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thank you all sooo much for reading this fic and all your support on it. this crossover fic was honestly the result of my unhealthy obsession with both the arrowverse and marvel, and because i couldn't find any good ones i decided why not write one myself and here i am finally actually completing it.

i've loved reading all your amazing comments on this and it has always seemed to made me laugh and brighten my day. you guys are all honestly the most amazing readers ever so thank you once again for all your votes and comments. 

i'd love to know your most favourite moment and quote in this crossover fic if you guys have one.

if i had to choose a scene that i loved writing the most then it would be a tie between tony pranking clint and their bickering or pretty much every scene where oliver is pretty much just done with everything and everyone.

barry and kara have pretty much adopted wanda and you can't tell me otherwise. i'd legit just write a full on fic on those three and their relationship cuz they are just adorable cinnamon rolls and must be protected at all costs.

anyways, thank you all so so so much once again and i guess have an amazing day!

WHEN HEROES COLLIDE ➸ avengers x arrowverse crossover ✔️Where stories live. Discover now