3. It's Not Going to Work~

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Harry was standing at the front of the Great Hall, with all the other 8th years. He heard the doors open again and whipped around to see who came in.

It was Malfoy. Harry assumed that his carriage had been late after all, and Malfoy had in fact, not stayed on the train. Malfoy didn't seem to notice the stares that he was receiving, he had his eyes on the ceiling. Which was certainly breathtaking. The ceiling. Not Malfoy. Harry scrunched his nose, where were all these weird thoughts coming from recently?

Malfoy seemed to finally notice his other surroundings and, avoiding eye contact with everyone, he hurried towards the crowd and found a spot in the back to stand. Everyone seemed to move forwards, as if he had a contagious disease. Malfoy didn't seem to notice that either, or else he just didn't care.

Harry turned back to the front, just in time for Prof- Headmistress Mcgonagall's welcoming speech. Which simply wouldn't- couldn't, be the same as Dumbledore's. That much Harry was prepared for. What he wasn't prepared for, were the rules that the Headmistress had devised.

"Ahem." She said, magnifying her voice with a spell, "Welcome back, all of you. Please find your seats at the new table, located in the middle of the Hall." Just as she said that, the huge tables appeared, except this time, there were five instead of four. Each one was the color of the house it represented. Save for the middle one, it was white. Harry found that... fitting, afterall, white light was only visible one all the other colors combined to make it. They took their seats at the table, and to everyone's surprise, the table changed colors! Wherever they sat transformed into the color of their house. Harry was delighted, and this new display of magic made him, once again, feel like a first year. Their table was all colors now, gold, red, silver, yellow, blue. But there was no green, Malfoy hadn't sat down yet.

Harry quickly stood up, and in doing so, pushed the bench that he was sitting on backwards. He managed to knock over the bench, and with it, Dean and Seamus who were sitting next to him. Dean and Seamus both hit the floor with a groan. Harry almost did the same, if not for Malfoy, who caught his arm as he fell.

"Honestly Potter, have you no grace? You're a Quidditch star for Merlin's sake! How can Gryffindor's best seeker in the past 100 years be so... clumsy?" Malfoy teased.

"I- thanks." Harry mumbled.

"Just returning the favor Potter." Malfoy said.

Harry was confused for a second, before remembering the train. He burst into laughter again. "At least I can secure luggage properly!" He forced out between laughs. Malfoy glared at him, and Harry laughed harder.

"Pick up your mess, Potter." Malfoy said. Usually a comment like that would result in physical violence between them, but Harry was in a good mood, not even Malfoy could spoil it. He's the one who caused it in the first place. Harry bent down and picked up the bench.

"Oh! Dean, Seamus- I'm so sorry!" Harry exclaimed. But they had already stood up, dusted themselves off, and were gaping at him and Malfoy. Harry decidedly ignored their stares.Harry sat down on the bench, which turned gold, and he motioned for Malfoy to sit besides him. Because what kind of person would he be to make him stand? Dean and Seamus also sat back down, but further away. Harry began putting food on his plate, intending to eat, and just enjoy this year. Everyone was still silent, so he looked up, meeting their stares.

"What?" He snapped. "We're all 8th years here. We went through the same war. Had the same problems! And you stare at me as if I'm nothing more than a famous person that crossed your path! Well you can stare! But only at me, not anyone else!" He said, making it clear to everyone else whom he was defending. He went back to shoveling food into his mouth, as if he hadn't just gave an impromptu speech defending his rival.

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