Chapter 34: Sweet Ending

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Harry found that he very much enjoyed cuddling with his boyfriend. Especially when his boyfriend was Draco Malfoy. He grinned and snuggled closer to Draco. There was a tiny ray of sun coming through the window. It danced across the floor and landed on top of the bedspread. It fell on Draco’s face and Harry smiled, Draco looked so peaceful while he slept.
Harry glanced over Draco’s chest at the window. The curtains were pulled almost-shut, and Harry could see the outline of the sunrise. He sighed and brought the blanket up to cover his eyes. He still had a few hours before he needed to get up, so he got comfortable and fell back asleep, still in Draco’s arms.
BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP! Harry groaned and waved his arm to turn off the alarm. The beeping stopped. The first thing he noticed was that Draco wasn’t in bed anymore. The second thing was that his glasses weren’t on the nightstand where he normally placed them. He reluctantly sat up and slid out of bed. He padded across the floor to the bathroom door, and the door opened. He stood in the doorway with his arm raised, still in the position to begin knocking.
Draco offered a shy smile and Harry’s face flushed red. He brought his hand down to his side in record time and smiled back. Draco’s smile grew and he shook his head, he appeared to be laughing internally.
Harry felt his face grow warmer, “What?” he asked, suddenly self-conscious.
Draco let out a puff of breath, “You’re very much in the doorway, Potter.”
Harry looked down and realized that he was, indeed, blocking Draco from leaving the restroom. He folded his hands together, “Oh.” Harry stepped to the left, right as Draco did as well. Then he went to the left, and Draco followed. “I- sorry,” Harry started to say.
Draco smirked and pulled Harry close to him. Draco kept hold of him as he spun both of them around, leaving Harry in the bathroom, and Draco in their room.
Harry laughed and hugged him back. “Why didn’t we do this before?”
Draco turned a light shade of pink, “What do you mean?”
Harry tilted his head, but then grinned, “Date!” he said, with a near-smirk of a grin. Draco turned around quickly and his hands went up to his face. Harry’s grin grew, “You mean to tell me that staring at each other, and cuddling don’t make you bat an eye, but as soon as I point out that we’re actually together,” Harry paused, waiting for Draco to react, “you get all blushy?”
The Slytherin cleared his throat, “It’s not my fault you’re the most easy-to-fluster person I’ve ever met.”
Harry laughed, “You are! You're all blushy!”
Draco’s back straightened, “Get ready for breakfast already, Potter.”
Harry stopped laughing, but his smile didn’t go away (and judging by how happy he felt, he didn’t think it would go away for at least a couple of days). He pressed up against Draco from behind and wrapped his arms around the taller boy’s torso. “I’m glad. I’m glad I can make you blushy and I’m glad you can make me flustered, and mostly, I’m happy. I’m happy that we’re together,” he said honestly.
Draco made a small choking sound and twisted around to hug Harry properly. He leaned down and pressed his lips to Harry’s in a quick peck. Then he squeezed Harry slightly, “Me too, Harry, me too.”
“When do you think Harry and Draco will be coming down?”
Hermione shot a glance at the stairs to the boy’s dormitories and turned back to Ron with a shrug. “Who knows? Harry went after him last night and he hasn’t come out of the room yet. Hopefully Draco wasn't in too bad of a condition. It hasn’t been that long since the court ordeal, maybe Harry wanted to make sure he’s really okay. I would check on him, but I think Harry’s got this one.”
Ron nodded, “Yeah, hopefully he’s oka- Wait! Mione, what were the dates of our bet again?”
Hermione raised an eyebrow, “We already settled that one, we both lost, remember? It’s taking longer than 3 weeks, which was your bet, and mine was only one, so no one won.” she said.
Ron nodded rapidly, “What say you we make another bet right now?”
Hermione thought for a moment, she glanced at the stairs again. She seemed to be calculating something, and knowing Hermione, it was probably the chances of her winning. (Which would be incredibly impressive, seeing as she didn’t know what Ron’s side of the bet was, and therefore, not what her counter would be.)
“Oh, why not?” she smiled at her boyfriend, seemingly content with the odds of her winning.
Ron grinned, “Okay, 2 galleons on them being together already.”
Hermione blinked, “What? You think?” She frowned and then sighed, “Ronald, I think you’ll be winning this one actually. But fine, I bet they aren’t together yet, but will be incredibly soon.”
Ron patted her head and she glared at him before smoothing it down again (as much as her hair could be smoothed, that is.) She reached on her tip-toes to reach his head, (he definitely didn’t bend his knees for her to be able to reach him,) and she patted his hair too.
Hermione got off of her tip-toes and Ron stood up straight. They caught each other’s eyes and erupted into giggles.
“What’s gotten into you two?” Harry asked from behind them.
Hermione spun on her heels and grinned at the sight of Harry and Draco’s linked hands. The two boys didn’t even seem to notice that their hands were entwined. She sighed and dramatically pressed two galleons into Ron’s open palm. “Ronald, this was unfair. I get to choose the next one.”
Ron grinned at her, “Fine by me, Mione.”
Harry stared at their exchange with squinted eyes, and Draco frowned but finally seemed to notice that he was holding Harry’s hand. He loosened his hold immediately, but the smiles on the Golden Trio were so bright, so genuine. They made their way out of the portrait and walked down the hallway, all together. Hermione was telling Harry about some book that he should “definitely read, because it’s an excellent piece of literature, you know?” and Ron was gearing up to put in his two cents on the book, and they were all smiling. Draco glanced down at his and Harry conjoined hands, where Harry’s was slipping away.
Draco felt his face relax slightly, and he wondered why he would relax at seeing his and Harry’s hands. First, he realized that he was frowning at the fact that they were slipping away, and secondly, that for his face to feel “relaxed” going into a frown, he must have been making a different expression before.
Lastly, once all that computed, he understood that he must have been smiling. Really, actually smiling. Grinning even, the kind of grin that makes your cheeks hurt and your eyes squint. And with that thought, he re-tightened his hold on Harry’s hand and walked a little closer to the Gryffindors. Harry looked up at him with a twinkle in his eyes, and Draco’s smile returned.

Updated: October 22nd, 2021


We've reached the end of this fic!! I originally had SO many plans to continue it but it was getting very long,, and I just kept thinking "I'm never going to actually write more in this particular setting." So I decided to end it here, on a happy note. I am planning a sequel :) to continue where this left off,, you know,, with plot and all. Thanks for staying so far! I'll let yall know when the sequel is ready :)

I hope everyone has a nice day, and that something good happens for/to you! :))  Thanks for reading!


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