19. Good News

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Harry and Draco stood in front of the door to their dorm, staring at the note plastered on it. Draco raised an eyebrow and began reading it aloud.

"Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy, your "problem" has been fixed, and you will be happy to find that there are now two beds, one for each of you, though I'm sure you have the common sense to figure out that. The house-elves feel terrible about their mistake and they've asked me to notify you that they will be giving you extra deserts anytime you want. (As if they didn't already.), Have a good night. -Headmistress Mcgonagall." Draco read.

Draco grinned and opened the door. "Voila." he said.

"What do you think she meant by, 'I'm sure you have the common sense to figure that out.'?" Harry asked, feeling a little put off.

Draco stepped into the room and sat on the left bed. He squished it and seemed to deem it worthy of belonging to him, because he laid back on it. "Well, my guess would be that she was alluding to your previous years, in which you had almost no sense. Lucky Granger was there, else you and Weasley would be dead." Draco said seriously.

Harry narrowed his eyes but didn't respond, he made his way over to the left side of the room and tossed his bag on his bed. He checked the time and went back to the door. Harry stood in the doorway for a second, staring at the empty back wall, where their old bed used to be placed. He chewed his lip, not understanding why he felt like something was missing. His eyes drifted to Draco, who didn't seem upset about it all and he shrugged away the small sting that he felt.

He sighed and went downstairs to meet Ron for a promised game of Wizard's Chess.

Draco watched him go with a small smile, which evaporated as soon as the door shut behind Harry. The Slytherin frowned at the back wall, laid his quilt on top of the bed sheets, falling backwards onto it. He felt wide awake despite the late time, so he decided to take a shower. Maybe the water would help wash away the last bits of green that remained in his hair.

Harry played a game of Wizard's Chess with Ron, but he wasn't entirely focused. He was thinking about how happy Draco had been to see that they wouldn't have to share a bed anymore. And with that thought, how unhappy Harry had been when he discovered that fact.

"Harry you could at least try not to lose." Ron complained, "Seriously mate, get your head in the game."

Harry blinked at him and he realized that Ron had won on only the third turn. Again. He sighed, "Sorry Ron. I'd say let's go again but I think it'll end the same way."

Ron sighed too and packed up the game board. "What's up mate? You seemed so happy at lunch today? Did Malfoy do something?" Ron asked, he looked slightly uncomfortable, but Harry was thankful for his friend's care nonetheless.

"Something like that." Harry said.

"Should we beat him up?"

Harry laughed, "I don't think that's necessary Ron. We got replacement beds today. We don't have to share anymore."

Ron grinned, "Good on ya mate." He looked up and noticed Harry's half-smile-half-frown and he frowned too, "But I'm guessing that's the reason you're upset?"

Harry grimaced and shook his head, "I don't know." Ron nodded his understanding and bid Harry goodnight. He headed up to the stairs to his dorm and Harry was left alone in the common room. Harry stared at the flickering fire before him, contemplating why he was upset.

He didn't want Ron to be right, because Harry shouldn't be upset about not sharing a bed with Malfoy of all people. He tried to imagine that Draco was anyone else, and sure enough, his made up scenarios of getting a place to sleep alone didn't involve him thinking things over, they were mostly full of small celebrations.

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