15. You Would Not Believe Your Eyes

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Harry woke up to a bright light shining in his eyes again. He shielded his face, but the sun kept shining though. He waved his hand towards the window and the curtains pulled shut. He breathed a sigh of relief, wandless magic was the best.

Harry felt around on the nightstand for his glasses. He hit them with his palm and put them on. He blinked a couple of times, taking in his surroundings. The first thing he noticed is that he was alone in the bed, but it was warmer than usual. He smiled absently at the folded quilt next to him.

He'd learned last night that the quilt indeed belonged to Draco, because the blond cradled it like a baby when he slept. Harry found it adorable, but no one needed to know that. He checked the time, and realized he was going to be late to breakfast if he didn't get ready immediately.

He rushed to the bathroom, remembering to knock this time. There was no answer so Harry assumed it was safe to go in. Draco had apparently already left for breakfast. Harry started brushing his teeth, counting the seconds silently. Then he heard a water tap squeak and he froze. He heard water spraying from a shower. Someone else was in the bathroom. And since Harry and Draco were the only ones with access to said bathroom, there was only one person it could be.

Harry rinsed his mouth quickly. Keenly aware that the only thing separating the shower room from him was a thin curtain. So just at the back of the room- behind the thin plast- NO! NO! NOPE. Harry splashed water on his face, what was he still doing in here anyways?? He needed to leave the bathroom. Immediately would be a good idea. The only problem was, the bathroom door was far. And the mirror was right in front of him.

Harry slowly looked up, NO. Leave, now. Harry told himself. Steam was pouring from the shower and Harry found himself wondering how hot the water must be for it to already be creating steam. Harry snapped his head back down to the floor and tiptoed to the door.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he was safely out of the restroom. Harry Potter you idiot why didn't you just wait?? And why didn't Draco lock the door?? And how can someone be so unobservant that they don't realize a whole other being is in a room with them?? He berated himself silently. But at least Draco didn't seem to notice. They Slytherin would have said something. Right? He frowned miserably and headed down to the common room.

"Oh good, I thought you might never show up." Ron said. "Come on, let's go to breakfast." Ron grabbed Harry's arm and pulled him towards the stairs.

"What Ron- I- What about Hermione?" Harry said.

"That's why we need to go!" Ron said, "She's already waiting down at the Great Hall, I told her I'd wait for you, cause she worries, you know? But really I just wanted to sleep some more. And then you didn't come down from your room and I started to get worried, but now you're here so let's go!"

Harry stared at Ron, thoroughly confused.

"Oh nevermind, just come on." Ron said, "I'm hungry."

Harry allowed himself to be pulled to the Great Hall. He still wasn't completely aware of what was going on. It was too early.

"There you are!" Hermione exclaimed, "I've been waiting forever. I thought you'd skipped breakfast and gone back to sleep." She said to Ron.

Ron turned a little red, "I would never miss breakfast." He said, ignoring the "back to sleep" part. Harry laughed.

Breakfast was over in a flash, and the trio had made their way to potions. Ron had complained the whole time about working with Draco and really, just potions in general. Today they were going to start brewing the healing potion. And as Harry saw Ron pull half of a wooden stirring-spoon out of his bag, he was glad that Draco was in their group.

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