12. Herbology, Apologies, and Large Creatures.

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Lunch went by quickly, and before he knew it, Harry and his friends were on their way to Herbology. They found a table that had four empty pots on it. The pots were quite large, and Harry was curious about what they were going to be doing.

Ron stood next to Harry, and Hermione stood across the table. There were 4 pairs of gloves on the table, each in front of a different pot. Ron eyed them suspiciously, before pulling them on. He tore them off immediately with a yelp. "Ow!"

Hermione's eyes widened, "What happened?" She exclaimed.

"I dunno, it burned. But it doesn't anymore." Ron said, examining his hands.

"Well I would expect it's because you did not follow directions, Mr. Weasley." Professor Sprout reprimanded. "It clearly states not to put on any equipment. The rest of the class seemed to have no trouble."

Harry blanched, that was not true. One other student had put on the gloves, but Harry had taken them off even quicker than Ron, but no one seemed to notice him, all eyes were on Ron.

"That has to be against some rule... hurting students." Ron mumbled.

Harry tuned out of Professor Sprout's lecture on the importance of following instructions. He felt the familiar sensation of a stare. He glanced back; Malfoy was smirking at him from the table behind. The blond pointed to his hands and grinned. Harry put his finger to his lips, "Don't tell anyone." He mouthed.

Malfoy pretended to think about it. He nodded slowly, Harry smiled and turned back around. Professor Sprout was glaring at him, and most of the class was staring at him now. His smile waned.

"Are you ready to start the lesson yet, Mr. Potter?" the Professor asked. Harry looked around, noticing all the students had put their goggles on already, even Ron. He placed his goggles on and stared down at the table. He heard a faint snort from behind, and his smile returned.


Harry and Ron left the Greenhouse without Hermione. "Do you think she'll ever stop doing extra credit?" Ron asked.

"No." Harry said.

Ron seemed thoughtful, "You're probably right." He said regretfully. "Oh! By the way, George wanted me to tell everyone that brain-enhancing worms are half off at the store this week, start of school, ya know."

Harry grinned, "Thanks for the tip. We'll have to stop by the shop, maybe get some dung-bombs too. We could launch them in the Great Hall and make a run for it, make sure the twin's legacy lives on."

Ron grinned, "Let's do it mate."

Ron and Harry had made it back to the castle, and decided to make a list while waiting for Hermione. Ron pulled out a piece of parchment, and Harry a quill. When they heard Hermione approaching, they stuffed the parchment in Ron's bag, and acted casual.

"Taking notes about the sky, are we?" Hermione inquired. Harry and Ron laughed, ruining any chance of not getting caught, not that there was one in the first place. Hermione smiled, "What are you writing then?"

"Just a list- cool stuff." The boys said at the same time. Hermione narrowed her eyes at them, but she shrugged it off.

"Whatever it is you're planning, you'd better let me know." She said. Harry and Ron glanced at each other. They may or may not tell Hermione, it all depended. But of course, she didn't have to know that. They nodded at her, and the Golden Trio made their way to Hagrid's hut for Care of Magical Creatures.

"Ron! I swear if you trip one more time- I'm going to levitate you the rest of the way there." Hermione threatened. This was the sixth time Ron had slipped, and he kept grabbing onto Hermione and Harry for support.

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