Take Me With Him

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"Kellin Jr! Get back here!" I shouted, whilst chasing after my little boy, he needed to get into the car, we were moving to our first destination, and he didn't seem too keen on leaving the hotel room.

"I don't wanna go mummy!" Kellin Jr shouted, and hid behind Louis' legs, Louis, being Louis, had to stick up for the kid.

"Yeah mum, why can't he stay?" Louis questioned sticking out his tongue. I sighed.

"You know exactly why, Louis." I said, running a hand through my hair.

"I refuse to leave!" Louis huffed, crossing his arms.

"I confuse to leave too!" Kellin Jr nodded, Louis began to giggle.

"It's refuse, you silly!" Louis teased, Kellin Jr pouted.

"I'm not silly! You're a poo bum Boobear!" Kellin Jr teased back. Louis seemed hurt.

"Oh yeah, well you're a-"

"Get in the car now! Or else no tv or dessert!" I shouted, pointing towards the front door.

Louis and Kellin Jr exchanged looks and raced out the door, trying to be the first ones out. I continued checking the hotel room, to make sure no one left anything behind. To my despair, Kellin Jr left half of his toys behind. I knelt down and began packing them into a box, when the window beside me blew in, sending glass flying. I covered my face with my arms, so I wouldn't be effected and packed up the toys even faster. I lifted the small box of toys and turned to leave, but was stopped by a hand on my shoulder.

"Where do you think you're going princess?" came Bass's deep voice. I stiffened all over, but didn't dare make a sound, if any of the other guys heard me, Bass would slaughter be on the spot.

Bass spun me around, so I was facing him, and I refused to look into his eyes, showing full disrespect. Bass smirked.

"You've gotten even better looking. Christian will be pleased." Bass observed, lifting my chin slightly. As soon as Bass let down his defenses, I stepped on his toe, dropped the toy box and spun around, delivering an elbow to his jaw.

Bass stepped back due to shock, and I got him with a kick to his stomach. He dropped to the floor, groaning and cursing as he gripped his stomach. As soon as I was sure he wasn't going to get up, I collected the box of toys and quickly walked through the hotel room, my eyes scanning every nook and cranny to make sure no one was waiting for me to walk past, so they could kid nap me.

I made it out the front door safely, and loaded the box into the boot of the black car, climbing into the front seat, next to Kellin. I was still breathing heavily from shock, and unfortunately, more than one person noticed.

"Kaitlyn, are you alright?" Niall asked, gripping the head rest for my seat and leaning forward. I simply nodded, afraid that if I spoke, my voice would tremble, and show that I'm clearly not okay. Kellin removed his hand from the steering wheel and clasped mine, I looked at him and was faced with those gorgeous blue eyes.

"Baby, are you sure you're alright?" Kellin asked, Niall sat back down in his seat with a huff, obviously his once happy mood was dampened.

"I'm fine, let's just go." I replied, glad that my voice didn't betray me. Kellin nodded and started the car, slowly making his way out of the parking lot.

"Hey mummy, why is daddy chasing the car?"

It all happened quickly then, the car was tossed into the air, it spun around quickly and repeatedly side-over-side. It was almost like gravity disappeared and we were floating. The dreadful sound of metal on metal sounded and the smell of it was burning my nose. The car had stopped moving, but it was upside down, the windows smashed in.

"Is everybody alright?" Liam asked through clenched teeth, even though he was in pain, he was still putting others before him. A chorus of yeses echoed through the car.

"Kellin Jr, honey, are you alright?" I asked, I tried to turn around, but my leg was jammed underneath the glove box and I couldn't move.


"Honey, are you alright?"


I turned my head towards Kellin, who was currently trying to get the door open.

"Is he al-" my words were cut off, by a hand clasping around my neck, I was pulled mercilessly out of the car, through the window, my leg was pulled free, but pain racked through it, as well as the rest of my body.

"I told you I'd find you." Christian smirked, gripping my waist with his arm and pulling me clumsily against him.

The struggles of the boys inside the car were made more clearer, as their wolves slowly edged to the surface, just from the pure sight of Christian. I thrashed about, ignoring the pain in my body, I just wanted to see if my little boy was okay.

"Don't bother struggling, you know strong I am,I could keep you here all day." Christian teased, his lips close to my ear. A growl erupted from my chest and Christian laughed.

"What are you going to do, your wolf won't be strong enough." Christian said. That didn't stop me, the burning pain of the transformation tore through my body, and Christian was thrown back by the size of my wolf.

I turned towards Christian, shaking out my fur. I snarled, pulling my lips back to bare my teeth. I charged forward, and there was a large sound as I was thrown across the carpark. Somehow, Christian's slap was powerful enough.

I could hear Kellin's protective growl from inside the car, and it only took a few seconds before he broke free. At least, I thought it was Kellin.

Niall's sandy coloured fur was all I saw as he lunged for Christian, aiming directly for his neck. I scrambled up as Niall was thrown aside, and caught one of Christian's legs in my large teeth. Christian's scream of pain was shrill, and echoed. I haven't wanted to kill someone, as much as I wanted to kill Christian right now. It was like a blood lust. Niall nudged my neck with his nose, trying to tell me to stop. At first, I growled in response, but after a few more tries, Niall had finally managed to calm me. I released Christian's leg from my mouth, and left him groveling in pain on the asphalt. I turned my attention to everyone in the car, who were currently trying to break free.

I headed over to Kellin's door, and tore it away with my teeth, he climbed out easily, he didn't seem to have any injuries. Christian's cries of pain were still heard, Niall and I exchanged glances and nodded to each other, agreeing to leave him in pain.

I changed into a human, shortly after, and climbed in the back seat of the car, to pull my son out of the car.

"Honey, come on, mummy's going to get you out now." I said, as I reached for him, his head lolled to the side, revealing blood, and lots of it. I immediately checked his pulse.


I collapsed there and then, my heart shattered, the pieces lit on fire with a blow torch. I huddled in a ball, in the back seat of the car, too sad to do anything, too disappointed with myself to even cry.

I was supposed to protect my son, and what a great job I did. I pulled my dead son out of his seat, and held him close to me. Only moments ago, he was running around the house with Louis, jumping on all the couches and being a happy little boy and now look at him.

"Kaitlyn, baby? Are you okay?" Kellin asked, peering into the open end of the car. Niall's scoff was heard immediately.

"Of course she's not okay, her son is fucking dead! Why would she be okay?!" Niall asked angrily. I slowly tuned all of it out and continued gripping onto my sons small body, I closed my eyes as the tears began to fall.

'If you're going to take my son,' I prayed, 'at least take me with him.'

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