Not an update... sorry

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Okay! First things first, I know it's been a LONG time since I last updated this story! Don't worry, it will continue. But I feel like an apology is in order? So here it is: SORRY!!! 

I have spent the past two months rewriting all of the previous chapters... Yes, it took forever. The writing was just terrible, so I redid it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Now, the writing is MUCH better, and I don't cringe when reading it so that's pretty cool. So as of 02/09/21, all previous chapters have been redone.

Only a few things have changed, but the story line is mostly the same, so there isn't really a need to re-read the previous chapters, the rest of the story shouldn't rely on information in them too much.

Thank you to everyone who is reading this! And a special thanks to my editor- who keeps me from sounding like an idiot! (She obviously didn't edit this AN)

I recently got a computer- which makes writing so much easier than doing it on my phone, so a new chapter should come out relatively soon.

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