Chapter 3

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On Sunday you drove Clyde home then mass caught up with videos. Which had taken you all day. You felt bad for Lilith so you decided to order pizza as a small intermission.
"Clyde seems nice," Lilith said as she grabbed a pizza slice.
"He is," you nod.
"So why don't you open up to him? You can't sit in our attic recording all the time," Lilith replied," I'm not saying you have to tell him but wouldn't it be nice if you had a reason to get out of the house besides school?"
"I don't know maybe," you shrug," I'm too busy for that though."
"Y/n, your a teenage boy your fans will understand if you take a break or slow down on producing videos. I think it could improve your recording. You would be more happy," Lilith says.
"I am happy," you rolled your eyes.
"You are not," Lilith replied," or else you wouldn't be able to pull that emotionless act so well."
"I don't know what your talking about," you huffed.
After eating food you went back to recording.
The following dreaded Monday morning was awful.
You were so tired, you hardly slept. Clyde approached you with a smile.
"Good morning," he beamed. You raised an eyebrow confused as to why he was talking to you. (No it's not an egotistical thing, it's more of why YOU out of all people.)
"Good morning," you mumble as you continued sorting through your locker.
"How was your night last night?" He asked.
"It was okay," you shrug.
You look tired did you get enough sleep?" Clyde questioned.
"This seems like an interrogation," you say and look at him.
"Oh! Sorry.... I thought that maybe... I should try to get to know you better... because um... despite your cold personality... I'm still interested in being your friend," Clyde replied. You bit your bottom lip. Should you really trust this? Maybe... just... for now...
"I'll warn you now I'm not very interesting," you sigh.
"I doubt th-" Clyde started.
"Clyde!" Babe called. Clyde held up a one second finger.
"What lunch do you have?" He asks.
"Second," you reply.
"Good! Sit with my friends and I during lunch," he said and walked away before you could object. You watched as Bebe clung to his arm with a cheesy smile
-At Lunch-
Before you could escape Clyde he approached you and brought you to his table. You sat on the end next to Clyde. Across from you was Token, Nicole, Craig and Tweek. Next to Clyde was Butters and Kenny.
"Guys, I invited Y/n to sit with us because he doesn't really have a social life," Clyde said.
"That's fine," Token shrugged. The others agreed with Token.
"Does he even know who we are?" Craig asks.
"Tweek, Craig, Nicole, Token, Kenny and Butters," you say with a slightly more sassy tone you added," it's kind of hard not to know who you guys are, your popular."
"Wow, your a dick," Craig said and flipped you off.
"Craig!" Clyde exclaimed. You rolled your eyes and flipped him off right back. "Y/n!"
"Okay, I have a bit more respect for you," Craig nodded with a sly smirk.
"Okay let's go up to get food Craig," Tweek said and dragged Craig to the lunch line.
"We should go up too," Clyde said as he looked at you.
"I don't eat school food," you reply as you grabbed your sketchbook.
"Oh um okay," Clyde said he and the others went up. You were trying to design a new mask for S/n, but couldn't quite catch the physique. Since Halloween was coming up you wanted to go more scary then your normal one. Which was a jesters mask and you loved it. You were also hoping to expand it to your fans since you did every year and you got some very amazing entries. You don't know why you tried to make a design, you always ended up scrapping it and going with a fans. You groaned and face planted into your sketchbook.
"Are you okay?" Clyde asks as he sat back down next to you.
"Mmhm," you hummed and sat back up.
"Wow that looks amazing!" Clyde exclaimed, "is it for S/n's Halloween Mask contest?"
"Yeah, I always end up pitching the look though. There's always someone's that's better then mine," you sigh.
"I think you should enter your idea it's really good," Clyde replied.
"Thanks," you mumble," but I probably won't."
"Why not?" Clyde asks.
"Confidence issues," you partially lie. You also didn't want to seem egotistical if you chose your own mask. No one would know... well besides you and your sister.
"Confidence? You have no reason to not be confident, this is amazing," Clyde says.
"Are you guys talking about S/n's Halloween Mask contest?" Butters asks.
