13. Bet(s)

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Harry realized that his plan was to stay behind with Hagrid to talk and catch up. But instead, he had run off, fearing for his life. He saw Draco heading up the stone stairs back to the castle. It was beginning to get dark, and the sun was setting over the black lake ever so nicely.

Without a thought, Harry called Draco's name. He ran up the steps to catch up to the Slytherin. Draco turned around and walked backwards. He smiled at Harry and the Gryffindor ran faster to catch up.

"You git." Harry said when he finally caught up, "Couldn't have just waited?"

Draco spun back around, walking normally. "No." He said matter-of-factly. "Besides, I figured the 'Golden Boy' would have no trouble catching up, Potter."

Usually, Harry hated names like that, but Draco didn't say "Golden Boy" like everyone else. He said it with distaste, as an insult, not an adoring term. Harry liked that. "I thought you were calling me Harry now." Harry said after a few moments of hesitation.

"When it fits." Draco said. Harry wasn't sure how to respond to that, so he didn't. "Headed to dinner?" Draco asked. Harry nodded. "Ah."

"And you?" Harry asked, cringing at the awkwardness of the conversation.

"Library." Draco answered. Harry nodded again.

"Um." Harry said. Draco looked at him. "I- uh- I didn't mean to eavesdrop... but I overheard your conversation with Hagrid." Draco dropped his gaze to the ground again. "Sorry, I know I shouldn't have. But thank you. For apologizing. It means... A lot." Harry said hurriedly.

Harry noticed Draco tapping his fingers. He seemed to do that a lot. "I didn't do it for you. I'm apologizing because I need to. I mean every word I say." Draco said. Harry could sense his uneasiness.

"I know." Harry said, smiling, "I believe you."

Draco seemed to relax, but his fingers were still tapping on his leg. "Thank you." He said.

"Buckbeak's name is Witherwings now." Harry said, changing the subject. "If you're interested. Hermione and I saved him in third year."

Draco looked up, curiosity bright on his face.

Harry grinned, "It's a long story."

"Well, we have plenty of time, no?" Draco asked. Harry nodded, yes, yes they did.

Harry recounted the story, telling Draco about the time turners and everything. He left out the bits about Sirius and Remus, that wasn't for him to tell. And anyways, when he thought about his god-father, he always teared up. And it wouldn't do to cry. Not now.

Draco laughed, "All of that- for a bird?"

Harry gave him a lopsided smile, "Well, that's only some of it. There's more to the story. But..."

Draco smiled at him. Harry knew he understood. Harry couldn't talk about that part of the story, just like Draco couldn't talk about some of his.

"Well, are you coming with me then?" Draco asked. Harry didn't understand, and it must have shown on his face, because Draco sighed, "To the library Potter." He said, pointing at the room in front of them.

"Oh." Harry said, "I didn't realize we were already here. Yeah, I can study with you. I'm er- not that hungry anyways." His stomach growled. "Ah. Maybe I am."

Draco laughed. "Go to dinner. And if you really want to study, I can bring you books... Harry."

Harry blushed, "Er- yeah. That'd- That'd be great. I'm er- going to eat now." He ran again.

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