20. Tired

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"When do you think you'll be able to go see Fred?" Harry asked.

"In one week. Mum said so." Ron responded. "She wrote me again, and apparently he's doing pretty good. Making ear jokes to George already." He shook his head.

Harry laughed and stared down at his mashed potatoes, pushing them around. It was Sunday, and Harry was tired. It wasn't that the weekend was tiring, it was great not having class, although Hermione seemed to think they were "wasting time".

"Hermione." Ron whined. "It's Sunday, I don't want to study. And besides, it's only the first week of school." Harry looked up at his friends. Hermione had a book open, as usual, and Ron was begging not to study.

Hermione pursed her lips, "Ron, I only asked if you wanted to go to the library, I said nothing about studying."

Ron raised his eyebrows and he glanced at Harry, who shrugged at him. "So... what would we be doing in the library?" Ron smirked.


Ron groaned and went back to eating. "Then what's the point?" He mumbled. Harry snorted and Ron looked at him, then back to Hermione, "Why doesn't Harry have to study?"

Hermione opened her mouth to respond, perhaps even rope Harry into studying with her and Ron, but she didn't get the chance. "Harry does study." All three pairs of eyes turned to Draco, who stared back at them unamused. "What? Am I not allowed to talk? Only sit here silently?" He asked sarcastically.

"Er- no.. But you don't usually do it anyways." Hermione said. Ron nodded and grabbed another chicken leg.

"Anyways, he's right guys. Hear that Ron? I do study." Harry said and Draco laughed.

"We have to play quidditch next Saturday mate, promise?" Ron said when they were back in the eighth year common room.

Harry grinned, "For sure mate." He yawned, "But right now, I'm going to sleep. Class tomorrow."

Hermione nodded and she kissed Ron's cheek, "Goodnight Ronald." And she left too.

Ron stood in the common room, everyone leaving for bed. "Oi Malfoy."

Draco paused and stared longingly at his bed, which he could see just barely over the staircase. He sighed and turned around on the stairs with a raised eyebrow, "What?"

Ron's eyes widened, like he didn't expect Draco to actually acknowledge him. "I- I just wanted to say thanks for you being nice now. Especially to Harry."

Draco eyed him, unsure whether this was a joke or not. "Civility is a given, seeing as we're sharing a room." He finally said. Ron looked a little confused and Draco sighed. "I don't want to be mean anymore. Nobody's here to make me be a prat, so why would I want to?"

"Just thanks for that then I guess. And," Ron looked uncomfortable, "My brother. Thank you for helping him. Even if it wasn't for him, per say, just thanks anyways."

Draco stared at him for a moment, not giving anything away. Then he continued up to his room. "Potter, did you tell Weasley?" He asked once the door was closed.

Harry was laying on his bed, which he'd decorated with Gryffindor themes, including a small plush lion. He was tossing a golden snitch up into the air and catching it as it came back down. "Tell him what?"

"About the potion."

Harry sat up, and his fingers closed around the snitch. "Of course not. I told you I wouldn't." He blinked at Draco. Draco stared back at him, tapping his fingers again. Harry laid back on his bed and continued tossing the snitch. "Turn off the light while you're there." Harry mumbled.

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