5. Ron, Ron, Ron. Just no.

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Draco met Potter's eyes with his own, neither of them could believe it. They walked back to their room in silence, trying to process it. When they were back in their room, Draco sat on the bed and Potter stood at the door. The Gryffindor was placing his suitcases on the ground and making them their proper size again. When Potter was done with that, he walked over and sat on the other side. Of the bed. The bed. 

"So... one week." Potter remarked. 

Draco blanched. The realization seemed to hit him all at once. "I... guess so." He said. And layed back on the bed. Which didn't last long, because Potter had the same idea, and he was not about to lay his head next to Potter's. Nope! So he sat up straight again. The silence filling the air was horrid, and neither boy was prepared for much longer of it. So Draco was extremely glad when Potter spoke up.

"So. I guess we should probably unpack." Potter said, sliding off the bed and grabbing his luggage. Draco nodded and began to put his neatly folded clothes into one of the dressers. He heard a zipper, and he continued to put his clothes away. 

"Phew! Good that's done!" Potter exclaimed. Draco whipped around and his mouth dropped. Potter had finished unpacking... in 45 seconds. 

"How-?" Draco began to ask. 

Potter seemed to glow, "Magic." He winked. 

Potter winked. Draco spun around, ignoring the odd feeling in his stomach. "Your wand is in your trunk and you didn't say a spell. In fact, I don't think there even is a spell for unpacking." Draco said. Potter laughed, and Draco quickly hid a blush, facing Potter again."Would you like to explain what's so funny?" He said sarcastically. 

Potter smiled, "Wandless magic." He wrung his hands together. "I uh- practiced a bit. Your wand wasn't all that great you know. At least, not for me." 

Draco frowned. "I'll have you know that my wand is amazing. Besides, no one told you to steal it." He said. Potter started to speak, but Draco interrupted him, "And... thank you," Potter met his eyes, and Draco didn't look away, "You know, for returning it." 

Potter didn't say anything for a few minutes, just continued staring. Then he snapped his eyes away, "Yeah, 'course. No problem." Draco tapped his fingers on his leg again. He went back to unpacking. 

The room seemed to warm up, and all of a sudden Dracos clothes shot out of his hands, folding themselves and going into the drawers. Draco whipped around, Potter had his palm facing up, a golden aura shining around him. Potter was grinning like a maniac, and Draco's mouth was wide open.

The aura was shimmering, and Draco found himself thinking of it as beautiful. And it was. A beautiful moment, and the two boys were caught in each other's gaze again. Perhaps it was because of the magic, but Draco knew that Potter felt the same as him, and this moment, this snapshot of time, was... something. If either boy had anything to do about that though, they weren't able to as a series of knocks rained on the door.

Potter broke eye contact, and the golden light dimmed as his palm shut. He looked startled. All of Draco's clothes flew out of the drawers and landed on the floor in piles. He gasped and glared at Potter. 

"Oh no." Potter said.

"Oh no? Oh no??" Draco repeated, affronted. "Potter- how in the world- why? My clothes are everywhere!" 

"Right sorry... that sometimes happens... when I'm startled or... well startled." Potter trailed off. He cleared his throat and covered his mouth, hiding what Draco thought looked suspiciously like a smile. "Uh, well, I can help you pick them up and- er-" He didn't finish his sentence, and started to snicker. He kept his mouth covered, but it didn't matter, because Draco knew he was laughing. 

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