1. The Train Back.

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The Golden Trio were returning to Hogwarts after the war. The magical school had been rebuilt and it was like new, well, as new as Hogwarts can get.

The two famous wizards and the one famous witch were going back to school to redo their seventh year and complete their education.

Professor Mcgonagall was Headmistress this year, replacing Dumbledore.

All former seventh years were invited back to finish their education as "Eighth years". It was not required, so of course, Harry and Ron did not plan on going back.

However, Hermione had different plans and made Ron go back, and Ron, who didn't want to be alone at school with his studious girlfriend, convinced Harry to return as well.

The inseparable 3 best friends were now on the Hogwarts Express, heading back to school.

"Why do we have to go back, we are already finished with school 'mione." Ron whined.

"Because Ronald, completing our education is a necessity." His mildly annoyed girlfriend told him.

"Ughh. She always gets us, eh, mate." Ron looked expectanty at Harry.

"Huh? Oh, yeah." The famous wizard said distractedly.

For once, Ron caught on that something was not right.

"Oi, Harry! What's the matter with you? Why are you so quiet?" Apparently, he didn't catch on that there are certain ways to ask things.

Hermione kicked Ron and shook her head at him. "I think what Ron is trying to ask is, are you doing okay? You haven't been acting like yourself lately." Hermione tried to save Ron's lame excuse for care.

"Yeah, guys, I'm fine. I guess I'm just a little worried about going back to school." Harry said.

"Oh. Ok." Hermione said, throwing Harry a look that said she knew he was lying.

And how could he expect her to not see through that lie. He was surprised Ron hadn't realized it. But he guessed even spending a lot of time with Hermione couldn't help Ron that much.

They sat in silence for a while before Ginny popped her head in the door. She was head girl this year, so she couldn't sit with them the whole time like she normally did. "Hi guys. We are almost to the school. The captain said about 30 minutes." She said cheerily.

She sat down very close to Harry. Harry scooted away slightly. But Ginny just inched closer to him. As he kept moving farther away, she kept getting closer and closer. He finally stood up.

"I'm going to get some air." He said, walking out of the cabin. Ginny looked sad and disappointed.

He felt kind of bad because he was technically still dating her, but he had no romantic feelings for her anymore. He still loved her as a sister, but not as a girlfriend. He just didn't know how to break it to her. He decided to ask Hermione later when he got a chance.

Harry walked past many compartments, he heard many snippets of different conversations. Apparently a first year, no a fourth year?, had lost their cat, and found it in one of the toilets in King's Cross? It was all very confusing.

Harry was trying to find an empty compartment so that he could clear his head. He couldn't find one, but at the end of the train there was one that only had one person in it. Usually he would just ask and then sit down, but he wasn't sure about sitting with this particular student.

He decided to take a chance.

Harry sat across from Draco Malfoy, clearing his throat to get his attention.

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