xix. the worthy kryptonian

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Oliver and Sara both groaned painfully, their vision growing blurry as their ears rung. The two tried to push themselves up, a grunt of pain escaping their lips. The two had a dull, throbbing headache but it was more of an irritation to the two.

"Stand down. We've got you all surrounded."

Tony turned to Thor with an annoyed expression plastered across his face. "Why didn't you come sooner? Could've made our lives so much more easier."

Sara drew a deep, pained breath before chuckling, cutting Thor off as they all turned their attention to the blonde, raising their eyebrows at her.

"What are you laughing about? You guys have lost," Clint stated while Oliver scoffed in response.

"I don't think so," Sara smirked, pointing in Barry's direction. "You only got him super charged."

The speedster body cackled dangerously with gold electricity as did his eyes. He stared at Thor before shooting his arm forward, emitting a dangerous blast of lightning that struck the god of thunder straight in the chest, sending him flying back.

In a blink of an eye, Barry unloaded all of the Avengers' weapons before throwing them back. Lifting themselves with another pained grunt, both Oliver and Sara got to their knees, gaining back some of their bearings before they pushed themselves back onto their feet.

Tony groaned in irritation for what felt like the hundredth time before speaking through his comms. "I am sick of all this. I'm calling in code green. We could really use your help, Banner."

A few seconds later, a roar echoed through the air as the three heroes turned their heads up to see a blur of green jump off a jet and land in front of them with a hard thud, unbalancing their footing as they tried to steady themselves before staring at the Hulk in front of them, who was glaring at them.

"I've seen enough for the day," Oliver grumbled, notching another arrow in his bow. "Hell even my whole lifetime. I loved it when my life was normal."

Sara got in a fighting stance, turning to the emerald archer, raising an eyebrow at him. "Since when was our lives ever normal?"

Hulk suddenly launched a punch at Barry, who barely managed to dodge it before landing a sonic punch of his own at the green monster which only further enraged him as he let out another roar. 

The green monster then punched the ground in front of him, the shockwave from the punch throwing the three off their feet but not before Oliver shooting an ice arrow at his feet, freezing him in his spot.

"Now would really be a good time, Supergirl," Sara grunted through her comms as Thor advanced forward towards the three again with his hammer.

As if the kryptonian had heard her which she did, Kara dropped down protectively in front of her best friends beside the brown haired witch. Wanda held her hands out, red wisps of magic emitting from her fingertips as she halted Hulk from attacking the three.

Thor threw his hammer straight at Kara as it sailed towards her at insane speed but the kyrptonian saw it coming, holding her right hand out to catch it as it grasped the top of the hammer, stopping it inches from her face.

"Enough! We're not the enemies here," Kara stated calmly.

Everyone stared at the kryptonian in pure shock and disbelief plastered across their faces as she held the hammer in her hands, even Wanda who was staring at her in surprise.

"What? What'd I do?" Kara asked innocently, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion at everyone's expressions. "Why is everyone staring at me like that?"

Barry stopped beside her. "I got no clue but it got all their attention and made them stop attacking us so that's good."

"You are worthy," Thor stated as he stared at Kara with respect who was holding his hammer.

"Worthy?" Kara raised an eyebrow. "What is that supposed to mean?"

 "Everyone, they aren't the bad guys. They're also heroes just like us," Wanda explained, breaking them all out of their shock. "They had been trying to tell us that since the beginning."

Tony crossed his arms. "How are you so sure?" 

"If they'd wanted to, you'd all be dead right now," Wanda remarked. "And no civilians have been harmed at all because of them."

"Well, if they are so called heroes, then why have we never heard of them?" Clint questioned.

"If you had let us explain before blasting us, then you might have known why," Oliver glared at him.

"We'll explain everything to you guys if you all lower your weapons," Barry stated. "A truce between your team and ours."

The Avengers shared a glance with one another before Steve stepped forward, nodding. "If Wanda thinks you all are aren't a threat then yes, we have ourselves a truce."

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