xii. the battle begins

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Kara walked alongside Oliver through the city streets, watching as the green archer tried to pry more information from a drunken guy about the purple archer, who seemed to be known as Hawkeye. 

At first, when the kryptonian had heard his name, to her ears it sounded like hot guy, making her do a double take as she thought he was addressing it to Oliver before realising that the purple archer's codename was Hawkeye.

Mentally scolding herself for thinking that, she scanned around her surroundings for anything out of ordinary. She wore her suit underneath her civilian clothing as did Oliver, his bow strapped to his back in a storage position.

Kara had noticed that a man was trailing the two of them. He was wearing a leather jacket, a baseball cap and a pair of sunglasses that shielded his eyes. The blonde kryptonian gently tapped Oliver's shoulder to alert him about the stranger.

The green archer turned to his attention to her, grunting in response to show that he'd noticed too, before stopping in front of a hotdog stand, pulling out his wallet to buy some, trying to blend in like a normal civilian.

Both Oliver and Kara watched the man out of the corner of her eye as he passed by the two, and Kara could hear a small voice emitting from ear.

"Have they noticed you, cap?" Kara recognised the man's voice as Iron-Man, better known as Tony Stark.

"No, they haven't," the man that was following them muttered in response. "Clint?"

"Hear you loud and clear, Steve."

Kara snapped her head towards the direction where she had heard the man's actual voice emit from the comm system. Her super vision zeroed in on a blond man casually leaning against a building wall across the street.

He had a large backpack strapped behind his back. Kara narrowed her eyes at it and used her x-ray vision to see what was in it. There was a stored bow inside it with a quiver of arrows, different to Oliver's. 

He was the purple archer.

"Targets are in vision," Clint reported before frowning slightly. "Remind me why the rest of the team aren't here yet?"

"We have to assess the situation first. If we need it, then we'll call them. Bucky, Sam, Natasha, Wanda and Bruce are on standby, and so is Strange if we come to it," Steve stated.

Oliver handed Kara the hotdog he'd bought as the two continued to walk forward with Steve trailing behind them. Oliver then grabbed onto Kara's hand, using the crowd of people to cover them as he pulled her to the nearest store doorway.

"I counted two people trailing us. Hear anything useful?" He asked her.

Steve looked around anxiously, craning is neck to look over the top of the passing people's heads before slipping into the crowd. "I lost them."

"Sort of. They're talking about trailing us. I got three voices. Iron-Man's voice, the one that has a suit similar to Ray's. I don't know where he is, but I'm sure he's around here somewhere. And the archer was the other one," Kara informed.

Oliver nodded as both him and Kara stepped out into the open again before scanning around the crowd for the two trailers. They were nowhere to be seen. Kara strained her ears to see if she could pinpoint their location but it was no use.

The kryptonian suddenly froze, hearing the sound of a weapon firing. "Watch out!"

Kara quickly shoved Oliver to the side as a bright bluish-white beam of energy shot towards the green archer. The blast hit the centre of  Kara's chest, charring her jacket to smoking, blackened shreds of fabric, revealing the S symbol of her suit.

She ripped the charred jacket off, allowing her cape to spill out from behind her and her suit to be in display. The crowds of people surrounding her, scrambled back in fear as Iron-Man dropped down in front of her with a loud thud, his mask lifting up to reveal his face.

"Stand down and no one gets hurt," Tony ordered, holding his arm up.

"Besides you?" Kara taunted, raising her eyebrow as she crossed her arms and hovered several feet off the ground.

"I'm warning you," Tony started, his mask dropping back down. "You are coming with me. I have a few questions to ask you. We can do this the easy way ... or the hard way."

"And what if I refuse? Kara asked, wanting to see if he was serious or not.

"The hard way it is." He pointed his arm directly at her face.

But before he could fire, an arrow suddenly became lodged in a part of his armour, causing Tony to bend slightly over with a groan as sparks began to shoot out from the damaged part of the armour.

Oliver had somehow managed to quickly change into his vigilante gear quickly and out of sight before returning to aid the kryptonian. 

"If it's going to be the hard way," Oliver began in his menacing tone as he notched another arrow into his bow. "You are going to have to deal with the two of us."

It would've saved them a lot of trouble if they had explained right then and there and asked for assistance from this earth's heroes without causing any damage to their surroundings. But it was too late. 

The battle had begun.

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