vi. a glitch in tech

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"So, we're supposed to stay here ... for how long exactly?" Barry asked wearily.

Sara couldn't help but agree with the speedster. After searching for several hours, they had finally found a place to stay. The hotel room they had rented cost a ridiculous price and it only had two beds. It was set up much like an apartment and the view they had was pleasant enough.

But it did not help that they were paying for this room with a credit card. Fortunately for them, the clerk had accepted it. How and where the credit card went, she had no idea. Did it work the way usual credit cards worked or did it somehow travel through the multiverse and go to Oliver's credit card system?

The blonde ex-assassin decided to spare herself the headache and not think about it. After all, it was better than the place they had stayed in the first night they had arrived.

Oliver turned to Barry. "As long as we need to. Unless we figure out a way to find a way home ... or ask these ... heroes for help, we are staying here."

Sara saw Barry staring longingly out the open window as a cool breeze blew through it. Kara walked around the apartment, looking at everything carefully. She then sat down on the couch next to Barry.

"So, who's going to sleep where?" Kara asked awkwardly since there were only two beds.

"I'll sleep on the floor," Oliver grunted. "It won't bother me. I was stuck on an island for five years. First time I slept in my bed after the island, I felt like I was sinking through it to the floor."

The green archer tossed his carry-on bag on the ground with a hard thud. He unzipped his bag, taking out his bow and inspecting it before stuffing it back into the bag.

"I'll take the couch then. You two can take the beds," Barry said, setting his backpack on the couch before collapsing on it again.

"I'm gonna go use the bathroom," Kara stated before disappearing into one of the bathrooms.

Sara nodded to her before turning her attention to Oliver, who was shirtless and seated in the middle of the room with his eyes closed, legs crossed and his hands in his lap.

"Never took you for the meditating type," Sara stated as she took a seat on the ground next to him.

"I'm not," Oliver huffed. "I'm just trying to clear my mind. I don't exactly have a punching bag or a salmon ladder to use."

"You do know that there's a gym on the first floor, right?" Sara cracked a smile. "You would totally dominate it."

"And have people comment and ask me about my scars?" It was quiet for a moment.

"I'll go and get some food," Sara stated, casting a glance at Barry, who was out of it on the couch. The speedster would've been a great delivery guy if he was still awake.

"Pizza or Chinese food?"

"Chinese," Oliver answered, opening his eyes and throwing his shirt back on. "I'll go with you."

Sara nodded, smiling slightly. "Chinese it is then."

"Potstickers?" Kara added as she walked towards them. "Though not sure what Barry wants ..."

As if the speedster had heard his name, he turned towards the kryptonian and muttered something before drifting back to sleep again, his breathing becoming even.

"I think we'll handle it," Sara said, picking up her jacket and opening the door to the hallway. "He'll probably eat almost anything with a high calorie count."

---⤐ 🏹 ⬷---

"So you went to investigate the origin of this mysterious energy signature that FRIDAY had identified and found nothing?" Natasha clarified.

The redhead, Tony, Clint, Steve, Wanda and Strange were seated on an office table for meetings. The rest of the Avengers were unable to attend since they were dealing with minor threats around the other states.

"It wasn't my fault!" Tony protested before glaring at Clint. "And thanks so much, Clint, for telling her after we discussed to not talk about it."

"Well, I don't keep secrets from my friends," Clint smirked, playing around with a rubber band in his fingers.

"Maybe your technology glitched," Strange suggested.

"The genius already claimed that it didn't," Clint stated, continuing to play around with the rubber band.

"The genius has ears you know," Tony grumbled, grabbing a handful of lollies out of a nearby bowl before plopping it in his mouth one by one.

Steve tapped his fingers on the desk before leaning his forward and touching his chin thoughtfully. "Perhaps your tech did glitch."

Tony opened his mouth to protest but the super soldier continued. "Perhaps it didn't. We don't know. Perhaps it was an error with the system. Perhaps ... it was something."

"Enough rubbing in my mistakes, Cap," Tony groaned. "It's bad enough that I have to hear it from you- ... wait, what did you say?"

"If you weren't busy complaining," Wanda started. "You would've heard him say that your shiny suit or whatever you call it might've picked up something."

The witch glanced at his new suit in somewhat disgust, wrinkling her nose as if was just horrible. Clint held back a snicker at her expression.

"It's called Mark XLVIII," Tony corrected her. "And would you care to elaborate, Cap?"

Clint made a finger gun gesture and released the rubber band in his hand, zinging the band and hitting the billionaire's helmet.

"Damn it, Clint! How can I think when you keep doing that?" Tony glared at the archer.

"Doing what?" Clint asked innocently, winking at Wanda, who smiled and lowered her head to hide it.

Tony rolled his eyes and threw his hands up in exasperation while both Strange and Natasha cracked a smile.

"As I was saying," Steve continued as if he was never interrupted. "Perhaps you did pick up something on your energy detector. But then you said that it disappeared."

"Yes, I've said that a thousand times. Continue." He gestured for the blonde soldier to go on.

"Maybe, whatever it was ... it managed to mask its energy signature."

Strange nodded in realisation, adding onto Steve's thought. "And energy can only be suppressed for a short amount of time before it comes back stronger than-"

The sorcerer was interrupted by a loud beeping noise.

FRIDAY's voice came through. "Sir, energy signature was detected about three miles from here. I suggest if you start moving now, you'll be able to intercept those who are responsible for it."

"You guys heard the A.I." Tony got to his feet.

"Avengers Assemble!"

The billionaire was met with arched eyebrows and stares.

"We're already here, genius," Clint grumbled. "Let me get my bow."

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