4. Magic

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Draco stayed hidden in the crowd as they were led to the common room. He didn't feel like being the center of attention. He waited for everyone else to enter the common room, before sneaking in himself. He walked straight up the stairs to the boy's dormitories. He found his room, well, his shared room. He closed his eyes and walked in, not wanting to see who his roommate was. He reopened them when he was inside the room and blinked several times, because what he saw couldn't be possible. He must be crazy. He ran outside again and looked at his name on the door. Just his luck, above his name, Harry Potter was written in gold lettering.

Draco groaned and rubbed his eyes, this was giving him a headache. He walked back into the room and looked around. The room was nice, it was spacious and the walls were dark green, very slytherin-like indeed. Draco concluded that Potter wouldn't like that one bit, but he wasn't bothered by this. He thought it would be fun to see Potter's reaction to being surrounded by Slytherin themes... as well as a Slytherin.

Draco tapped his fingers on his leg, and walked to the back of the room. There was a small door, which led to a bathroom. That was good, at least he didn't have to share. Except with Potter. But as long as the Gryffindor had an inkling of organization, it should be fine. Draco placed his trunks on the floor in front of the dresser and made his way back to the entrance, to contemplate this problem some more.

Why on Merlin's beard would there only be one bed?

Potter walked in soon after, seeming as though he had an argument to start. But that went away when he saw "the problem", which was the name Draco had given it, trying to avoid thoughts that included Potter and beds. Draco almost laughed at the expression change on Potter's face. He might, might have grinned just a little bit. A second later, that grin vanished as Potter's friends came barging through the door.

"Ron!" Granger protested, "You cannot just barge into someone else's room. You need to knock."

"But it's Harry!" The weasel argued.

Granger shook her head, "Doesn't matter."

Weasely looked to Potter for help. Potter didn't seem to be in the mood to assist his friend. "She's right Ron... besides, Malfoy's here too." He said.

The weasel was quiet, his face matching his hair.

"Well," Hermione said, "Sorry about that." She nodded at Potter and I. "Ron and I, well, mostly Ron, wanted to 'make sure' that Ron and you were sharing a room." She said to Potter.

"Obviously that isn't the case." Draco said, a hint of resentfulness in his voice. Potter took a step back, and something flashed in his eyes. Draco wasn't sure what to make of that, because it seemed a lot like hurt had flashed through Potter's eyes. But Draco must have been seeing things, because why would Potter be hurt by that? "Besides Weasley, I'm certain you wouldn't like to be in this situation." Draco blurted, trying to get the pained look off Potter's face. He didn't know why. Usually that look would mean Draco had succeeded in his taunts, but now it made him feel, well, he wasn't really sure what the feeling was, but he knew for sure that he didn't like it.

Draco's efforts only worked a bit, but they did change the subject. Potter blushed red and he rubbed his neck. Weasley looked confused, as he always did. Why Potter felt the need to have such an idiotic friend, Draco would never understand. Draco did not like that thought. No, not at all. That meant that he thought Potter deserved better friends... which meant that he cared- no, definitely not. He banished the thought from his mind.

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