10. Genius

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Hermione and Ron:

Ron watched as Harry walked back into the classroom. "Hermione," he said, taking her hand off his arm and slipping it into his own. "What do you think that was about?"

Hermione smiled sadly at him, "Snape died, Ron. We had only just figured out that he was on our side that whole time. And then there was what Harry saw in the pensieve. Harry needs and deserves answers, and he'll share those with us when he sees fit. Until then, we just have to watch out for him, and help him when he asks." She said seriously.

Ron agreed. "I know that Mione." He said, "I was asking about Malfoy. You said you expected him to apologize, but why would he? He's Malfoy after all."

"Oh." Hermione said sheepishly, "I didn't hear your conversation, but from what I've noticed, it seems as though Malfoy is just trying to make amends for the past. And, it's probably for the same reason you're confused, he's Malfoy, a Malfoy, which meant, like most pure-blood families, excluding your own of course, he had to uphold an image. He was most likely forced into doing what he had to do." She explained.

Ron shook his head, how she managed to get all those words into one breath, he would never understand. "Well, that's a relief." Ron said. Hermione raised an eyebrow at him. "I thought Harry and Malfoy might have become... friends, so Harry told Malfoy to apologize or something equally horrifying." Ron said matter-of-factly.

Hermione gasped. Ron grimaced, here we go. He thought. "Ronald Weasley! You absolute genius!" Hermione exclaimed. Ron raised his eyebrows, that was not what he'd been expecting.

"What did I say?" He asked sheepishly.

"Oh Ron, that's just it. I mean think about it-"

"What am I thinking about again?" Ron asked.

"Harry and Malfoy! They have to share a room right?"

"Yeah?" Ron didn't like where this was going.

Hermione waved her hands around, and Ron drifted away so as not to get hit. "So they both hated," she made air-quotes, "each other since forever, right?" Ron nodded, but Hermione wasn't looking for an answer, she was on a roll, "So tension Ron! Tension! So perhaps that tension turned into.." she seemed to look for a word, "..something else! And now they're not only sharing a room- but a bed too!" Hermione exclaimed.

Ron frowned, "Mione, you hear yourself, right? You're telling me you think Harry and Malfoy are..." he grimaced, "more?"

Hermione squealed. "I don't know Ron! It would certainly make sense! I need a notebook!"

"Oh brother." Ron said, "Well don't get too excited. I don't believe any of that for one second. I know Harry! And even if he forgave the ferret- or even if they're... friends," he said distastefully, "it will never move past that!"

Hermione grinned at him, "Wanna bet?"

"You're on."


"What do you need, Mr. Potter?" Snape drawled.

Harry jumped. He looked around the classroom for the professor, but he didn't see him. His eyes landed on a window, which looked into the black lake. He saw a mermaid swim past, chasing a fish, and he grimaced. Those mermaids were certainly cruel. Harry finally spotted the professor, he was standing at the black board.

"Ahem. Sir. I'm not entirely sure how to put this, but may I ask how you're still... well, alive?" Harry said, cringing at his own words.

"Would you like to tell me how that is any of your business?" Snape asked.

"I just-" Harry stopped, he didn't want to tell Snape about his hopes of bringing his friends back, "Everyone thought you died. Hermione put that charm on you... but it wasn't strong enough to keep you alive. Not really."

"I see even adulthood wasn't enough to get you to keep your nose out of other people's business." Snape said. Harry looked down. "My suggestion is that you ask Mr. Malfoy how I'm still alive. And perhaps you spend more time reading," Snape glanced at Harry's potions book, "and less time, daydreaming." Harry blushed wildly. He was mortified to think that Snape had caught him staring at Malfoy. Snape ushered him out of the room and slammed the doors shut.

Harry stared at the closed doors, and lost answers. Why did he even expect Snape to tell him anything in the first place? And what did Malfoy have to do with it? He felt the beginning of a headache and resigned to ask his friends about it. He walked through the halls quickly to catch up with them.

Harry dogged in and out of the students on their way to class. Luckily, he didn't run into anyone. Although he did walk through a ghost, which was really a terrible feeling. He shook the feeling away and finally caught up to Ron and Hermione. He heard his name. He looked around, but it didn't seem like anyone had called him. He wondered if that was a side-effect of walking through a ghost. "Hey did you guys hear someone call my name?" Harry asked. Ron and Hermione glanced at each other. They weren't about to tell Harry that they had been talking about him and, well... Malfoy.

"Nah, it wasn't us mate, probably one of your fans. Harry! Harry Potter! Can I have an autograph? Please?" Ron made his voice high and pretended to bow to Harry.

Harry laughed, "Shut it Ron." They headed for Transfiguration.


Draco sighed as he walked to Transfiguration. He'd apologized to two people, Weasley and Harry. But he still had the entire world to go. So many people despised him and his family, he had to fix it... somehow. Apologies were a start.

He frowned, who deserved the next apology? He supposed it should be Granger, especially since he'd called a truce with Weasley and Harry. Someone bumped into him, and he fell to the floor. "Watch it." Draco growled.

The person was a 6th year Hufflepuff, "Sorry." he said, "I wasn't looking where I- Oh. Actually," the Hufflepuff pushed Draco down again, "I was." he walked away with his friends.

Draco had half a mind to beat the kid up, but that could very well get him thrown in Azkaban. He just gathered his things and stuffed them in his bag. He ignored the "Death Eater" insults that were directed towards him. Draco stood up proudly and walked to the nearest restroom. If there was one thing his father got right, it was "Never let your enemies see you cry." Although, he'd technically already broken that rule with Harry, but which ones hadn't he broken for the dumb Gryffindor.

"Never let your enemies see you cry, unless they're Harry Potter." Draco fixed it. He smiled, and then he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. "Stupid Hufflepuff." He grumbled. His hair was out of place. He checked the time, and began to fix it.

Updated: February 4th, 2021

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