"Yeah," Clyde nodded.
"I have a concept going," Butters pulled out his sketch book and showed you and Clyde. You instantly fell in love with it.
"I love that, can I see it?" You ask.
"Mmhm," Butters hummed and handed you his sketchbook. You admired each detail. The mask was a combination of Sally Face, Noodle's bunny mask and blood/creepiness.
You couldn't stop admiring. You instantly wanted this to be the mask that won... it was just wow.
"You seem to really like it," Clyde smiled.
"I love it, here you go Butters," you say and hand it back to him.
"Can I see yours?" Butters asks.
"Here," you nod and hand it to him. He looks at in amazement.
"I really like it," he smiles and hands it back to you," a lot better then mine."
"It definitely is not, I love yours," you reply. You spent the rest of lunch showing off your art to Butters and he showed you his. Clyde and Kenny happily observed the two of you looking at each others art. Sadly the lunch bell rang.
"I learned something about you today," Clyde stated confidently as you walked out of the cafeteria.
"That I do art?" You ask.
"Mmhm, it's so cool!" He smiled.
"I'm glad you find it fascinating," you sigh.
After school Clyde approached you.
"Hey I was wondering... would you like to come to my football practice? Maybe after we could get dinner or ice cream or something like that," He proposed.
"Sorry I'm busy after school," you said.
"Oh, uh right sorry," he mumbled, he seemed disappointed. You felt slightly guilty.
"If you have practice on Friday I can go then," you say.
"Really!?" Clyde ask the joy sparkling in his eyes.
"Yeah," you nod.
"Yay! Okay! Friday it is then!" He exclaimed. "See you Y/n!"
He ran off.
What did you just get yourself into?
When you were done with dinner for the night. You had plans to record Among Us, with the Game Grumps, Mark, Jack, Haxer, Dooger, and Jadien. Arin texted you the code and you got your equipment ready.
"Hello," you sang as you got into the room. Everyone greeted you warmly.
"Okay is everyone ready?" Dan asked. There were a collection of 'yes' and 'yep'. The game started and you were a crewmate for now.
"I don't trust anyone so I'm going to just go run away," you say and run off. You start doing your tasks.
"Oh hey S/n," Jack says.
"No I don't trust you get away," you say.
"Awe why not I thought we were pals," Jack said as he continued to chase you.
"Your going to kill me!" You laugh.
The dead body screen then appeared.
"Who's dead?" Dan asks.
"Ross," Suzey replied.
"So what was everyone doing?" Arin asks.
"I was running from Jack because I thought he was going to kill me," you say.
"I was not going to kill you! I just wanted a friendly chat," Jack laughed.
"I don't know Jack, you chasing S/n seems kind of suspicious," Mark says.
"No! I was... you know I really don't know how to defend myself here, but I'm not an impostor!" Jack defended himself.
"Yeah I don't think Jack is, he had multiple opportunities to kill me, but didn't," Haxer jumped in.
"What if he was waiting for his cool down?" You ask," but then lost track of you then found me?"
"No!" Jack yelled," I wasn't gonna kill ya S/n."
You were running out of time to vote. This was noticed and you voted Jack and so did everyone else.
You went back to doing your tasks alone then boom! Dan kills you right before you finished your last task. You sighed heavily and laughed.
"God damn it," you chuckled. You finished your last task and went off to find your other ghost friends.
"Hey S/n, did Dan get you too?" Ross asks as you found him and Jack.
"Yeah, do you guys know who the other imposter is?" You ask.
"I was," Jack admitted.
"Do you think Dan could do this on his own?" You ask.
"No, not really," Jack giggled.
"Ouch, not even a little faith," you smile," well I'm going to go haunt the shit out of Dan now. Ta-ta."
You found Dan whom had just killed Arin.
"That dick!" Arin laughed.
"You want to haunt the shit out of him with me?" You asked.
"Fuck yeah!" Arin said as you two floated in the direction of Dan.
The round finished with Dan getting voted off.
The next round it was you and Mark as the imposters. You still played your 'I want to be alone tactic'. You hear Haxer and Alahna.
