xviii. the witch and the kryptonian

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Kara flew over the city, using her x-ray vision to try and find the brown-haired teenager. She found her sitting under one of the shelters. The kryptonian flew down, slowly advancing towards her.

Wanda's bloodshot eyes snapped towards Kara, her eyes widening when she saw her. The witch raised her arms up defensively as her fingertips glowed red, ready to attack Kara, who raised her hand up to stop her.

"Hey, hey, I'm not here to hurt you," Kara stated softly, a warm smile on her face as she took a step forward.

"Please, go away," Wanda whispered in a faint tone but Kara managed to hear it with her super hearing. "I didn't mean to go that deep into your memories."

"I know that you're hurting," Kara said softly. "Believe me, I understand, and I think you do too."

The images that Wanda had glanced through in Kara's mind was horrifying. A world being on fire and aliens that lurked through the shadows. But the feelings that had radiated from the blonde were the worst.

The guilt, pain, anguish, anger and sadness. They were just there under the surface of Kara's mind, buried under her mask of joy and under bright smile. Wanda couldn't seem to shake those thoughts out of her mind no matter how hard she tried.

Kara had experienced such tremendous loss and pain, and still put on a brave face everyday and helped the world with her powers. It made Wanda's own painful memories feel small in comparison.

"How do you do it?" Wanda asked, staring curiously at Kara.

The kryptonian furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Do what?"

"Stay hopeful and bright after everything that you've been through?" The witch questioned.

Kara let out a sigh, sitting down next to the brown-haired teenager. "I don't know honestly. I guess it's what you believe in. I've always believed in hope, help and compassion for all, and fighting for what's right. So I keep on fighting regardless of what others think of me and it helps me get through by the end of the day."

Wanda listened intently before guilt washed over her. "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to intrude into your memories. I couldn't control it."

"It's alright, I forgive you," Kara replied.

The kryptonian heard Wanda's heartbeat spike up at her words, surprised. "W-what?"

"I forgive you," Kara repeated softly, flashing her a warm smile.

Wanda had no idea what took over her but she surged forward, wrapping Kara in a hug as tears traced down her cheeks. The kryptonian's eyes widened before smiling, returning the warm hug, careful to not bruise or crush any of her ribs.

"It's alright," Kara muttered softly. "You're a really brave person to keep on fighting even after everything you've been through."

Wanda didn't know why but she felt safe and protected around Kara. She was the one that actually understood her pain. And her hug felt really warm and motherly, and the brown-haired witch wouldn't mind getting used to it.

---⤐ 🏹 ⬷---

Oliver, Sara and Barry were having the time of the lives (note the sarcasm). It was as if the three were playing an intense game of dodgeball against the Avengers but with actual blasts instead of foamy dodge balls.

"I swear to god Barry, if we make it out of here alive, I'm going to kill you," Oliver growled as he rolled to the side to dodge an incoming arrow from Clint.

"Excuse me, how is any of this my fault?" Barry asked while Sara smirked.

"Well, it's between you, me and Kara. Kara is too precious to kill and impossible to do so, so she's out. And Oliver loves me more so that leaves you to blame," the blonde assassin stated, ducking as Steve's shield flew over her head.

"That is so unfair. At least I'm preventing you all from getting burnt into barbecue from Tony's blasts, Sara. All I see is you flirting with the scary redhead," Barry complained as he zipped around, landing a powerful sonic punch at Tony, sending him flying back.

"Yeah, well I'm multi-tasking, Barry," Sara retorted.

"Would you two shut up and concentrate," Oliver grumbled while both Sara and Barry flashed a smirk at him in response, further annoying the emerald archer.

The three heroes weren't actually going too bad against the Avengers, hoping they might actually have a chance at winning until thunder rumbled and a rainbow beam of light hit the ground in between them and the Avengers, revealing a tall and blonde-haired man, wielding a hammer.

"Haha, you all are screwed now," Tony stated, laughing as Thor stared at the three.

The god of thunder threw his hammer forward at Oliver but Barry managed to grab the emerald archer just in time from him being smacked by the hammer.

"No way, that hammer also defied the laws of physics just like that shield!" Barry stated in pure shock.

"You defy the laws of physics," Oliver grumbled in response while Sara chuckled in response.

"I'm an exception," Barry complained. "I move fast enough to do it. Seriously though, isn't anyone unsettled by this?! This world is crazy-"

The speedster stopped rambling when Oliver glared murderously at him. "I swear I will kill you if you don't shut up."

Barry raised his hands up in surrender. "My mouth is sealed."

The hammer returned to Thor's hand before he raised it in the sky as thunder began to rumble again. He aimed his hammer straight at the three who's eyes widened in shock. Lightning struck at the three in a blink of an eye.

"This is bad," Barry muttered, pushing both Sara and Oliver away protectively before trying to absorb the lightning.

The lightning hit the speedster square in the chest as he went flying back from the impact. The force of the lightning pushed both Oliver and Sara back too as they skidded backwards a few metres, a groan of pain escaping their lips as the world spun around them.

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