xx. the truce

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The four heroes were seated on a couch together while the Avengers sat opposite to them. They all had changed out of their suits and were now awkwardly staring at each other in tense silence.

Tony cleared his throat. "So, uhh, you're, err...from another dimension, am I correct?" 

 There was silence for a moment. 

"Wow..." Sara had an unimpressed expression on her face. "It seriously took you five freaking hours to solve that. Congratulations Einstein ... you just won the Nobel Prize for Brilliance."

Tony turned his attention to her. "I already have. Twice, might I add." 

Sara snorted and stared at him with a dirty look that looked really threatening. "Sarcasm doesn't really work for you, huh?"

"Sara ..." Kara said softly as if chastising her and telling her to stop.

"So, would you all explain to us how you all are here and why you're here?" Steve asked politely.

"Like we said, we're heroes just like you guys but from another world, probably another universe," Barry explained. "We were fighting off these robot machines one second and then this bright bluish-white light enveloped us and the next thing we know, we're in an alleyway in New York in a completely different universe."

"You said you guys were fighting a bunch of robots, am I right? Bruce asked while Kara nodded.

"They wouldn't happen to have looked like this, would they?" He brought a photo up of some of the ultron bots.

Kara's eyes widened as did the rest of the three's. "That's exactly what they all were like."

The avengers shared an uneasy glance with one another. "If the ultron bots somehow appeared on their universe then it means that they were also the ones that brought you four here."

There was another tense silence.

"I say we help them get back," Steve stated while Wanda and a few others seconded that.

"Why should we help them after they attacked us," Tony asked while the four heroes glared at him.

"Sitting right here you know," Kara glared at him, waving her hand towards herself and Oliver. "And you were the one that attacked us first, by the way."

A smirk appeared on Tony's face. "Well ... I might help you since you're pretty."

Kara, Barry, Sara and Oliver all glared daggers at the billionaire. The Avengers all understood that if Tony kept on babbling, any one of the four or well all of them would either punch him or slap him.

Clint rolled his eyes. "Couldn't you go one day without trying to hook up with a woman?"

Tony scoffed. "Oh, please, Barton. Like you didn't do that yourself. I guess you stopped after you got married."

Wanda stuck her hand out and stopped Clint before the purple archer could whack Tony's smug expression off his face with his bow. Oliver then leaned forward and coughed slightly, stopping the two before their bicker got out of control.

"Alright, but how will we know they won't come back and attack with an army?" Tony countered.

"If Mjolnir thinks she's worthy then I trust her," Thor stated, pointing at Kara with his hammaer.

The kryptonian's eyebrows furrowed in confusion at that statement but it seemed to have convinced most of the Avengers.

"You have my promise we won't," Oliver's voice was calm, but hard and threatening.

"And how will we know you'll keep it?" Steve asked. 

"I always try to uphold my promises," the emerald archer stared hard at him. "And at any rate, your earth has no use to me. I already have my territory on my earth. Why should I forcefully take control of something that isn't mine?"

"Wait, your ... earth?" Bucky asked with a hint of curiosity while Oliver remained silent.

"That is something I believe worth talking about tomorrow," Kara interjected cheerfully. "If that is alright?" 

Steve nodded in agreement as did Clint, Natasha and a few others, while Wanda flashed a small smile to the Kryptonian who smiled back. Tony sighed and leaned back, knowing he was beat but that didn't stop him from grumbling all the way back to his workplace and slamming the door shut loudly.

Luckily, it didn't even make Barry stir who was already leaning against Kara and was snoring softly. Though the sound even made Steve wince before he stood and crossed his arms as he surveyed their four guests.

Almost all the Avengers had scattered and gone on with the rest of their night while only Steve, Clint and Natasha remained.

"I got him," Kara stated, picking the speedster up and carrying him bridal style without any hint of strain on her face. "Do you have somewhere I can take him?" 

"I'll show you," Natasha said, standing up.

Kara followed the redhead with Sara beside her. Steve and Clint turned their head to see Oliver already standing at the end of the hallway holding the backpack that contained his and Sara's weapons.

The two hadn't even seen him move. Oliver waited grimly until the three women passed by him, before silently following after them.

"That guy creeps me out," Clint muttered before walking back to his room. 

WHEN HEROES COLLIDE ➸ avengers x arrowverse crossover ✔️Where stories live. Discover now