24. Visitors Not Allowed

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Draco and Harry arrived at the Headmistress' office, and they hadn't said a word to each other on the way there. Harry had a short conversation with Mcgonagall, in which she explained that they were to be back by curfew. That gave them about four hours. Not enough, Draco thought.

And then they were travelling through the floo, Harry went first and Draco stepped into the fireplace after him. Draco was no longer smiling, because he needed to be calm and collected to be able to help Harry. He needed to be the boy's opposite.

"Mr. Malfoy," Mcgonagall said right before he threw the floo powder down, "You know what Harry has been summoned for, yes?" Draco frowned and nodded. Mcgonagall looked sad, "I know you two haven't had the best relationship throughout your school years, but there must be a reason Harry picked you to go with him for this."

Draco started to explain himself, after all, he had pretty much almost begged to go with Harry because he knew that Potter shouldn't have to go through this alone.

"Ah! Ah, I understand Mr. Malfoy, but you also understand what this means for you?"

Draco frowned even further, if that was possible, and he quickly wiped a tear from his eye, "Yes."

Mcgonagall swallowed a bit of tea, "And yet you still choose to go with him. You know he could very well go back to hating you after this?"

Draco shoved his hand in the floo powder and set it on top of the mantle, "I know." He threw the powder down, "St. Mungos!" And then he was whisked away in the green flames.

Mcgonagall wiped her eyes carefully with a cloth, "He is so very brave Albus." She said sadly.

Dumbledore's portrait paced in its frame, "Yes, as all our students are Minerva. But, as I always say, fear leads to cowardness, and love leads to bravery. I have for a long time felt a startling connection to our dear Slytherins. One might say they aren't that different from their Gryffindor counterparts."

Mcgonagall sniffled and she set down her cup, "No Albus, they aren't that different at all." And she left the room, not willing to be around Dumbledore's infuriating portrait any longer. "That's the whole point of house unity." She muttered.

Draco stepped out of the floo in St. Mungos and walked to the front desk, "I'm here to see Remus Lupin."

The mediwizard at the desk looked up, he pursed his lips when he recognized Draco, "What is your relation to this wizard?"

Draco sighed, he knew this would happen. Why couldn't he have just let Harry wait for him like he'd offered to do? The one time actually giving up self-preservation and here he was needing it. He rustled around in his pocket and pulled out a small card, he slid it across the small counter and the mediwizard glanced at it suspiciously.

Draco rolled his eyes and pressed his index finger against the ID. "I'm Draco Malfoy, Remus Lupin's ex-student, and I believe I have a right to see how my potion has worked on its receivers."

The mediwizard sneered at him but let him pass. "Mr. Malfoy, Harry Potter is also here to see Mr. Lupin. Do not bother them." He said.

Draco stopped walking and sighed, "I'm not going to 'bother' anyone." Then he knocked on room 23, before walking inside.

Laughter from the bed at the end of the room, "Oof! Yes Harry, I'm glad to see you too." Draco recognized the voice of his old teacher and he took a deep breath before continuing into the room. He passed a few beds with curtains drawn and he wondered who might be behind them, who else was here, not being visited? Who behind closed curtains was drinking potions and hoping and praying to get better? Who had sniffling family members instead of overjoyed ones?

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