xiv. the archers and the assassins

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Clint notched an arrow in his bow. Dust debris had filled the sky as he looked around around to see the damage that had been inflicted on the streets. He sighed, shaking his head slightly.

"So much for keeping things low key ..."

Natasha glanced down at him with a raised eyebrow from an elevated piece of concrete she was perched on. "I think we lost Bucky, Sam and Wanda. Comms for Tony and Steve are down too."

"Just what we need, almost zero visibility and possibly no backup," Clint grumbled. "And a mysterious maniac who uses bow and arrows. That's supposed to be my thing!"

Natasha rolled her eyes at his mini rant, dropping down beside him. "Let's see if we find and help Tony. Something tells me that the archer guy we're looking for is probably doing the same."

Clint nodded in agreement and was about to speak when he heard a humming noise from behind him. He instinctively notched an arrow and shot it, colliding into another arrow that was heading for him as they both knocked each other to the ground.

"You again," Clint growled while Oliver regarded him with an unfriendly silence.

"I don't think we were properly introduced last time," the purple archer notched an arrow in his bow.

"My name's Clint, and the lady next to me is Natasha. And what's your name?" He asked.

"You're about to find out," Oliver grunted in a deep, threatening voice.

"Oh, so you can talk. And here I thought you were mute," Clint remarked, shooting an arrow at Oliver, to which he effortlessly knocked aside.

Natasha held her arms up as her gauntlets began to spark with electricity. "Now, how about you give up?"

Oliver raised an eyebrow. "Make me."

Clint shot another arrow but Oliver intercepted it with his own, both the arrows arrows splitting each other right in the middle. The arrows in the emerald archer's quiver were decreasing, knowing he had use the remaining ones he had with caution.

Natasha glanced at Clint. "You're right. He is good."

Clint glared at Oliver. "Where did you get your training from?"

Oliver shot one of his remaining arrows at them in response. It skimmed through Clint's head, barely missing him and lodged itself into the supporter pillar of a nearby building. Clint glanced at the arrow before turning and smirking at the green archer.

"You missed," Clint said, failing to hide the joy in his voice.

Oliver smirked. "I didn't."

The hooded archer pressed something on the straps that was encircling on his chest and a humming noise filled the air as the arrow that was lodged in the pillar began to quiver. Suddenly, Clint's bow and Nat's gauntlets were yanked out of her hands by an invisible force.

They both went soaring through the air and attached themselves to the arrow which was several metres out of their reach. Clint and Nat both stared at their hands in disbelief, never having been disarmed so easily by someone.

Clint retracted a nightstick from the strap on his legs and Nat mirrored his movement, they both keeping backup weapons just in case as they got themselves in a fighting position.

"Okay buddy, as much as I gotta admit that magnetic arrow is awesome. You just made things a whole lot harder for you."

Clint suddenly charged at Oliver, engaging in combat with him as the two exchanged blows. The purple archer swung his arm to land a punch at Oliver, who easily sidestepped. Clint blinked in surprise, knowing that only one person could've dodged that movement, and she was fighting beside him.

Taking advantage of his temporary shock, Oliver swung his bow at Clint, whacking him in the face. The purple archer yelped in pain as he was slightly dazed, stumbling back from the blow.

Natasha suddenly lunged at Oliver, joining in the fight. The two exchanged blows, barely landing an injuring blow at the other. The nightsticks and the bow collided with a clang as they blocked each other's strikes.

Clint kept an eye on the two as they fought, carefully making his way around them and towards the magnetic arrow to try and retrieve his bow.

Natasha managed to flip over the archer's head and wrap her arms around his neck. "You training, I've seen it somewhere before. Where did you learn it?"

Oliver dislodged himself out of her grip in response. Natasha stumbled back from him, trying to regain her balance. The Green Arrow and Black Widow circled each other warily.

"You don't talk much do you?" Natasha noted.

"I don't feel like talking unless you listen," Oliver stated.

While Natasha was confused by his statement, Clint was busy trying to hop like a rabbit as he jumped up and down to try and grab his bow. He let out an irritation growl as his several attempts failed before his fingertips finally managed to grab it.

"What do you mean by listen?" Natasha asked, dropping her guard down slightly.

Oliver glared at her for a moment before lowering his bow and visibly relaxing, letting out an internal sigh of relief. "We are not here-"

"Nat! Watch out!" Clint called, cutting the emerald archer off as he simultaneously shot two tranquilliser arrows at Oliver.

Natasha turned towards Clint, too late to warn him as the arrows shot towards the man. Out of the corner of Clint's eye, he caught sight of a red blur with yellow electricity that passed by. 

When he blinked again, the arrows were nowhere to be seen and neither was the red blur. But instead, he spotted a blonde female in a silver-white suit standing beside Oliver.

"What took you so long?" Oliver asked the blonde in annoyance. "And where did the Flash run off to?"

Sara smirked. "Ran into traffic. And he's gone to help out Supergirl. By the way, how was that for a badass entrance?"

Oliver grunted and rolled his eyes in response. "You're impossible, Canary. Really, traffic? You're hanging around too much with those two."

Sara just flashed him a grin in response before slipping off a container off her back which were stuffed with arrows. "Brought you some reloads. You had forgotten them."

"Thank you," he grunted, taking them out of her hands and restocking them in his quiver.

Sara turned to both Clint and Natasha, who both were on guard in their fighting positions, staring cautiously at her. "So, what are we doing?"

The two were surprised to see a glint of friendliness in the blonde's eyes, unlike her archer teammate, who only seemed to be angry and annoyed most of the time. 

Clint and Nat exchanged glances, knowing they were going to have to up their game, especially with another person who just joined and the two had no idea what kind of 'powers' she possessed, giving them a slight disadvantage.

Clint and Nat gripped tightly onto their bows and nightsticks before lunging at both Oliver and Sara. Oliver's bow clashed with Clint's while Sara dodged a swipe from Nat, retracting her own batons as it collided against Nat's nightsticks with a clang.

Hawkeye and Black Widow were known to be a deadly duo when they fought side by side and had never lost. But they greatly underestimated the dangerous duo of the Green Arrow and White Canary, who were just as dangerous when united, if not, better than the two Avengers.

And they were going to make Clint's and Natasha's life a whole lot more entertaining.


team avengers or team arrowverse?

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