said.
"I will, and goodnight," you nod. Clyde gave you a quick peck on the lips the slipped out of the car.
By the time you got home you couldn't think of anyone else but Clyde. You never thought you would actually find someone that made you this happy.
You walked in through the front door. Lilith looked over at you.
"I'm assuming it went well," she smiled.
"It went really well," you nod.
"So are you two a thing? Like is he your boyfriend now?" Lilith questioned. You blushed and nodded. "That's so cute! Congratulations!"
"Thanks Lilith," you smiled.

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