iii. unknown energy signatures

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Tony Stark was bored. He popped a piece of candy in his mouth as he spun around in his chair. Piles of scrap and junk metal laid littered over his desk. He decided to tinker with a nearby metal scrap when his AI's voice came through. 

"Unknown energy output detected six miles away from here.

"Maybe it's just another power surge," Tony said as he pulled up the energy spike on his tablet. "One of the technicians probably fried their machines or something. Let them handle it." 

"Mr. Stark, but this energy contains levels of other worldly radiation almost similar to the type you had dealt with when the wormhole had opened when the Chitauri attacked New York. I am picking up several signatures but I cannot tell how many," FRIDAY informed. 

The billionaire nearly choked on his candy. "Run that by me again?" 

The AI repeated itself while Tony sighed. 

"Send out an alarm to all the Avengers. We need to check this out." The billionaire shot his hand out as his suit exploded from the storage bin and stuck onto him before blasting out of the tower. 

---⤐ 🏹 ⬷---

Wanda Maximoff and Dr Strange walked through the city in their civilian form, not wanting to attract any unwanted attention. They headed towards the alleyway coordinates Tony had sent through to them. 

Once they reached their destination, the two saw Clint and Tony bickering while Steve watched them in mild amusement. 

"Did you seriously just call me here to check out an alleyway? Why did I even bother coming back?" Clint grunted in annoyance. 

"Shut up, Clint," Tony grumbled. "I'm a hundred percent sure that this is where the energy signature originated from." 

The billionaire kicked a metal bucket that was beside him out of the way. Strange frowned and knelt down next to the nearly evaporated water puddle before glancing up at the sky. 

"Where did this water come from?" The sorcerer asked. 

Wanda looked up at the sky as did Steve. "There wasn't any rain last night, nor is there any clouds in the sky." 

"There aren't any leaky pipes nearby either," Steve added. 

Tony held his arm out and ran a scan of the whole area. He frowned when the scan came up with zero energy signature readings. 

"Well ... whatever energy signatures were found in this alleyway ... is now gone." 

Clint smirked. "So your systems glitched?" 

"No, my systems didn't glitch!" Tony grumbled. "They never do." 

The billionaire and the archer bickered back and forth again, trying to prove that the other was wrong. 

Strange sighed. "While those two bicker, I'm going to see if I can find any information we can use to our advantage." 

"I'll come with you," Wanda said while the sorcerer nodded. 

The two walked out of the alleyway before pushing through the hordes of people, making sure to avoid lifting their heads to allow any civilians to look at their faces. The two walked in silence until they walked right into someone. Literally

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