30. Sleep Alone

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Harry had never felt so relieved as he did once he and Draco arrived back in their room. He and the others had flooed back to Mcgonagall's office as soon as the Minister had let them go. Well, first Harry wrapped his school robes around Draco, because Draco hadn't let go of Harry's shirt yet, and Harry could feel the shivers that he was trying to hold back. When they got back to Hogwarts, Mcgonagall had said that they would discuss everything later, so Harry pulled Draco through the halls and back to their room. He regretfully had to let go of the blond, so Draco wasn't embracing him anymore, but he kept a comforting grip on his hand, and walked close enough so people couldn't see between them.

They reached the Eighth year tower in record time and Harry helped Draco through the portrait. He successfully ignored all the students returning from dinner, because yes, believe it or not, the trial had taken all day. He walked past Dean and Seamus, who tried to strike up a conversation but Harry just shook his head, "Not now, guys, sorry."

Harry's only concern at the present moment was to get Draco warm again. He could worry about the aftermath, and oh Merlin the papers, later. He sighed and closed the door behind them. He led Draco over to his bed, (because that's where Draco's blanket was, and he was pretty sure it would have some comforting qualities to it), and wrapped the quilt around the blond. Harry gave Draco a small smile and made to take his hand back.

Draco gripped it tighter, "No, please don't," he whispered.

Harry bit his lip and sighed again. He sat down on his bed next to Draco and the blond leaned into his shoulder. Harry couldn't help but smile again. He had been planning to rush down to the kitchens to possibly get some hot chocolate or soup from the House Elves, after all, Draco hadn't eaten in the past 24 hours. But Draco needed him here right now. Harry wondered, would Kreacher still answer him? Even though he had a new job at Hogwarts? He decided to at least try.

Harry put his arm around Draco's shoulders carefully and whispered, "I'm going to try to call a house elf real fast, okay?"

Draco nodded. Harry held his palm facing the ceiling and channeled his magic through it, "Kreacher," he said at normal volume.

The old elf appeared a moment later, looking as grumpy as usual. "How may Kreacher help the master today?" Kreacher asked in a condescending tone.

Harry grinned, amazed that it worked. "Could you bring us some food? Warm food? And maybe some tea?" Harry asked.

Draco stared at the elf in front of him, completely understanding why his name was "Kreacher", this poor elf was quite the sight. He frowned a bit, "Actually, instead of tea, could it be hot chocolate, please?" Draco asked quietly. He was in the mood for some good chocolate.

Harry looked at him curiously but quickly repeated Draco's words so that Kreacher would listen. The elf gave a creaky bow and snapped away, leaving the room silent again. Draco was slowly warming up, but he desperately needed a shower after lying on the floor of that cell for so long. Harry's robe was helping quite a bit, as was the quilt. Draco sighed, and shrugged away Harry's arm, as well as his blanket.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, alarmed.

Draco shook his head. "Nothing, I want to shower, the cell-" he paused and grimaced, "made me feel gross. I won't take long, don't worry. Be out before the food gets cold."

Harry looked worried anyways, but Draco just gathered his clothes and made his way into the bathroom. He twisted the know for hot water and stepped in, flinching slightly at the water temperature, it hadn't warmed up yet. But very quickly, the water turned to be scalding hot and Draco breathed a sigh of relief.

He quickly washed down and toweled off and dressed in his pajamas. He felt ten million times better just from that short shower, but starving. He padded through the doorway of the bathroom and sat crisscross across from Harry on the Gryffindor's bed.

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