ix. souvenir

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Oliver used the window to get in the apartment which was fortunately open. He landed with a hard thump onto the ground below him, almost losing his head off by Kara's fist. It was mere inches away from the archer's face, who seemed unfazed as he stared at it.

"Sorry," Kara smiled sheepishly as she retreated her fist away, making sure she didn't actually hurt him.

"It's fine," Oliver grunted.

"Sara told us what happened," Barry said worriedly beside Sara, who nodded. "We all were a bit on edge."

Oliver tugged his mask and suit off, grabbing his navy t-shirt on the chair and putting it on. His hair was a mess with remnants of the smoke and soot from the explosion arrow.

"What happened?" Kara asked patiently.

The kryptonian took her glasses off and narrowed her eyes at Oliver, scanning for any injuries. "Good news, you don't have any broken bones, just a bruised rib."

Oliver gently rubbed his side. "I feel it. It hurts, but I can bear it."

There was an awkward silence for a few minutes since no had anything to talk about until Sara eventually spoke.

"So, what happened after I left?" Sara asked, repeating Kara's statement.

Oliver sighed deeply, reaching into his quiver and pulled out an arrow, laying it on the table in front of them. By just looking at it, you could tell that it was not one of his. 

Barry glanced at Oliver, who silently nodded. The speedster grabbed a clean napkin to pick up the arrow since he didn't have any gloves, somehow treating it like a crime scene but the three didn't complain.

"The shaft seems to be made out of a mixture of aluminium and titanium," Barry informed them, examining the arrowhead. "The fletchings are black, and the arrowhead is a bit wider than yours. And there's also something else."

Barry carefully touched the tip of the arrow where there was some sort of a little storage chamber with a mysterious liquid in it. The speedster suddenly felt dizzy, nearly dropping the arrow with a groan.

He started swaying as if he was drunk and almost face planted in the ground if Kara hadn't shot her hand out to stable him. The odd feeling subsided quickly just as it had started up. Barry quickly placed the arrow back on the table.

"What just happened?" Sara asked, concern laced in her voice.

"There was a tranquillising agent hidden in the tip," Barry answered, rubbing his finger where it had pierced through. 

"It's clever, and would've knocked you out immediately even if it grazed you. And since I'm immune to these sort of things, it doesn't really affect me ... much. You should be grateful that STAR Labs had your suit intertwined with light kelvar fabric and other materials so things like these don't hurt you."

Sara raised an eyebrow. "So, you were attacked by another archer? Who was he?"

Oliver shrugged. "I don't know. I didn't bother asking for his name."

"Well that's encouraging," Barry muttered.

The speedster watched as Kara gently touched the arrow with her index finger. It didn't even pierce her skin, but she frowned slightly as if it bothered her. 

"You should get rid of it. It gives me the creeps. And we also don't know if there's a tracking device on it." Kara paused for a moment. "Wait, never mind. It doesn't, I checked. But still, you should get rid of it. There's nothing on it."

"I'm not getting rid of it," Oliver said, taking the arrow from the kryptonion's hand.

"Why do you want to keep it? We can't get anything of it," Sara questioned in slight curiosity while both Barry and Kara nodded in agreement as they took a sip of their cold drinks.

"Souvenir," Oliver grunted in response.

Both Barry and Kara, who were taking a swing of their drinks, nearly spewed their drinks out of their mouths, almost choking in the process before swallowing it while Sara let out a chuckle at the two's reaction.

"I cannot believe that word just came out of your mouth."

Oliver shot his friends dirty looks. "You quote me on that with Felicity and I will deny it."

He placed the arrow back in his quiver which looked pretty out of place, one black arrow in a group of bright green arrows. 

Oliver sighed. "At any rate, I'm nearly out of arrows. Unless any of you know how to track down someone who can make more, I'm going to have do with what I have."

It was silent for a moment. Kara and Barry both met each other's gazes before suddenly bursting into laughter, definitely planning on quoting the green archer with Sara joining in the laughter a few moments later.  

Even Oliver cracked a smile, the four temporarily forgetting about the mysterious archer and being stuck on another earth.

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