v. a strange encounter

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Kara managed to catch Barry before he hit the ground while the man also stumbled back but a female, most likely his friend, caught him too as he regained his balance.

"Are you okay?" Kara asked, worry laced in her voice. 

The man smiled at her. "I'm alright, miss." 

He stood up straight, thanking his friend for balancing his fall and adjusted his leather jacket. They both wore caps that covered most of their faces as if they were trying to hide their identities from the public.

The man was as tall as Barry while the woman was about the same height as Kara. Raven-black coloured hair peeked out from underneath the man's cap while the female had dark brown hair. The two looked like they were at the peek of their health and in perfect shape.

The man turned to Barry who was brushing himself off. "Sorry."

The speedster flashed a smile at him. "It's fine. No harm done."

"Well, I hope you're enjoying the city," the man said with a nod. "Um ... may I ask where you are from? I cannot place your accents."

Kara caught a glimpse of Barry, Sara and Oliver's concerned looks for a split second. Both Sara and Oliver were ready to break out their weapons so the Kryptonian cleared her throat to stop the two and answered. 


The three visibly relaxed. They still regarded the two in front of them with suspicion as if they weren't just any ordinary pedestrians. Kara felt the uneasy feeling again and glanced at her friends who by their expressions seemed to have felt it again too.

The man and woman in front of them shared a look too. "Hmm. I've never really heard anyone from Kansas come up here, but then again, New York gets plenty of visitors."

"See you guys around." And with that, the two walked away while the four watched as they disappeared into the crowd.

"He was ... strange," Sara finally commented.

"Strange barely describes it," Barry mumbled under his breath.

"You'd believe he's never seen people from around the world in New York. This city gets like almost fifty-three million visitors a year," Kara stated.

"Isn't that roughly," Barry started, pausing for a moment. "One hundred forty five thousand, two hundred and five people a day?"

"Great. I just had to get stuck with the geek squad," Oliver grumbled under his breath, making Sara chuckle.

"Wow, that's impressive."

"It's nothing, really." Crimson stained the speedster's cheeks. "I can just calculate really high numbers in my head. Not really something I like to brag about ..."

Barry looked down at his feet, walking forward. Kara understood and decided to stop asking him questions. She walked forward beside him as they looked for a place to temporarily stay in.

---⤐ 🏹 ⬷---

"This is not good. This is bad. This is really bad."

Paper littered the ground everywhere as both Felicity and Cisco paced back and forth anxiously while Caitlin watched the two in concern. The monitors had dozens of tabs and webs up, all trying to scan and navigate their missing teammates.

Alex was perched over one of the monitors, scanning for anything useful, trying her best not to show that she was also anxious but failing to do so as she kept pacing around, trying to think of anything that would help them.

"They still have to be out there!" Alex scowled. "They can't just be dead. They can't be. And to think we abandoned them alone."

"Alex," Caitlin said softly. "I'm sorry, but there is no way they could've survived that explosion. Even Kara wouldn't have ... there were some traces of an unknown element in the explosion that could've possibly affected her cellular structure."

Alex turned to her, her eyes puffy and bloodshot but she was trying her best to keep herself calm. Thea sat in the corner silently, her eyes also red from crying as she played with the strings of her bow.

"Who's going to tell Star City that their mayor's dead?" Thea asked quietly from her spot. "Or Barry's family? And the rest of Kara's friends?"

They all shifted uneasily. No one had an answer for her. Ray wandered over to the computers next to Curtis, Cisco and Felicity and examined the screens quietly.

"Um ... how well do these algorithms measure vitals?" Ray asked.

Cisco turned to him. "Pretty good. I designed it myself."

"Well, then ... wouldn't it tell us if they were dead? I mean, all the algorithms are showing us right now is that the connection was severed. Which could only happen when—"

Both Cisco and Felicity sat up. "They were transported suddenly!"

Ray nodded. "Which means they can still be alive."

"And if we can trace back to the last signal," Curtis started.

"Then we can find out where they went!" Felicity finished, sprinting towards one of the computers and began typing frantically while the rest of the tech squad helped her.

Alex looked up and glanced towards the computers. She didn't say anything but Caitlin could see almost all the tension disappear from her shoulders. Caitlin rested her hand gently on the agent's shoulder as she glanced back at her with a faint smile to which she returned.

"I'm going to call Joe and Iris," Caitlin said. "It would be best if they also know about what happened."

Alex nodded. "I'll also contact Winn, Lena and the others. We'll need all the help we can get."

They all nodded and Alex walked off while Caitlin sighed nervously. Just as the bioengineer was about to unlock her phone to call Joe, her phone rang. She closed her eyes and bit her lip before answering the caller I.D. who called her.

"Hey Joe. I need to tell you something, it's about Barry. No ... he's fine. It's just ..."

Caitlin took a deep breath before continuing. "He and ... Oliver, Kara and Sara ... they've gone missing."

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