x. a meeting

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Wanda entered the meeting room and was surprised to see almost the whole team there, save for Vision, Strange and Thor. Steve was leaning comfortably against one of the chairs next to Bucky and Sam, giving her a small nod to acknowledge her presence.

Clint was seated next to the three beside Natasha with his feet plopped on the table. Bruce was reading a book next to Tony, who was passed out on his chair, almost on the brink of falling onto the ground.

Steve then cleared his throat. "Now that everyone's here, I think we should hear what exactly happened in the alleyway. Natasha, Clint, Tony?"

The blonde super soldier frowned as he stared at the snoring billionaire while Wanda took a seat next to Clint. Natasha rolled her eyes, nudging the free chair next to her which toppled over and smacked right into Tony.

The billionaire bolted upright with a blurry-eyed expression in his face as he yawned. "What? I'm awake. What'd I miss?"

"Nothing much, except for the fact that everyone wants to know what exactly happened in the alleyway," Clint replied.

The purple archer's expression turned into a scowl, making his face darken slightly. He was still mad at the cut that had been inflicted on his arm because of his carelessness and really wasn't in the mood for Tony's jokes. 

Wanda rested a comforting hand on his shoulder for reassurance before turning to the billionaire. "So, what happened?"

"Well, I don't exactly know but I went the opposite direction that Barton and Romanoff went and then a few moments later Nat began screaming in my comm that Clint was-" He was cut off by Natasha.

The redhead rolled her eyes. "I didn't scream in your ear. You clearly didn't listen to me."

"Whatever. I arrived at the alleyway, found Clint bleeding from a wound on his arm, and then he hand me this." He set his hand down on the table with a thud, revealing an arrow.

Steve raised an eyebrow. "You're kidding, right?" 

"No, he isn't. This arrow belonged to the man who shot me," Clint stated.

They all could see that the arrow was similar to Clint's except that it was green coloured and had a narrower arrow head. 

"You sure you didn't shoot him first?" Tony asked jokingly while Wanda had to put her arm out to stop Clint from punching the billionaire.

The purple archer let out a deep sigh, feeling pretty unsure of himself. "I went into the alleyway and looked around for a few minutes for anything but I didn't see anything. And then the hairs behind my head tingled, like the feeling you get that something or someone is behind you and watching you. So, I looked up and saw that there was a man sitting on the roof and looking down at me with a bow in his hands but it wasn't loaded."

"I called him out and may have shot an arrow or two at him," Clint scratched the back of his head in a sheepish manner. "I don't exactly remember what happened next. I was practically trying to stay alive since his skill was about as good as mine-"

Tony suddenly straightened up. "Wait, wait, what? Did you just say that he was-"

Steve turned to the billionaire with an exasperated expression. "Really? That's all you've gotten from his story?"

"Well, capsicle, if it means anything-"

"Boys," Natasha interjected between the two. "Now is not the time for your smack talk. Now would you two mind shutting up?"

That got both of them to quiet down while Clint sighed. "I even made sure to shoot tranquilliser arrows at him so I could .. well, bring him in for questioning. But this guy was like, jeez, a phantom. I couldn't ever place his location or the time slots between his shots. He never managed to knick me once until he caught me unaware."

Clint's had gently skimmed through the wound on his arm. "I asked him who he was but didn't manage to ask him who he was working for. He had a hood on so I couldn't even see his face. He didn't answer to me but instead let out a scary growl in response. I decided to shoot at him and he shot back, using an explosion arrow, both the arrows practically blowing at our faces. And while I was flying back from the impact with lungs full of smoke, he took off without a trace."

There was complete silence for a few moments. Tony then pulled out a security camera feed.

"FRIDAY, play the video," he commanded.

"Right away, sir," the A.I replied.

They all watched as everything that Clint had explained was occurring in the alley. The camera footage zoomed in towards the green archer's face, but was unsuccessful in trying to identify him since his hood was blocking it. 

An arrow then suddenly had appeared in the camera from somewhere. The video footage then suddenly went black, the capital letters signal lost appearing on the screen, implying that the green archer had short-circuited the camera by shooting his arrow. 

"He knew the camera was there, but how? Even I didn't see a freaking camera in the alleyway!" Clint stated, really annoyed.

"You know what this means, right? That he is extremely experienced. His training isn't SHIELD protocol or even my training . You can tell what he's doing from the way he holds himself," Natasha pointed out.

"And he has that other worldly radiation pulsating off of him," Tony added. "But just as before as the other alarms we've gotten, it disappeared as soon as he was away from Clint's radar."

"You mean got blown off my radar," Clint grumbled, spinning around his chair.

"So, what? You're saying he's some kind of ... ghost?" Bucky asked while Tony turned his attention to him.

"No. I'm saying that he might be an alien. And it means that more came through than we originally thought."

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