"Oh hello S/n!" Haxer smiled.
"Hello," you hum and killed Alahna. You immediately reported.
"I watched Haxer kill Alahna. It was just as I walked into the room," you say.
"Oh my god no! I didn't kill Alahna! He did you gotta believe me!" Haxer said.
"I don't know Haxer, I haven't seen you much this round," Mark said and you heard some agreeance.
"But we never see S/n!" Haxer said.
"But that's normal S/n is scared of people, so he runs away from them," Mark said.
"I feel called out," you say, making everyone laugh.
"So are we voting Haxer?" Arin asks.
"Yeah," everyone agreed.
You smirked as the meeting ended.
"I have Medbay scan does anyone want to come with me to confirm?" Arin asks.
"I do," Jack said and followed Arin. You went off on your own again.
Dan came into the same room for his task.
"Hey S/n," Dan says.
"Hey... your not going to kill me are you?" You ask.
"No, I'm not an impostor," Dan smiled.
"Too bad I am," you mumble and kill Dan then vented. You popped out in the bottom left corner.
Dead body report!
"So who's dea- Oh wow," Jack started," someone's been busy."
There was You, Jack, Mark, Arin, Suzey and Ross left alive.
"Okay so I'm pretty sure we already got rid of one impostor the second one won't be that hard right?" Arin asks.
"I think it Suzey, she referred to the tasks as chores again," Mark says.
"What no! It's not me! I always refer to the tasks as chores!" Suzey defended herself.
"I don't think its Suzey, that's just her quirky personality," Arin said.
"Of course you would say that Arin, she's your wife," Jack said.
"Yeah its definitely Suzey," Mark said.
"I'm just going to skip the vote," Arin sighed. You all voted and Suzey got ejected.
Jack called an emergency meeting.
"Its Mark! He was so quick to throw Suzey under the bus!" Jack said.
"What? It is not me!" Mark lied.
"It probably is though," you sigh. You were going to have to finish this on your own.
"S/n!" Mark gasped. You were suppressing a laugh right now.
"Yeah, I say we vote Mark," Arin said.
"S/n is lying! He's the imposter!" Mark exclaimed.
"No S/n is the innocent one, I believe him over you," Jack said. Mark got voted off and the game still didn't end.
"Oh shit were we wrong again. Sorry Mark!" Jack exclaimed.
"Who is it?" Arin asks.
"I genuinely don't know," you say as you cut the lights. Since there was only the four of you left you went to electrical. This was your chance, you killed Jack. Then when the lights went back on there was his body. Arin gasped and reported the body.
"Its Ross," Arin accused.
"With what evidence!" Ross exclaimed.
"You just got done with a sabotage so you could kill Jack!" Arin yelled.
"Yeah, I trust Arin, him and Jack checked with each other," you say.
"Well how do we know it's not S/n?" Ross exclaimed.
"Don't pin the child for your crimes!" Arin yelled.
"I'm not! Im not the imposter!" Ross yelled. "If we get this wrong he wins!"
"If we get this wrong you win," you reply.
"Yeah let's just vote Ross," Arin agreed. You both voted Ross and Ross votes you. The round ended.
You couldn't help but smile and start laughing.
"Betrayed by innocence!" Arin yelled.
"You threw me under the bus!" Mark exclaimed.
"I'm sorry Mark I didn't see you getting out of that situation. You gotta make sacrifices sometimes."
"Yeah I'll remember that next time," Mark said.
You played a few more rounds then you all said your goodbyes. You logged off and stopped your recording. You took off your mask and went to work on posting your Halloween mask contest and announcing it was that time of year.
Once you were finished with your work you tucked Lilith into bed.
"Did you have fun recording today?" She asked.
"I did," you nod," I'm a very convincing impostor."
"Yeah I could see that," she giggles.
"Mmhm, now get some sleep there's school tomorrow," you say.
"Right, goodnight Y/n, love you," she smiles.
"Goodnight Lilith," you kiss her forehead.
You got up and went back to your room. You laid down on your bed, but you were wide awake.

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