2. Home

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The train came to a stop with a hiss. Potter jolted forward, along with all of Draco's belongings. The sudden stop had made them fall from the racks above, where they were not secured properly. Draco stared in shock and horror, frozen in place. 

The suitcases stopped centimeters above his head, levitating. Draco's expression didn't change much, but Harry heard him breathe a sigh of relief. Harry allowed the suitcases to slowly float to the floor, where he set them down gently with a flick of his wand. He began to laugh uncontrollably. 

Draco stared at him, incredulous. "And what exactly, Potter, is so funny about this?" Draco grimaced, "I could have died. By luggage no less." He said dramatically. But Potter gave no answer, other than to continue laughing as if Draco's "almost death" was the funniest thing he'd ever witnessed. Draco took a deep breath and allowed himself to relax again. 

As he thought some more about the incident, even he had to admit it was funny. He let himself laugh, besides, what bad did a little self-deprecating humor do every now and then? "Not much," he thought, "Unless that's the only humor you have." Regardless, it felt nice to laugh, even if it was with Potter. That was new. Draco hadn't smiled or laughed in… well, it had been a long time. And for some unknown reason, he had managed to, not only smile, but laugh with Harry "Perfect" Potter. 

Potter eventually managed to calm down, his face was red from laughter. Draco realized with a start, that the train had stopped, which meant they were at Hogwarts. He swallowed, and took a deep breath again, calming himself. Harry noticed this as well, although he made no comment. Potter seemed to have realized the same thing he did, because he shot up from his seat and his face paled a little.

"I've got to get my things!" He exclaimed, running through the door of the compartment. "I'll see you at school!" Potter said loudly as he ran.
Draco blushed. He stared at the door that Potter had just left through, wondering where exactly all that had come from. The laughing he understood, a funny event had occured… even if he didn't feel quite like acknowledging that it had happened. No, he was confused as to why Potter had said "See you at school." Wasn't that something that friends said? And Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter were certainly not friends. So why did Potter say that? And more importantly, why did it make Draco feel so… warm? 


Harry ran as quick as he could back to where his friends were sitting. He didn't even realize what he had yelled to Malfoy. He was in a good mood, and he mostly owed that to Malfoy's terrible skills at storing suitcases. Harry recalled the event with a grin, he didn't think he had ever heard Malfoy's laugh, and to be honest, he didn't think he ever would. But it was nice to see a different, more free, side of the arrogant prat. 

"Harry! Where have you been?!" A familiar voice scolded, "We've been looking for you for the past 15 minutes!" Hermione nagged. But Harry felt pretty great, and he wasn't going to let her motherly nagging spoil his good mood. Her complaints were sort of endearing anyways, because it seemed like at least that wouldn't change. Hermione was still Hermione, even after the war. 

Harry smiled, "I went to get some air, just like I told you."

Hermione wasn't so sure of that, Harry could tell. But hopefully she would let it slide. 

Luck seemed to be on Harry's side. "Okay, if you say so Harry." She said carefully. Harry knew, even if she didn't pry now, it would happen later, or perhaps she would try to investigate by herself. But Harry found that he didn't really care. 
He grabbed his luggage, and shrunk them down, putting the suitcases in his pockets. He hopped off the train with a smile, and walked with his friends to find a carriage to travel the rest of the way to Hogwarts in. 

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