xxii. bonding time

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Wanda sat back, seated on the roof of the Avengers Tower. Below her, the tops of sky scrapers and apartments reached for her toes but she didn't mind the danger. Even the threat of a freaky gust of wind blowing her off the edge didn't scare her. 

Closing her eyes, the brown-haired witch fell onto her back on the warm concrete and closed her eyes, allowing the cool breeze to wash over her body. Images of her brother flashed behind her closed eyes and a sense of emptiness washed over again.

A shadow fell over Wanda. "You okay?" 

The brown-haired witch's forest green eyes snapped open and she shot up. Breathing heavily, she turned to look who had spoken to her to see that it was the blonde kryptonian who was smiling sheepishly at her.

Kara cocked her head to the side and pushed the pair of glasses resting on her nose up so they no longer dipped down. It was amazing to Wanda to see how a simple pair of eyewear could make her unrecognisable. Instead of threatening, Kara looked rather ... human with her faded jeans and navy jacket.

"Sorry," Kara apologised, flashing her a bright smile before sitting down next to Wanda. "I didn't mean to startle you."

"It's okay," Wanda muttered.

Clint had obviously told the speedster and probably Kara, Oliver and Sara too about her brother because even though Wanda couldn't read Barry's thoughts, the sympathy and empathy radiating off him was so strong that even Tony would have sensed it who didn't' seem to read or get emotional at times.

Barry seemed like he wanted to approach her, but also avoided her, no doubt not wanting to hurt her. A lump suddenly appeared in Wanda's throat and she struggled to swallow it. She felt bad for avoiding him in order to prevent him from reminding her of Pietro's powers and him in general.

"Needed time to think, huh?" Kara sighed slightly as she leaned backwards, using her arms to balance herself.

Wanda stared at the city before her. "Yes. Just needed to clear my head."

The kryptonian stuck her bottom lip out as if contemplating something. "Barry wanted me to talk to you. He wanted to say that he was sorry about ... what happened to your brother."

Wanda sucked in a deep, shaky breath as she tried to keep her emotions in check. "So ... Clint did tell him and he told you."

"If you are afraid about Barry telling everyone else ... you don't have to worry," Kara turned to look at Wanda in the eyes. "He promises to be discrete. I only found out because he talks in his sleep."

Wanda had a stunned look on her face at the last bit of Kara's statement while the kryptonian blushed a crimson shade at her misuse of wording. 

"No, no. I didn't mean I slept with him. Oh Rao. I meant, I heard him from the little room I was confined to because of my super hearing and confronted him about it in the morning. He made sure we were alone when he answered," Kara rambled.

"Good to know," Wanda cracked a small smile at the flustered kryptonian. "What does Rao mean?"

"It's just an old word for my planet's sun," Kara said with a shrug before looking away and staring into the sky. "And sometimes a curse."

"You're an ... alien correct?" Wanda questioned while the kryptonian nodded, letting out a sigh.

"I am the last of my kind. Except for my cousin and I ... there are no other kryptonians alive," Kara stated with a hint of sadness laced in her voice.

"So I guess we both know what it is like to lose someone that we love," Wanda mumbled. "It's why I could connect to you."

The blonde kryptonian nodded and a comfortable silence fell across them for a few moments, the cool breeze blowing their hair locks back softly.

"Sorry about, um, throwing stuff at you and looking into your mind," Wanda offered lamely. 

A wide grin appeared on Kara's face. "No biggie. I've already forgiven you."

The blonde kryptonian appeared to be thinking about something for a moment. "How about we put the whole ... big fight thingy between our teams behind us, huh?" 

"Friends?" Wanda asked, a smile appearing on her face.

"Friends," Kara nodded. "As long as you don't tell Tony that I actually enjoyed handing his behind to him."

The two burst into laughter, picturing the billionaire's face if he heard what they were talking about.

"Am I interrupting something?" The two turned to see who spoke.

Oliver stood with one foot on the helipad, and the other behind the door. He appeared rather unconcerned and unafraid of the drop off around him. He was wearing a thin black jacket that made flapping noises from the gusts of wind that blew against him. 

"No," Kara answered with a smile. "Just ... hanging out."

Oliver grunted and nodded in response. "Barry is trying to figure out how to send another signal back to our team. I just wanted to see how you were doing. Do you by any chance know where Sara is?"

Kara shrugged. "Last I saw, she was sparring with Natasha and the two were planning on pranking Tony and Clint together."

Oliver nodded and walked back inside, leaving the two alone again while a smile grew on Wanda's face. "Everyone picks on Clint when playing pranks. He's just so done with them."

"You should see Oliver when he gets pranked. Barry and I pranked him once by spilling a bucket of slime on his body when he was sleeping. He stood up and grabbed his bow with a speed that rivalled Barry's but the two of us were thankfully gone by then so he had no idea who did it," Kara chuckled at the memory. "Poor Cisco and Winn, our friends who're a chaos when pranking together, were blamed for it and didn't prank anyone for the next few months because of how scary Oliver could be which was great."

"Tony's like that with all of us. He's pranked all of us and one time, we all were sick of it. So Natasha, Clint and Bucky teamed up together and filled his entire lab with sticky notes. It was such a colourful sight to see," Wanda recalled, a small chuckle escaping her lips. "He was really annoyed to take down all the hundred thousand sticky notes that littered his lab all by himself."

The two heroes peacefully enjoyed each other's presence, exchanging stories with one another and completely forgetting about the huge battle that had occurred between the two teams a day ago.

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