viii. battle of the archers

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"Where are you, you jerk?!"

Clint was in a crouching position, glancing around slowly to try and pinpoint where the arrows had come from. They were being shot from different directions which made it hard for him to predict the place of origin.

He had no idea who was shooting them but whoever it was, he had to admit was as skilled as him, which bothered him incredibly. He had only caught a masculine figure of the mysterious archer, wearing some sort of dark greenish kelvar outfit.

Clint had spotted the man on the roof when he was investigating the alleyway. He had shot a few arrows at him to stop him but the mysterious archer had retaliated it skilfully by shooting arrows of his own in return.

The Avenger had tried to get on the same height as him but it was proving to be difficult. He heard a low humming sound from behind him and turned around just in time to for one of his arrows to slice past his left bicep, leaving a nasty cut.

Clint gritted his teeth, resisting the urge to touch the gash as he stared at the mysterious archer. "You don't talk much, do you?"

The man just stared at him silently while Clint raised an eyebrow, notching an arrow. "Who are you?"

The green archer just let out a growl of annoyance in return. He launched one of his own arrows in retaliation when Hawkeye shot his notched arrow. 

The two arrows flew towards each other and collided, lighting an explosion in the alleyway which threw Clint several feet back. He rolled back against a wall while his bow skidded the other way. 

The purple archer instinctively curled up into a ball as heat contacted his skin and the smell of smoke filled his nose. He inhaled pure heat for a split second before coughing violently.

His ears were ringing and everything was blurry to him for a few moments. The light and noise quickly died down while he tried to sit up against the wall. 

His vision slowly began to return as scanned around the alleyway he was in only to find the mysterious green archer gone from his spot.

Even the arrows that he had shot had disappeared, most likely stolen by the man, save for the one grazed his left arm. 

Clint then forced himself up despite the pain that flared up his body as he shakily got to his feet before limping towards his bow and the arrow.

He frowned slightly as he picked up the arrow with the green fletchings. The purple archer had never seen arrow with that colour scheme or another archer with skills that rivalled his own.

What had just happened?


The said archer turned around to see Natasha running towards him with a worried expression written over her face, picking up his bow. Tony also suddenly dropped down from the sky and in front of the two.

The wind from his blasters made both Natasha and Clint's hair fly back slightly, and at this point they both were used to his surprise droppings, not even flinching. The billionaire lifted the mask of his helmet.

"What happened to you?" Tony raised an eyebrow as he stared at the dishevelled archer. "You look like crap."

Clint scowled, coughing as left over wisps of smoke left his mouth. "Thank you for stating that."

"This is what happened." He tossed an arrow towards the billionaire who almost dropped it when trying to catch it.

Tony raised an eyebrow, examining the dark green arrow gently in his armoured hands as did Natasha. 

"A new colour scheme?"

Clint grunted in response, crossing his arms. "No, that belonged to the man that attacked me."

Natasha raised an eyebrow. "He attacked you? He must've been crazy to attack you."

Clint sighed deeply as he stared at her. "Trust me when I say he was good. And I think everyone should know this."

Tony laughed slightly. "Know what? That you have someone that rival's your abilities?"

Clint shook his head. "No. That we have a problem."

He stared at the arrow that was in Tony's hand which came from the mysterious green archer. "A huge one."

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