xiii. flying license

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Tony snapped the arrow that Oliver had lodged into his armour. "Clint? I found your archer buddy."

"He's mine. Distract him until I get there," Clint grumbled through his comms.

Tony pointed his arm at the green archer, who notched another arrow and aimed it at the tin man, but didn't shoot. His message was clear, he wasn't going down without a fight.

Steve glanced at the flying blonde woman, his grip tightening on his shield. She didn't really appear remotely threatening, but looks could be deceiving. What intrigued him the most was the S symbol on his chest, wanting to know what it stood for and the meaning behind it.

Kara started to hover slightly towards Tony's direction. "Look ... Maybe we can-"

A loud explosion echoed through the air and a repulsor beam hit the kryptonian straight in the chest, cutting her off and sending her flying through the air. She slammed into a nearby car as dust debris flew around her.

Tony held a hand to his ear. "Sorry, what was that? I can't hear you over the sound of my repulsors."

Oliver snarled. "You just made a big mistake."

He re-drew an arrow in his bow only to have the arrow knocked out of his bow by Steve's shield. Oliver turned to Steve, a shocked expression on his face for a split second before he glared at the super soldier, notching another arrow and aiming at his direction.

Steve sighed as his shield returned back to him. "Give up now. We can avoid casualties if you can just surrender now."

"Maybe if you would just listen to us, then maybe I can go without hurting one of you," Oliver hissed, contemplating to release his arrow.

Tony held his hands up in mock surrender. "Whoa? Did robin hood just make a threat? You're outnumbered, dude, and your lady friend is over there unconscious-"

He was abruptly cut off by a blur of red and blue rocketing into him. Steve only saw a glimpse of Kara, who delivered a powerful punch, sending Tony flying and slamming into a street. The billionaire had to admit, she was fast. He regained his balance mid air, flying after her.

There were so many times when Tony had thought that he was going to catch up with her, only for her to skilfully twist around and blast him with laser out of her eyes. He finally caught up to her and was flying side by side with her.

"Pull over, please. I need to see your flying license."

Kara made a face at him. "Oh god. You're worse than one of my friends. Why don't you get off my tail, stop blasting me and let's have a talk."

She was casually flying in the air, her arms crossed as her hair streamed out behind her. The anger in her eyes was temporarily replaced by curiosity.

Tony rolled his eyes. "Oh, using the old tricks in the book, huh? Well, sorry sweetheart, it's not going to work."

Oliver's voice came through Kara's comms. "Supergirl, quit talking to him and punch him already. If he won't listen to you, then the least you can do is shut him up so you can talk."

Kara flew forward before flying back towards Tony with insane speed, landing another powerful punch to his armour as he went crashing down one of the streets.

Tony groaned as he tried to regain his balance. "FRIDAY? I need you to try and hack into her comm system. If I can gain control of it, I can figure out exactly how many more of her friends are there."

"Seriously, Tony? Aliens with comm links?" Natasha's exasperated voice came through his comms.

Tony rolled his eyes. "I know what I saw and heard, Nat."

Steve's voice came through. "Tony, don't you think t's weird for an 'alien' to have a comm link?"

Tony continued to trail Kara, trying to land a hit at her. "No, they probably murdered a couple of SHIELD agents and took their comms from them. But for what reason? I have yet to find out."

One of the billionaire's shots got lucky and hit Kara straight in the back, sending her flying into a building from the impact. He landed in front of her, aiming his repulsors at her face while she tried to catch her breath.

"That was only at thirty percent. Care to find out what a hundred percent would look like?"

"Stop," Kara raised her hand up. "I'm not the bad guy here."

Tony scoffed. "Sure. Exactly what an alien would say."

Kara frowned slightly at his comment but didn't say anything. Before Tony could release another blast, a blur of red smashed into him in a blink of an eye, sending the billionaire flying into the side of a building.

Barry reappeared beside Kara, a concerned look on his face while the kryptonian just waved it off. "Oliver contacted us, explaining us about the situation. Sara's helping out Oliver right now. But he didn't tell it was this bad."

Kara shrugged."They wouldn't listen to us at all. No matter how many times I tried."

Tony groaned for what seemed like a hundredth time today. "Ugh. FRIDAY? How's it going with the hacking?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Stark. Their technology is beyond my capability."

Tony sighed, straightening up as he stared suspiciously at both Kara and Barry, who had their arms crossed. The male in the red suit was the one that had punched him roughly in a spilt second, making him grow more alarmed.

"Well ... are you going to listen to us now?"

Before the billionaire could come up with a remark, Steve stepped beside him. "I'm sorry ... but I am going to have to ask the two of you to stand down."

"Him first," Kara pointed at Tony. "You second. And then we'll consider it."

"Not going to happen," Tony grumbled. "The Avengers never stand down."

"We're not going to fight you," Barry said, crossing his arms as he stepped forward.

Tony and Steve exchanged glances. "Then this makes this a lot more easier."

The billionaire blasted his repulsors at the front of Steve's shield, reflecting the blast straight at Kara and Barry, surprising the two as they were sent flying backwards into the street from the impact. 

Wincing slightly, the two stood back up. Barry and Kara glanced each other, giving each other a certain look as they nodded in agreement. If Tony and Steve were going to tag team battle against them, then two could play the game.

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