27. Official Business

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Harry stepped into the floo, and his friends stood beside him. Harry met Mcgonagall's gaze and she nodded almost imperceptibly. Harry blinked and his resolve to save Draco renewed itself again. It warmed him, building from his chest and traveling through the rest of his body. He grabbed a handful of floo powder and held the tin out for Ron and Hermione, they each took a handful.

Harry took a deep breath and they each threw their powder down, "Ministry of Magic!" and green flames erupted until they were gone. They appeared in one of the ministry grates and Harry stepped out of the fireplace into the empty corridor of the ministry. He was thankful for the lack of personnel, because that meant less people to get in the way of his mission.

Ron and Hermione were also thankful that no one seemed to be walking around, because they didn't really think Harry could be trusted to not attack someone who tried to prevent him from going to Draco. They hurried out of the fireplace and after their friend. Ron leaned down to whisper to Hermione, "He's got it bad, mione." A small smile formed on Hermione's lips and she nodded. Then Harry turned a corner and they sped up to almost a jog to keep up with him.

Draco walked in the direction the auror pushed him to. They went down endless dark and creepy hallways before finally reaching the interrogation room. Now that he was in here, Draco wished he could go back to his freezing cell. Ministry officials sat in the stands surrounding him. The auror shoved him to the middle of the circle and forced him into the chair there. The officials above turned a blind eye to the abuse. Draco fought back the urge to make snide remarks; those would not help his case.

The woman strapped him into the chair, much too tightly, and his fingers, which had almost returned back to normal color, began to purple again. He sighed and pressed down on the wood of the chair's arms, relieving only a little of the pressure. Then she walked to the stands and sat down. Draco kept his gaze trained down.

"Mr. Malfoy," the Minister began, and Draco flinched. "You have quite a few charges listed here. Shall I read them off?"

Draco raised his head and glared. "You will anyway."

The minister looked slightly flustered and it almost made Draco smile. That is, it would have if the chair's restraints weren't digging into his wrists. "Well, Mr. Malfoy, I assume you do not have a lawyer? Where might we find him if you do?"

Draco glared again, this one meaner than the last, "I was not allowed to send a letter or notice. I have been underground in an extremely inhumane cell this entire time. How Minister, am I supposed to notify my lawyer in that position? And what makes you think they're a "he"?" Draco couldn't resist using a mocking tone.

The officials didn't look happy about that, and Draco cursed himself silently. Then he also cursed Harry silently, because stupid Scarhead's Gryffindor bravery was rubbing off on him. The minister shuffled his papers and un-pocketed a pair of librarian glasses. He placed them on the tip of his nose and peered down at the charge paper.

"One, the murder of Nymphadora Tonks. Two, the breaking of your parole from being a death-eater. Three, following He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Four-"


Draco felt chills run through him and he craned around in the seat to confirm the voice. Harry stood in the doorway, the doors wide open, and behind him Weasley and Granger were panting. Draco bit the inside of his cheek.

"Harry Potter?!" the minister exclaimed. Harry gave him an ugly look and Draco sighed internally. That was the same look Harry gave Snape when he got told off for messing up a potion. Harry strode forward until he was next to Draco. He looked down at him and Draco felt insecure for the first time about the blood that stained his face and shirt. Draco wiggled his fingers as much as he could to try and get Harry to look at those. He couldn't do anything about the stains, but he might be able to loosen the straps cutting off Draco's circulation.

Harry thankfully understood, and Draco watched as what was an upset expression on Harry's face turned into a look of understanding, and then of anger. Harry turned on his heel and glared up at the minister's podium. The glare was very well executed, and Draco found himself proud of it.

Harry seemed to decide to use a bit a tact about it though, because only a second later the glare was gone, replaced by a mask of indifference. "Can anyone explain why he's been treated so horridly?" Harry asked calmly, though it was obvious to anyone who knew him that he was disguising outrage.

The minister looked at a loss for words, as well as the rest of the officials. The auror from before stood, "He is a dangerous criminal, Mr. Potter. I'm afraid we were only doing what was necessary for the safety of me and my colleagues."

Harry turned his poker face on her. "And what, pray tell, makes him dangerous? His wand? His infinite magical power? His obvious ability to run away at any point?" Harry asked. Draco bit his cheek again to keep from grinning. Harry could apparently be quite the Slytherin when he wanted to.

Draco didn't have his wand, or any idea where it might be. The cells in the ministry drained the prisoners of any extra magic they might be able to use. He was very clearly restrained, and wasn't in any position to be able to escape in a room of highly trained aurors and ministry workers. Harry's sarcastic remarks would make those on the opposing side question their standing.

There was no answer from any of the officials, so Harry quickly kneeled next to his chair and loosened the straps on his wrists. "Better?" he whispered.

Draco wriggled his fingers and sighed, "Thank you." Harry smiled a bit before doing the same to the other hand. Harry's hands lingered over his own for a fraction of a second, and Draco thought he might be imagining things because then Harry was back to facing the minister.

"There is a law preventing inhumane treatment of prisoners. Why wasn't it followed?" Harry interrogated the minister. The incompetent man got flustered again and flailed for an answer.

An official in the back stood, "Excuse me, but we are gathered here to discuss the crimes, and punishment therefore, of Draco Malfoy. We will ask the questions if you please."

Harry did not look like he "pleased" anything about the ministry, but he kept quiet. Draco was grateful for that. As much as he loved the Gryffindor, sometimes, Harry was just a little too Gryffindorish for his, or others, own good. Behind him, Granger walked up and tapped Harry's arm. She whispered something unintelligible and Harry glanced at Draco again before following her. They ventured off into the stands behind him, and Draco was once again alone.

The ministry official sat down and smoothed his robes. The Minister cleared his throat and reshuffled his papers. "Well, if there are to be no more intrusions, we shall continue-" The doors burst open again. "Oh for Merlin's sake, what is it now?"

Minerva Mcgonagall walked in, trailed by a silvery cat. Her patronus. Everyone in the stands sat up a little bit straighter. She pursed her lips at the image before her, honestly, the chair of binding for a student of hers? That was ridiculous. She sat on a chair off to the left of Draco and crossed her ankles. Her patronus circled her feet once before sitting primly next to them. "Well, certainly don't let me interrupt you, Mr. Fell. I am here, as well as my students Mr. Potter, Miss Granger, and Mr. Weasley, to testify for young Draco. I would like to get back to my school as soon as possible, so please, do get a move on."

And just like that, the stunned silence in the circular room was broken, and the trial began.

Updated: May 22nd, 2021


Y'all I'm SOOOOOOO sorry for not updating for such a long time. Especially after that cliffhanger last chapter. I'm not sure if I should write the court scene from here on out, because I'm not too good at doing those types of things, but I might. Perhaps comment what your preferences are? Like court-scene? No court-scene? Idk, I'm terrible at making decisions. 

On another note, I wanted to thank everyone for all the reads and votes and comments!!! I love reading what y'all have to say about my work and enjoy it very much when I gain another vote! So thanks everyone!!!


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