iv. an alternate earth

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"There's no Star City, Central City or even National City," Barry said, blowing out an exasperated sigh as he leaned back in his chair.

Barry typed into a computer he borrowed from a local internet cafe. "All I see here are stories about a disaster in some country called Sokovia, killing robots and something about a team called the Avengers."

Kara listened in on a nearby conversation with a couple watching them. They were talking about Sokovia so Kara figured that this country was real, and that meant that the disaster happened too.

"None of us have heard of this country even though it appears to be real. So this means this is possibly—" Kara started.

"An alternate Earth," Barry finished for.

"Great," Oliver muttered, leaning in closer to the three so others wouldn't hear their conversation. 

"Are you sure Barry because the last I got stuck with you, we almost got killed by those alien things." Oliver's tone was slightly menacing.

"Umm." Barry turned a bright shade of red, scooting a little closer to Kara just in case Oliver might break out his bow and shoot him.

"But think about it. None of our cities are listed here and there's a country we've never heard of before," Barry pointed out.

"So, uh, what now?" Sara asked.

"Until we figure out what exactly the bright blue flash of light was and how it brought us here, I have no idea," Barry shrugged.

There was a tense silence between the four. Oliver looked really ticked off but luckily didn't take out anything or anyone.

"Hey, look on the bright side. At least we're not on an earth where we have evil dopplegangers," Barry tried to cheer them up.

Kara shook her head, not wanting to think about the time evil Nazi versions of themselves invaded Earth-1.

Oliver grunted before picking up a carry on bag he had purchased as did Sara for their weapons and slung it over his shoulder.

"So now what?" Sara asked as they walked through the busy streets of Manhattan. "Are we going to stay here?"

Barry turned to Kara. "Remember the first time we teamed up?"

Kara nodded. "Yeah?"

"Well, when I returned back to my Earth, only a second had passed," Barry explained. "Which could mean that only a limited amount of time will pass."

"And what if years have passed?" Oliver grumbled. "Then what?"

"You always have to look on the negative side, don't you," Sara frowned.

Oliver raised an eyebrow at her before suddenly stopping.

"What is it?" Sara asked him.

Oliver shrugged slightly. "I'm not sure. I just got an uneasy feeling for a second."

Kara nodded as did Barry and Sara. "Same here. I don't like it. Whatever it is ... or was."

"Uh, I'm sure it's nothing. Maybe just a side effect of jumping universes," Barry said optimistically but his voice was strained and Kara could see the worry in the speedster's eyes.

"Come on. We should find some place to rest," Oliver said as he started walking again and the rest followed him.

"And eat," Barry added, grinning.

Kara laughed at his statement and was about to playfully swat Barry's shoulder when a man ran right into the two. 

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