21. Good Match

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Harry zipped through the air on his Firebolt, he was warming up before their makeshift Quidditch game. Though they only had six people, which would make it quite difficult, the players--mostly Ron and Harry--were determined to play Quidditch.

Harry and Ginny had spent a good fifteen minutes mulling over a parchment plastered with plays. They were trying to figure out just how to play Quidditch with only six players, and by Merlin they were going to play no matter if they only had two players. At least, according to Ron.

Harry scoffed and looked around him, Ron was definitely not over here trying to help figure out the plays. But then his eyes landed on Draco, who was in his Quidditch uniform carrying a broom and he quickly turned back to the parchment. Both he and Draco were seekers, and they would definitely want to stay being seekers. He thought back to his conversation earlier in the week when Draco had wondered aloud if they should play a seeker's game. For old time's sake, of course. But Mcgonagall and Snape had other ideas of how they should spend their afternoons, and graciously supplied them with the homework to do it.

But now, now it was Saturday, and it was Quidditch time. Harry studied the diagram before him closely and then he pointed out a few spots to Ginny. She nodded. Yes, this would work.

Harry called the other four players over, and quickly readopted the mode of Quidditch Captain, and boy did it feel good to be Captain. "Right then, Ron- keeper on my team. Dean- chaser on my team. I'm seeker of course. Ginny is chaser on her team, Albert is keeper, and Draco is the other seeker." Ginny grinned at his use of Draco's first name, Albert-the-seventh-year-Ravenclaw looked confused, and Ron sighed.

"Well? What are you still standing here for? It's Quidditch time!" Harry shouted excitedly, and everyone shot to the sky. Hermione and Neville, as well as a few others sat in the stands shouting encouragement. Neville wasn't entirely sure which team to cheer for. His friends were on Harry's team, but Ginny was on the other team, and if she found out he didn't cheer for her, she'd tell Luna, and then Luna would be upset in a way only Luna could--with sad eyes and lots of nargles--and Neville would feel bad. So he didn't pick, he just waved two flags in the air, one for each team.

The in-place referee, a Seventh year from Hufflepuff, (they'd chosen a Hufflepuff because they were the most likely to be fair), blew her whistle and picked up the quaffle. The players immediately flew to position, Ron and Albert in front of the goals, Ginny and Dean hovering over the center-pitch, and Harry and Draco were in the air flying idly, waiting for the snitch.

Rosemary, the referee, blew her whistle again and threw the quaffle into the air. Ginny swooped up and caught it, headed for Ron's side of the pitch. She threw the ball at the goals and Ron smacked it away.

"Haha! Try again dung-beetle!" Ron shouted at his sister. She flew by him and kicked his broom so he went spinning. "Woah!" Ron said, regaining his balance.

Ginny cackled at him and flew to intercept the quaffle before Dean could get it. Dean however, was already making a goal on her side of the field. "Damn you Thomas!" Ginny exclaimed.

"Woah there Ginny Weasley saying curse words!" The speakers in the box came on and a familiar voice floated through the sound-system. "Now now Ginny-poo, we aren't to be using those words are we?" Fred Weasley's voice sounded.

The two siblings on the pitch and Harry both shouted, "FRED!" They couldn't leave to go see him though, the game was now in full swing.

"And just like that George, they're already in love with me!"

"I think you're in love with yourself."

"Wouldn't that make me in love with you?"

"That's disgusting."

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