6. The Sleeping Situation

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Draco tapped his leg, thinking. He wasn't sure why he had reassured Pott- Harry. And he definitely wasn't sure why Potter told him to call him Harry. Draco came to the conclusion that he was just a nice person, and that's why he helped Potter. Then he laughed, he'd been called many things before, but "nice" was never mentioned. But believing that he was nice, was better than thinking about what other things it might mean. He stood in one spot for a while, eyes transfixed on the door. He couldn't seem to clear his mind, so he decided to shower.

Draco had already put his toiletries in the bathroom after the hair incident, which he was still very mad about. So he grabbed a towel, and turned on the water.

After a long shower, Draco finally stepped out into the steamy bathroom. He wrapped his towel around himself and reached for his clothes. Which weren't there. Dread filled the slytherin and he wiped the mirror so he could look into it. What an idiot. He cursed himself. He left his clothing outside, in the room. This wouldn't have been a problem if Potter hadn't come back just a minute ago. Draco sighed, and tightened the towel. He turned the doorknob slowly, hoping that Pott- Harry, wasn't paying attention.

Luck seemed to be on his side. Pot- Harry- was sitting on thei- the bed, staring at the window.


Harry trudged back up the stairs, Ron asked so many questions, and Harry was bone-tired. He opened the door, and heard the water running in the bathroom. He came to the conclusion that Malfoy was in the shower, and judging by the amount of steam coming from the crack in the door, he had been in there for a while. Harry flopped onto the bed and stared at the ceiling, trying to decide whether he was tired enough to sleep as is, or if he should change into pajamas.

He figured that sleeping in robes wouldn't be the most comfortable, so he quickly pulled on an old t-shirt and a pair of soft pants. Then he flopped on the bed again. About a minute passed, and Harry was nodding off to sleep, when he heard the bathroom door open. He resisted the odd urge to turn around, and instead, just sat up and stared at the moon through the window. It was very pretty.

In fact, Harry noted, the moon was extremely bright tonight, but it wasn't full. The light illuminated the otherwise dark room, giving it an eerie glow.

Harry began to speak unconsciously, he was half asleep afterall, "The moon is nice. Don't you think? 'Sa shame we have to sleep at night."


"Huh? I mean- yeah, I guess the moon... is... nice?" Draco said, confused. Harry turned around. Draco blushed wildly and pulled the towel tight enough to suffocate himself. He'd be damned if he let Harry Potter see him naked. But Potter didn't seem to notice.

At least, not at first. It seemed as though a light turned on in Potter's brain, and his face turned red in record time. "Why don't you have clothes on?!" He exclaimed, covering his eyes and turning around.

"I-" Draco floundered for words, "It's not my fault you decided to stare at me! One would think you had a thing for guys the way you gawked at me! Besides- I'm wearing a towel." Draco protested.

Draco couldn't see Harry's face, and if he could, he would've seen that it had flushed more when Draco made that seemingly unharmful comment.

"Just put something on already!" Harry near-shouted. Draco smirked. For a second, it seemed like there was embarrassment in Harry's voice, but no, why would Potter be embarrassed when Draco was the one naked? Unless... no. Draco didn't allow his thoughts to go any further than that. He quickly pulled on his silk pajamas.

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