Dead Walker Texas Ranger

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"Any sign of Kellin yet?" I asked, sitting at the kitchen table, Niall's eyebrows were furrowed together as he stared at a map on the table.

"I'm sorry babe, it's like he just, vanished." Niall looked up at me with those blue eyes, they comforted me a lot lately.

"It's impossible for someone to vanish." Harry voiced from the lounge. Niall tensed and balled his fists.

"Niall, why are you so determined to find Kellin?" I asked, leaning forward to observe the map myself.

"Because, I can tell this is hurting you. The whole fact that he ran off in the first place is hurting you. You can try to hide it, but I know you better than that." Niall explained, placing a hand over mine.

"That doesn't mean you have to look for him." I pointed out. Niall sighed.

"It's my duty to make sure you're happy. If finding him makes you happy, then it makes me happy too." he assured, smiling his adorable little smile. I returned it and stood up, having him envelope me in one of his Horan hugs.

"Thank you." I whispered into his shoulder, Niall kissed the top of my head.

"There's no need to thank me, I'd do anything for you." he said, I smiled and looked up at him, he wiped away tears that I didn't even know existed.

"I just hope we find him." I sniffed, rather unattractively.

"I know, I do to. Come on, let's grab something to eat. It might take your mind off things." Niall grabbed my hand and grabbed some car keys, I don't remember anyone hiring a car, so that was slightly unexpected.

"Where are we going? There isn't anything close." I asked, Niall spun the keys around his finger as we approached a black Volvo.

"It isn't about the destination, it's about the journey." Niall replied, his Irish accent ringing strongly. I laughed as I climbed into the front passenger seat of the car.

"If we're planning on getting something to eat, then the destination does matter, unless you don't want food..." I smirked, raising an eyebrow. Niall looked appalled as soon as the last words came out of my mouth.

"Me? Not wanting food? Are you crazy?" Niall laughed, started the Volvo's small engine.

He drove fast, but swift, avoiding trees and rocks. I had no idea where we were going, and to be honest, I was scared Niall would crash into a tree sometime soon. I watched his facial expressions as he dodged trees when his eyes suddenly squinted.

"What is THAT?" he asked, slowing the car down and undoing his seatbelt.

"Kaitlyn, stay in the car." Niall ordered, climbing out the car, and jogging a little bit down the road, before stopping and crouching down beside something.

"Niall! What is it?!" I shouted, sticking my head out the window. He beckoned me over, and I got there as quickly as possible.

A person lay on the road, their eyes closed, blood oozing out of their head, they must've been dead. It was impossible for them to be alive, especially since how much blood was on the floor.

"Should we call an ambulance?" I asked, not really knowing what to do. Niall shook his head.

"It would take them hours to get he- wait, something doesn't smell right." Niall stood up quickly and took a few deep breaths through his nose.

"Kaitlyn, get back to the car." Niall ordered, I turned and ran back up the road, the car wasn't there, what?

"Niall, the c-"

"Get back to the car!" he ordered again, his voice full of defensiveness. A twig snapped somewhere in the trees and I stood extremely still, trying to keep my breathing steady. I heard some form of laughter and my wolf was already fighting to get out, something wasn't right, and my wolf knew that.

"Kaitlyn! Run!" Niall shouted, the tone of his voice told me this was serious. I turned and began to run in the direction of the house, my heart began to pump frantically as footsteps began to sound behind me. They were definitely not Niall's, for there was more than one set. I could feel a cold breath on my neck and I immediately transformed and began to bolt as fast as I can, despite my instincts, which were telling me to turn around and rip them to shreds. I turned my head, to look behind me, to observe what I was running from, but nothing was there, I looked forward again and dread settled in my stomach as four people were standing up ahead. I immediately came to a stop and sniffed the air, they smelt sickly sweet, like a lolly that had been filled with too much sweetener. They must've been vampires, nothing else could smell that horrible.

"You've been a very naughty girl." one of them said, he had pitch black hair, like the rest, but his eyes were silver. I gulped and a growled formed, my lips were brought back, to bare my teeth, and hopefully scare the vampires a bit.

"Christian wants us to capture you, but he said we can harm you as much as possible. Be a good girl and maybe we won't hurt you, too much." the silver eyed one said, taking a step forward, I stepped back, and my hackles stood up, sensing the threat. I turned around as quickly as possible, but the vampires were faster, he enveloped me in what seemed to be a giant hug, until they squeezed, there was a sickening crack as my ribs were broken. I whimpered as they kept squeezing, all my ribs had to be broken, there was no doubting it. My skin shrunk as I transformed back into my human, I had taken too much damage to stay as a wolf. I screamed in pain as they lifted me and I was thrown over one of their shoulders. My ribs digging into my lungs.

"NIALL HELP ME PLEASE!" I screamed breathlessly, as the vampires ran into the forest, taking me with them.


A/N: I'm seriously unhappy about this chapter, but I haven't uploaded in ages due to no internet. Also, I was thinking of making a new cover for this story, so if you want to send one in tweet me it (@Nikki_can_flyy) and I might use it, if yours isn't used, I'll dedicate a chapter to you for a thanks. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Thanks for reading! xx

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