25. Alone

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Harry burst through the portrait and rushed to Ron's room. He rained his fist upon the door until it was answered. Neville opened the door just a crack and blinked sleepily at Harry. "Harry? What are you," Neville yawned and interrupted himself, "What are you doing here?"

Harry shook his head, "Nev, wake up Ron please, I'm going to go get Hermione, I need to talk to them, it's urgent."

Neville swallowed another yawn and opened the door wider, "That'll be unnecessary."

Harry followed Neville's pointing arm to Ron's bed. Hermione was curled up into Ron's chest, and Ron was holding her softly. Both were fast asleep. Harry felt a pang shoot through his chest, what wouldn't he give to hold or be held like that. And with that thought, the sense of urgency, which had faded slightly when he saw his friends, reignited and he was shaking both Ron and Hermione until they woke up.

"And we went into the floo, but it took us to the Ministry instead of back to Hogwarts like it was supposed to. I swear I said Hogwarts clearly. And then some aurors pulled Draco away from me and told him he was arrested for killing Tonks. And then they put me back in the floo and sent me here, he looked so scared, Mione. How do I help him?" Harry cried. He'd explained what Remus had told him, and then he told them what happened at the ministry.

Ron was sitting in a chair at the common room table, rubbing his eyes. That seemed to be something he did everytime Draco was mentioned, so maybe it was a stress reliever.

"Well obviously the charge is not correct. There's no way he could have killed Tonks, since he's been at Hogwarts this entire time. Not to mention always being by your side." Hermione paced around the small round rug in between Harry and Ron. She was still in her pajamas, and so was Ron.

Harry sighed, "Hermione, of course it's not true. Draco couldn't- wouldn't kill anyone. I know he wouldn't. Especially not Tonks."

Hermione finally sat down, on a chair in between the boys, and she stared at Harry, "You'll have to be prepared to speak for him again. And you need to get more people, other than just us, to testify."

Harry's jaw hardened and he set his gaze, "I will do anything."

Hermione nodded, and Ron, who had not spoken a word throughout the whole exchange, nodded too. "Then it's time to make a visit to the ministry." Ron said with determination. Harry smiled. Ron and Hermione truly were the best friends someone could ask for.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Mcgonagall now stood in her office. It was currently one in the morning, and Mcgonagall was in her nightgown. "You three! What are you doing out of bed? And Mr. Potter, where is Mr. Malfoy? Why wasn't I alerted immediately that you two were not on time?" Mcgonagall asked, shrilly.

"Prof- Headmistress, aurors arrested Draco, and they told him he killed Tonks! But he didn't! And now we are going to get him!" Harry said.

Mcgonagall placed a hand over her chest, as if to reassure her that she was alive, and that this wasn't a dream. She pursed her lips and waved her wand, her gown transforming into witches' robes. She marched behind her desk and pulled out a tin.

"Sit. All of you. You will not be going anywhere without an explanation," Harry began to protest that his three sentences were an explanation but Mcgonagall didn't let him get as far as a 'but I did,' before continuing her speech, "Tut, tut, Mr. Potter. A thorough explanation. And," she pushed the familiar tin across the table, "you will have a biscuit."

Harry explained everything again to the Headmistress, and the old headmaster's portraits listened in. Dumbledore watched with amused eyes, as if everything was supposed to be happening like this. Harry spoke a little quieter so the portraits couldn't hear. No one needed to know more than they already had, and a few of the people on the walls were quite the gossips.

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