xxiv. may we meet again

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Pepper was so confused as she took the elevator up the Avengers building. The city looked like it had just gone through another chitauri invasion but it seemed in much better shape now. With a ding the elevator doors opened and she walked out.

It was rather quiet in the tower, but nothing out of the ordinary. She looked around until her gaze landed on a woman, her blonde hair pulled up in a ponytail and wore glasses who's eyes widened slightly when she realised that she was staring at her.

"Who are you?" Pepper asked but but before Kara could reply, a yell could be heard.

"Make way!"

 Kara turned around as Tony practically flew around the corner, carrying a trash can which contents had ignited. Not paying attention to where he was going, he slammed right into her, causing her shirt to light on fire.

Pepper stared at them in horror, trying to find any water around her to douse the fire but before she could think of anything, Barry suddenly materialised right next to them, holding onto a fire extinguisher. Pressing the handle, white foam exploded out of the tip of the nozzle, dousing both the trashcan, and the billionaire in whip cream.

Clint, Natasha and Sara snickered at Tony's form, the purple archer taking photos of the billionaire for future blackmail as they all watched it unfold while Oliver and Steve just shook their heads in disappointment.

Barry snapped off the spray and held its nozzle at the ready, eye-ing the smoke rising up from both the trashcan and the billionaire he had sprayed the extinguisher on.

"What the hell, speedy!?" Tony complained, holding his arms up as fire retardant dripped from them. "Aim for Kara who's on fire, not for me!"  

"Sorry," Barry muttered, hugging the fire extinguisher to his chest.

The speedster glanced over at Kara who casually patted out the flames on her jacket, not bothered by the fact that she was on fire at all. "Didn't think it was worth it. Err ... no offence." 

"None taken, Barry. I'm fire-proof as you remember the first time we met," the kryptonian snorted, a grin on her face while Barry chuckled too, a fond smile on his face.

"Can someone tell me what the hell is going on here?" Pepper butted in, staring at the newcomers. "Who are you people?" 

"Heyyy, Pepper," Tony smiled sheepishly at her while she glared at him.

"These are our guests," Steve answered, walking towards her beside Wanda, with Clint, Natasha, Sara and Oliver in tow.

"I believe I got you names. Kara and Barry, right?" Pepper said before turning towards Sara and Oliver. "And you two are?"

The blonde assassin flashed her a smile. "I'm Sara and this is Oliver."

"So, who are you guys?"

"We're from another universe," Barry answered cheerfully before looking thoughtful as he scratched his chin. "Or earth if you want to be more specific ... or an earth of another universe which might explain why there aren't any doppelgangers we've seen or vice versa." 

"It's a bit of a long story. Long story short, they're heroes from another universe," Steve added, seeing the confused expression on Pepper's face. "Believe me, it's even taken me a while to understand it." 

"Whom we also fought before finding out," Wanda muttered, smiling sheepishly at Barry and Kara who grinned softly at her in return.

"That explains the city," Pepper deadpanned. 

She glanced at Barry who was still hugging onto the extinguisher with a reddish expression on his face. "Are you okay? You look like you think I'm going to yell at you." 

"I'm fine. Um ... sorry about the whole ..." Barry indicated the foam that coated everything.

Pepper smiled. "Believe me, this is the most normal thing that's happened in this tower."

"And it explains why Tony didn't believe me that mixing silver nitrate, water, and powdered magnesium wouldn't go boom. Well, not exactly since I extinguished it before it exploded," Barry added. "On our earth they do or maybe he did it on purpose." 

The speedster acquired one of Stark's tablets in a blink of an eye and scanned its screen for a couple of seconds."It says here that it reacts the same way it does on our earth. It's amazing how there's even a Youtube on this earth."

"Then he did it on purpose," Pepper clarified and rolled her eyes before glaring at Tony. "Unbelievable, Tony. How many times have I told you to label things."

Before Tony could defend himself, Kara picked up the beeping from their comms once again, a grin appearing on her face. "It's beeping again!"

Barry and Kara disappeared in a blink of an eye while Sara and Oliver ran after them, leaving Pepper confused once again as she stared at the Avengers for answers.

"They've found a way to return to their earth and they'll be leaving anytime soon," Tony said as they all walked towards the four heroes who had hopeful expressions on their faces.

A few moments passed and they were slowly beginning to lose hope until a bright bluish-white portal appeared in front of them. Barry and Kara pretty much squealed in delight while Sara and Oliver had a smile plastered across their faces.

"So this is goodbye, huh?" Steve asked as the four nodded.

"It was nice knowing you all despite our ... rocky start," Kara stated, earning a few chuckles.

The four began bidding goodbye with the group of Avengers who were there. Clint managed to earn a handshake from Oliver which was probably one of his greatest achievements while Wanda stared at Kara and Barry with a sad smile on her face.

"I'm going to miss you two," the brown-haired witch muttered sadly.

The speedster and the kryptonian shared a knowing look before enveloping the teenager in a tight, warm hug. A tear traced down Wanda's cheek as they stayed like that for a few moments before letting go and stepping back.

Barry pulled out a necklace and offered it to Wanda who took it from his hand before examining it curiously and opening the locket. There was a photo inside of the three that they had took yesterday, a goofy expression plastered across their faces.

"Don't worry. You won't get rid of us forever that easily," Kara winked playfully, making the brown-haired witch chuckle slightly.

"I love it. Thank you so much." Wanda gave Kara and Barry a one last quick hug. 

The two then walked back towards Sara and Oliver, who were waiting patiently as they carried the backpacks that stored their suits and weapons before nodding at the group one last time.

"May we meet again." And with that, the four walked through the portal, returning to their own universe.

WHEN HEROES COLLIDE ➸ avengers x arrowverse crossover ✔️Where stories live. Discover now