xvi. assassins vs assassins

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The Green Arrow and White Canary kept exchanging blows with Hawkeye and Black Widow, trying to overthrow one another with their strikes but they seemed to be equally matched, which frustrated the four.

Oliver and Clint were engaged in an archery duel, trying to nick one another with their arrows while Sara's batons collided Natasha's own ones, trying to force the redhead on defence. A few moments later, Oliver and Sara found themselves back to back as Clint and Natasha circled them warily.

"How about we trade dance partners for a while?" Sara offered while Oliver nodded, grunting in response.

Sara rolled over Oliver, throwing one her batons like a projectile at Clint, surprising him but he managed to side step just in time to dodge. He turned his attention back at the blonde who punched him straight in the face.

He grunted in pain, stepping back before landing a punch of his own that Sara blocked while Natasha lunged at Oliver who barely had time to deflect her strike, their weapons colliding with a thud before the emerald archer rolled out of the way.

Clint and Natasha exchanged glances, nodding in agreement before Clint rolled to the side, throwing a smoke grenade on the ground, temporarily blinding both Oliver and Sara as they coughed slightly and swiped the smoke away.

Natasha charged at Sara's blind side but the blonde intercepted the move in time and blocked it it, her hand quivering slightly from the blow but used her free hand to lay a punch at Natasha's rib.

The redhead winced slightly, twisting out of the way in time before Sara could do more damage. The gauntlets around Natasha's wrists sparked as her suit lit up a blue colour. She managed to smack Sara in the chest as electricity painfully shocked and arched through the blonde's body.

Sara gritted her teeth and reeled back away from Natasha, clutching onto her side where the gauntlet had come in contact with. Smoke steamed from her uniform but the Kevlar suit absorbed most of the strike, leaving her body unscarred.

"Did that hurt?" Natasha asked in a slight mocking tone.

Sara smirked dangerously lunging at the redhead. Natasha raised her arms up ready to deflect but the blonde swiped a kick at her legs, sending her to the ground with a hard thud. Natasha rose quickly and went to strike, but received a punch to her abdomen, momentarily knocking the air out of her lungs.

Sara took advantage of that, striking Natasha faster than she could blink with her foot across her face in a roundhouse kick. The redhead's vision turned blurry and her ears started ringing. She tried to get up but Sara put her foot on her chest, pinning her on the sand.

"I think I win," Sara smirked.

Before Natasha could say or do anything, she saw a red blur out of the corner of her eye. She blinked, thinking she was seeing things but when she opened her eyes, she found herself hand cuffed against a light post alongside Clint.

"Hope I wasn't too late," Barry grinned at Sara and Oliver.

"Not at all," Sara smirked back, high fiving the speedster.

A lump filled up in Clint's throat as he stared at Barry. He was a speedster, just like Pietro. A memory of Pietro's bloodied and battered form lying in his arms flashed through his mind. If Wanda saw him, how would she take it?

Oliver, Sara and Barry suddenly heard a cry of pain emit from the comms, knowing it was Kara. The three exchanged worried glances before nodding in agreement. Barry grabbed the two before speeding off.

---⤐ 🏹 ⬷---

Wanda's eyes glowed red as she focused entirely on the blonde before her who took out Sam with ease. She brought her hands up, attempting to get into the kryptonian's mind. Kara fought the witch back mentally as best as she could which surprised Wanda but the witch managed to get glimpses of her past.

A planet burning, her saving loads of people, working alongside her teammates against what looked like Ultron bots, being transported to this world, and trying to communicate with the Avengers that they weren't the bad guys.

The witch also felt so much pain buried within Kara. Pain, sadness and grief all suddenly hit her, surprised how the blonde still managed to stay cheerful and hopeful after all that she'd been through.

Wanda was suddenly punched in the ribs, snapping her out of Kara's memories as she went flying back a few metres. Kara let out a cry of pain, clutching her head as she collapsed on her knees, panting heavily.

The brown-haired witch's eyes snapped towards a man in a red suit, gold electricity cackling around his body and eyes as he glared at her. The witch tried to throw a nearby trash can at him but was shocked to find him dodge it in a split second. 

There was only one person who she knew could do that. And that person was her brother. The man in front of her was just like him.

"Stand down. I don't want to hurt you," Barry stated.

His voice even sounded like Pietro to her ears. Wanda staggered back away from him, her heartbeat increasing while Barry looked at her confusion. While she had realised that they weren't the bad guys, she couldn't stand looking at him.

"Please, go away," Wanda whispered feverishly. "Please, just go away."

Barry stared at her for a moment before disappearing in a split second, carrying Kara away to where Oliver and Sara were while Wanda slowly stood up, wrapping her arms around herself to prevent her body from shivering.

"Pietro, I wish you were here with me," she whispered, hoping for a response but was only met with cold silence and the wind that blew against her face.

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