17. Hats Off

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Draco woke up feeling warm. But he only had one of the blankets, he didn't have them all like he normally did, so that wasn't why. He slipped out of bed carefully, trying not to wake Harry. He wandered to the bathroom and began brushing his teeth. He glanced at himself in the mirror and a smile spread over his features. He was wearing Harry's hat. The one he'd torn off in embarrassment only the night before.

He couldn't imagine that he put it on in his sleep. Which meant someone else had placed it on his head while he was sleeping. And the only people that had access to this room at night were him and Harry. Draco smiled wider and took the hat off, placing it to the side carefully. He glamoured his hair blue again, noting with a frown that it was looking more teal. It almost resembled the ocean's color. His eyes landed on the beanie he'd only just removed. He smirked.


The potion's room was as dark and gloomy as always. And not for the first time, Harry wondered how mad Snape would be if he were to use a lumos charm instead of candles to see. He drew his wand and was about to do the spell when his thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Draco said. Harry stared at him. Draco was wearing Harry's beanie. The one that Harry had put on him last night. Did the Slytherin decide to keep it? Harry didn't know if he should be upset about that, but something told him that he wasn't. Draco was saying something, "I once used lumos during a potions lesson, and I got detention. Professor Snape has something against the light. Imagine if you did it."

Harry frowned. "I suppose you're right."

Draco nodded, "Of course I am."

Ron made a gagging noise and Harry laughed. They lit the fire under the cauldron and began to heat up the liquid ingredients.

Ron pulled out two halves of a stirring spoon from his bag. He stared at them, contemplating for a moment before offering Harry the spoon end, keeping the handle piece for himself. Harry grinned at him and took the spoon wordlessly. Suddenly, magic whisked over the two halves of the spoon and it mended itself. Ron and Harry both gaped at Draco.

"Honestly, it's a fixing charm we learn in first year. I do believe it's the same one used to fix glasses." Draco said, an eyebrow raised. He peered at Harry.

"I do need to learn that one." Harry said. Draco smiled.

Ron squinted at the spoon, inspecting it. When he didn't find anything wrong, he grinned at Harry, "Good as new-"

"A broken spoon would have compromised the potion." Draco interrupted. Ron scowled. Harry sent a silent plea to someone that they wouldn't get into an argument again. Especially not when there were highly volatile and hot ingredients on the table in front of them.

Harry's plea seemed to work, because Ron ignored Draco. "But now Harry doesn't have a spoon at all." Draco seemed to notice that issue as well, his mouth tugged down in a frown.

"It's fine. I'll just ask Snape." Harry said. He raised his hand but it was pulled down by the Slytherin to his left. A sleek black stirring spoon that looked very... expensive, was placed in his hand.

"No need." Draco said, smiling, "I always have extras." Ron looked at the spoon and then back at his own old wooden one. Draco raised an eyebrow distastefully, "I have one extra. One for me, and one for Potter."

Ron scowled again. Harry wasn't sure what to make of that. Not Ron's scowl, he was always scowling when it came to Malfoy. But why was Draco being so nice? Harry's eyes flicked over the hat Draco was wearing and he bit his lip. Maybe it was best for him to not know why for now.

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